Today’s Word


“to set free those who are oppressed”  Luke 4:18 from Isaiah 61:1 Free – This is the Humpty Dumpty verse.  And it’s a bit more complicated than it looks.  What the text really says is something like this: to send forth in deliverance those who have been crushed by someone else.  If you have been…
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“to set free those who are oppressed”  Luke 4:18 from Isaiah 61:1 Oppressed – Who are the oppressed?  Do you think about the citizens of third world countries who suffer who ruthless dictators?  Do you see imagines of people in Haiti or the Sudan?  Do you recall pictures of the homeless, the AIDS victims or…
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“He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives”  Luke 4:18 from Isaiah 61:1 Release –  Powerless!  That’s what I felt standing in front of the young man in the jail.  He was only a few years older than my youngest son, but he faced 35 years in prison.  35 years in a cell. …
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“And so my heavenly Father will do to you if you do not each one of you forgive from the heart your brother’s trespasses.”  Matthew 18:35 Trespasses – Jesus was dangerous, especially when it came to forgiveness.  Just how dangerous Jesus was can be seen in the choice of the word for “trespass”.  Matthew could…
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“Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”  Mark 10:38 Baptism – The imagery of Jesus’ baptism is the imagery of the Exodus.  God brought His people through the waters of the Red Sea into the place where He would care…
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“Are you able to drink the cup that I drink, or to be baptized with the baptism with which I am baptized?”  Mark 10:38 Baptism – Jesus puts this question to all of us.  Most of us don’t have any idea what he is really asking, so we respond just like the disciples.  “Oh, yes,…
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