Today’s Word

Necessary will (had)

“Why is it that you were looking for me?  Did you not know that I had to be in My Father’s house?” Luke 2:49 Necessary will (had) – But this is so curious?  The words “necessary will” aren’t in the English verse at all.  So, why are we looking for them here?  Be patient.  There…
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“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth;”  Revelation 21:1 New – If heaven is such a wonderful place, why does God need a “new” one?   We would all agree that a “new” earth would be nice.  We would like to see the problems of this earth disappear, the balance of life restored,…
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Look at us

“And Peter, along with John, fixed his gaze upon him and said, “Look at us!””  Acts 3:4 Look at us – “How are you today?”  “Fine.”  “What’s up, man?”  “Nothing much.”  “How’s it going?”  “Great.”  Non-answers.  When we ask questions like this, we really don’t want to know the true answers.  It’s just passing conversation….
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“He found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah””  John 1:41 Found – The urgency got left out.  This verse puts emphasis on the first thing that Andrew did when he met Jesus.  But this translation (NASB) leaves out the word first (Greek  protos).  Andrew didn’t hesitate.  He immediately…
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Face fell

“But at these words his face fell, and he went away grieved, for he was one who owned much property.”  Mark 10:22 Face fell – The face is the weather map of the soul.   If we are attuned to the signs, we can read the soul as easily as watching the local news.  Jesus was…
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“Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”  Matthew 16:26 Exchange – How much is it worth?  That’s the question.  Not, “How much does it cost?”  The biggest issue in life is not about cost.  It is about value.  The best way to understand this verse is to use the imagery of…
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