Today’s Word
Retirement Planning
No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly Psalm 84:11 Withhold – Start now! Save. Watch your resources carefully. Retirement, the golden age of relaxation, is a big seller these days. Entire communities are billed as “retirement living.” The advertisement on the radio says, “Will you outlive your money or will your…
What Binds Me
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies Psalm 23:5 Enemies – Who is my enemy? Is he the one who stands against me with sword in hand? Is he the one with a bomb concealed in a bag? Is he the one with a finger on the trigger? Or the…
Displaying the Obvious
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies Psalm 23:5 In the presence of – If you are going to enjoy the feast God is arranging, you will have to give up your microwave mentality. God is a gourmet chef. He takes His time. And when everything is ready, He presents…
Face Time
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies Psalm 23:5 Before – God knows that the best part of a meal is cooking, not eating. Of course, it’s wonderful to enjoy the fruits of the chef’s labor. But it’s far more engaging to be in the kitchen while the meal is…
High Table
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies Psalm 23:5 Table – What kind of table does God prepare for those who walk uprightly (take a peek at Psalm 84:11)? It’s not a trivial question. And it’s not about the table construction. Wood, glass, steel – it doesn’t matter. The word…
Microwave Mentality
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies Psalm 23:5 Prepare – Important guests are coming for dinner. In my house, that means tablecloths and napkins, the best silverware, dishes arranged, glasses placed, silver polished. Of course, cooking the food is not like ordering pizza. Sometimes preparation begins days beforehand. Everything…
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Recent Today’s Word
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