A Second Time

I called to You; save me and I shall keep Your testimonies. Psalm 119:146  Chabad Called – We know that Hebrew often repeats words in order to add emphasis.  That’s what you do in a language that doesn’t have punctuation.  But the repetition of the verb qārāʾ in this second sentence might be a bit…

Open Air Theology

Sustain me so that I may be safe, that I may have regard for Your statutes continually.  Psalm 119:117  NASB May be safe – If you read the Hebrew text, you’d recognize this verb immediately, not as “may be safe” but rather as “be saved.”  It is the verb yāšaʿ from which we derive the name Yeshua. …

Saving Grace

But I am lowly and hurting.  Your rescue, O LORD, will protect me.  Psalm 69:30 [Hebrew Bible]  Robert Alter Rescue – By far the most common English rendition of this word is “salvation.”  Virtually all the popular English Bible use “May Your salvation” or something similar.  Given that the Hebrew is yĕšûʿât, it’s easy to…

A Change in Direction

Save me, O God, for the waters have threatened my life.  Psalm 69:1 NASB 1995 Save – Seventeen years ago I wrote something about this verse.  I’d like to correct some of that.  Here’s the original with some corrections and comments (in red): Free Me, Jesus “and you shall call his name Jesus, for he…

Reading Without Vowels

Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore.  Exodus 14:30  NASB Saved – A language without vowels is a language in a state of constant interpretation.  Every time it is read, vowels must be inserted.  That means every act of reading is a personal…

Reading Without Vowels

Thus the Lord saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians dead on the seashore.  Exodus 14:30  NASB Saved – A language without vowels is a language in a state of constant interpretation.  Every time it is read, vowels must be inserted.  That means every act of reading is a personal…