Today’s Word

Amos 8:11

“not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, but rather for hearing the words of the Lord.”  Amos 8:11 Thirst – When I was growing up in the foothills of the Cascades outside Seattle, I often went swimming in the frigid waters of Lake Sammamish.  It’s a good Indian name.  The lake was…
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Blood avenger

“The blood avenger himself shall put the murderer to death; he shall put him to death where he meets him.”  Numbers 35:19 Blood avenger – It all begins with this question:  Am I my brother’s keeper?  It was the most fatal question Cain could have asked.  He asked it on behalf of all humanity –…
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“Then I said, “Here am I.  Send me!””  Isaiah 6:8 Send – God uses a voluntary army.  He rarely drafts soldiers.  In fact, He doesn’t even require that you register for the draft.  He asks for volunteers.  Even Jesus volunteered for the assignment.  God never insisted of service, even for His own Son.  Look at…
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Gave over

“So I gave them over to the stubbornness of their heart, to walk in their own devices.”  Psalm 81:12 Gave over – Fly-fishing with God is a little different than the usual rod and reel exercise.  God instructs us to “cast away” our acts of disobedience.  He tells us that the “bait” found in sin…
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Cast away

“Cast away, each of you, the detestable things of his eyes, and do not defile yourselves”  Ezekiel 20:7 Cast away – You stand before God.  He pulls out the record book of your life and begins to read.  Every sin you have ever committed, every mis-deed, every harmful thought.  The list goes on an on. …
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“The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.”  Numbers 6:26 Peace – Why look at this word again?  We already know that it is shalom, the common greeting among Jews.  We already know that it carries the sense of “well-being”.  We already know that it is used more than 250 times…
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