Today’s Word

God of the Past – Part 1

THIS IS LONG.  Take your time.  Article “Pannenberg on the Past” previously published Part 1 God of the Past More than 50 years ago, Wolfhart Pannenberg wrote the book that was translated into English as Jesus – God and Man.  On page 230 of that work, Pannenberg makes a suggestion about the relationship between Jesus’…
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Don’t Wait for It

Now it will come about that in the last days the mountain of the house of the Lord will be established as the chief of the mountains, and will be raised above the hills; and all the nations will stream to it.  Isaiah 2:2  NASB In the last days – Oh how the “end times” people love verses like…
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The Way Back

Zion shall be redeemed through justice, and those who turn back in her, through righteousness.  Isaiah 1:27  Robert Alter Through – The NASB renders this verse differently.  “Zion will be redeemed with justice And her repentant ones with righteousness.”  The difference is the translation of the preposition bĕ.  As you know, Hebrew prepositions play a lot of…
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Poetic License

Therefore, says the Master, LORD of Armies, Israel’s Mighty One: Oh, I will settle scores with my foes and take vengeance on my enemies.  Isaiah 1:24  Robert Alter Take vengeance – As you recall, the verb translated “settle scores” is typically a verb about consolation or regret. We noticed the shadow of this idea when…
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The Wrong Word

Therefore, says the Master, LORD of Armies, Israel’s Mighty One: Oh, I will settle scores with my foes and take vengeance on my enemies.  Isaiah 1:24  Robert Alter Settle scores – It’s surprising that Alter’s translation employs a modern euphemism, but examination of the actual Hebrew might justify his choice.  The NASB 1995  attempts a…
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The More Things Change

Your rulers are rebels and companions of thieves; everyone loves a bribe and chases after gifts.  They do not obtain justice for the orphan, nor does the widow’s case come before them.  Isaiah 1:23  NASB Rebels – We have a saying: “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”  It seems that what Isaiah faced on…
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