Today’s Word
The Answer
For you did not receive a spirit of slavery again to fear, but you received a spirit of adoption, by which we cry “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15 Adoption – Question: “What must I do that I may be saved?” Answer: Be adopted by God. That is the only answer to my plea for rescue. It…
The Question
and brought them out and said, “Men, what must I do to be saved?” Acts 16:30 To Be Saved – How would you answer the jailer’s question? Would you provide him with a typical, evangelistic sentence? Would you hand him a copy of the Four Spiritual Laws or invite him to come to church? Maybe…
The Politics of God
“For there was a deadly confusion throughout the city; the hand of God was very heavy there.” 1 Samuel 5:11 Deadly Confusion – If God abhors sin; do you think He sits idly by and watches evil have its way? If God hates evil, do you think He takes no part in controlling its…
Is Jesus Your Friend?
but I have called you friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from my Father. John 15:15 Friends – Jesus is my Savior. I know what that means. It means that He died in my place, accepting the verdict I deserved. As a result, God views me through Jesus’…
Perfect Peace
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable James 3:17 Pure – The world is obsessed with peace, but, in spite of all its negotiations, has no idea why it reaps only conflict. If we only understood God’s design of the universe, we would see immediately why our solutions fail so…
The Necessity of Pain
Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. Matthew 10:34 Sword – How inappropriate is the message of Jesus in this age! Years ago Francis Schaeffer said that the culture of the West was characterized by two things: the pursuit of…
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