Today’s Word
The Sadducees Return
“For the resurrection of the dead I am on trial before you today!” NASB Acts 24:21b Resurrection of the dead – The Amidah is the daily sacred prayer of Judaism. It has been so for thousands of years. In many ways, it is treated like the Tanakh itself, held in highest honor as the best…
Break Time
Rome. Today I find out if I can travel again.
Unconscionable Lightness
“Cry loudly, do not hold back; Raise your voice like a trumpet, and declare to My people their wrongdoing, and to the house of Jacob their sins.” Isaiah 58:1 NASB Wrongdoing – What do you really want? What is so important that everything else pales by comparison? What is the one thing you absolutely must have…
Fear Not – Except (Once More)
Hear the word of the Lord, you who tremble at His word: “Your brothers who hate you, who exclude you for My name’s sake, . . . Isaiah 66:5 NASB Tremble – Not very often, but when it happens—watch out! That’s my advice about ḥārēdim, the Hebrew word translated “tremble.” It’s only used five times, but…
Night Terrors (Rewind)
I sought the Lord, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4 NASB Fears – Have any of your really bad dreams turned out to be real? Do you sometimes feel as if you are living in a nightmare? Even a cursory look at human history will convince you that…
The Age of Silence
Certainly the Lord God does nothing unless He reveals His secret plan to His servants the prophets. Amos 3:7 NASB Unless – But Amos must have been mistaken, don’t you think? Maybe what he said was true when the Lord actually appointed prophets for Israel, but today, well, today we live in a world of spiritual silence. Oh,…
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Recent Today’s Word
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- The Good Old Days
- Too Close for Comfort (1)
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