Today’s Word
Waiting for Godot
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4 NASB Mourn – Samuel Beckett’s play raises a critical question for humanity. It does so with a kind of dramatic insanity. “Vivian Mercier described Waiting for Godot as a play which ‘has achieved a theoretical impossibility—a play in which nothing happens, that yet keeps audiences glued…
A Sadness in His Eyes
But when he had heard these things, he became very sad, for he was extremely wealthy. Luke 18:23 NASB Very sad – Let’s talk about sad. Not the most comfortable topic, but I’m sure it’s one we have experienced. Grief might be a disease that cannot be seen, but sadness has a face. Unfortunately, those…
The Peaceful War Against Evil
When you go out to battle against your enemies, and the Lord your God hands them over to you and you take them away captive, Deuteronomy 21:10 NASB When – The most important word in this verse is not “battle” or “enemies.” It’s not the claim that God will fight on your side. It’s the opening conjunction, the…
And the seed which fell among the thorns, these are the ones who have heard, and as they go on their way they are choked by worries, riches, and pleasures of this life, and they bring no fruit to maturity. Luke 8:14 NASB Worries – SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) first appeared in China in 2002. Its current strain…
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