The Covenant

I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. Genesis 17:7  NASB You and your descendants– Are you ready? Are you ready to really deal with the implications of God’s covenant promise to Abraham?  Oh, I’m sure you think that…

Pitchfork Theology

You scrutinize my path and my lying down, and are intimately acquainted with all my ways.  Psalm 139:3  NASB Scrutinize– Been winnowed lately?  When necessary, God takes us down to the threshing floor.  The Hebrew verb, zārâ, is a product of the Israelite agrarian culture.  It means, “fan, scatter, cast away, winnow; disperse, compass, spread, be scattered, dispersed.”[1] …

Chaos Clarity

“I will winnow them with a winnowing fork
 at the gates of the land;
I will bereave them of children, I will destroy My people;
they did not repent of their ways. Jeremiah 15:7 NASB Winnow – How much chaos do you find in your life? Do you think that it might be chaos on purpose? Do…

The Evangelical Mantra

Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”  John 3:3  NASB Born again – By now most of us realize that the translation “born again” is neither proper Greek nor reasonable Hebrew.  A good English Bible will at least…

Repulsive Instructions

“Though I wrote for him ten thousand precepts of My law, they are regarded as a strange thing.”  Hosea 8:12  NASB Strange thing – “Don’t talk to strangers!” we tell our young children.  Why not?  Well, for one thing, strangers may be dangerous.  Strangers may not wish you shalom.  Strangers are to be feared and…

The First Law of Production

Sow with a view to righteousness, reap in accordance with kindness;  . . .You have plowed wickedness, you have reaped injustice. Hosea 10:12 and 13  NASB Sow-reap/ plow-reap – There once was a man who went out to sow.  The seed in his bag was his weapon against starvation.  He spread it across the soil…