Today’s Word

Vav – Some Hebrew Magic (2)

May Your favor also come to me, Lord, Your salvation according to Your [o]word; Psalm 119:41  NASB Also come to me – וִֽיבֹאֻ֣נִי  Oh my, what a lot is packed into such a small word!  We’ve explored the oddity of “come” and “go.”  We’ve noticed the shift in tense from future to past.  We’ve looked at the jussive “wish.” …
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Vav – Some Hebrew Magic (1)

May Your favor also come to me, Lord, Your salvation according to Your [o]word; Psalm 119:41  NASB Also come to me – Here’s the vav section of our acrostic.  Notice the first word of the first line –  וִֽיבֹאֻ֣נִי.  You’ll see the vav but you might not know how it works.  Let me explain.  Vav has two functions.  As…
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Forest and Trees

Aleph . . . Hey   Psalm 119:1-40 The Acrostic Thus Far It’s easy to not see the forest for the trees.  We’ve been looking closely at the trees for forty verses, and we’ve discovered amazing things.  The details of word choice, the interesting and commanding twists in grammar, the skill of the poet to create…
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Shame on You

Take away my disgrace which I dread, for Your judgments are good. Psalm 119:39  NASB Disgrace – by now we’ve learned that shame in the ancient Semitic world is not an inner psychological state.  It is public disgrace.  Now we need to know what “disgrace” means in this ancient world.  The word is ḥerpâ. In…
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Once Upon a Time

Behold, I long for Your precepts; revive me through Your righteousness. Psalm 119:40  NASB Long – Well, it’s not exactly a hapax legomenon, but it might as well be.  tāʾeb, translated “long for,” is used only twice; once here and once in verse 174 (which we will eventually examine).  Since it is only found in this…
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The True Foundation

Establish Your [m]word to Your servant as that which produces reverence for You.  Psalm 119:38  NASB [m]word – Notice the footnote attached to this translation.  That note is to tell you that the usual Hebrew isn’t what we have in this verse.  Instead of dābār we find ʾimrâ, both translated “word” in English so you wouldn’t…
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