Today’s Word
Prepositional Theology
For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst Luke 17:21 In Your Midst – Older English Bibles often translated this verse as “the kingdom of God is within you”. That translation follows a theological shift that began when Luther translated Hebrews 11:1 with a word for assurance rather than evidence. Over time, faith…
Revering the Name
You shall not take the name Yahweh your God in vain. Exodus 20:7 NASB In vain – The second commandment is the reverence commandment. It demands that we treat God’s name with respect. As we discovered, that means we speak as men and women under His authority. Our words must reflect His character because words…
Name Keeping
You shall not take the name Yahweh your God in vain Exodus 20:7 In Vain – We practice commandment reduction. We assign the context of the commandment to circumstances as narrow as possible in order that we can claim to meet the requirement without having to deal with its real impact. We do it all…
God’s ID
For as his name is, so is he 1 Samuel 25:25 Name – We live in a world of disconnected labels. What is Aleve or Kleenex or Microsoft? Made up labels disguised as names. There is no intrinsic connection between Tylenol and pain, between Nike and shoes or between Mobil and gasoline. We are inundated…
I am the light of the world; he who follows Me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life. John 8:12 Light of the World – Jesus just doesn’t make sense. How can He be the light of the world? The world is already full of light. I can perfectly…
The Way
All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth Matthew 28:18 All – Followers of the Way understand one absolutely fundamental fact. They are not in charge! It seems so obvious, doesn’t it? The basic fact of all existence is that men are not God. God is absolutely in charge. That’s what…
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