Today’s Word

Christmas Dinner: Day 12

“and I will cause you to ride on the heights of the earth, and make you eat with the inheritance of your father Jacob.” Isaiah 58:14 Eat – Do you want to really celebrate Christmas?  Then enjoy an inheritance meal, served up by God Himself.  It won’t be the usual turkey or ham.  It won’t…
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Christmas Pleasure: Day 11

“then you will take delight in the LORD” Isaiah 58:14 Delight – What is more rewarding than seeing the face of a small child opening a brightly wrapped gift?  The excitement, the joy, the anticipation and the sheer delight portrayed in that countenance is more thrilling than all rest of the festivities.  Why?  What makes…
Read the full article Christmas Pleasure: Day 11

1000 reminders: Day 10

“and you shall be called the repairer of the breech, the restorer of the streets” Isaiah 58:12 Restorer – Jesus is born to be the restorer.  If we follow in His footsteps, we must also be the restorers. The Hebrew word shuv is used more than 1000 times in the Old Testament.  It has a…
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Filled To the Brim: Day 9

“and you shall be watered like a garden, and like a spring of water whose waters do not fail” Isaiah 58:11 Watered – Clearly Isaiah was mistaken.  How could he have used the word raweh for “watered”?  After all, the root of this word is rawa, a word that means, “to be satiated, to have…
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Look Up Ahead!: Day 8

“The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land” Isaiah 58:11  NIV Guide – No man would consider climbing Everest without a guide.  To do so would virtually guarantee suicide.  Climbing Everest requires the greatest of preparation and planning, the best equipment and the most trusted guides.  Crossing the…
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The Sound of Prayer: Day 7

“Then you will call, and the LORD will answer; you will cry, and He will say, “Here I am””. Isaiah 58:9 Cry – What does it sound like when you pray?  Are your prayers civil, reserved, circumspect?  Are they rituals of propriety, head bowed, eyes closed?  Do you pray as though you were standing in…
Read the full article The Sound of Prayer: Day 7

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