Today’s Word

Walking before Talking

Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.  John 14:6 NASB Way – The Greek term, hodós, is used for both literal roads, streets, and pathways, and figuratively for the course of life.  In Greek mythology, hodós is connected to the choice between the…
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A River Runs Through

Jesus *said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.  John 14:6 NASB Truth – The apostolic writings have been handed down to us in Greek.  Of course, the writers were Jews so their Greek was really Jewish-Greek, what we call koine Greek.  That means we…
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Regarding completion.  Among hymns.  Of understanding.  Pertaining to David.  Psalm 54:1  LXX Of understanding – Now that we’ve had a few days to investigate the differences between the Greek LXX and the MT, we need to back up.  You see, in the LXX, as in the Hebrew Bible, the first verse of a psalm is…
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The Umbrella

Attend to me, and listen to me; I was vexed in my pondering and was troubled by the noise of an enemy and by the affliction of a sinner . . .  Psalm 54:3-4a  LXX Listen – Compare this version in the LXX with the MT (translated, of course): Give Your attention to me and answer me;…
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