Today’s Word
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Babylon – Reminder
When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband with her, and he ate. Genesis 3:6 N ASB Desirable – “Watchfulness is…
Arizona Slots
Forget Las Vegas. Those slot machines are all man-made diversions. God made His own slots. They’re called slot canyons and I had the special privilege to spend s few hours in one. Here’s a sample of the result. Much, much better than “the strip.” These are all small resolution files so that they can be…
The Middle of the Bridge (2)
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, even now I say again: if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! Galatians 1:8-9 NASB…
The Middle of the Bridge (1)
But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, he is to be accursed! As we have said before, even now I say again: if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to what you received, he is to be accursed! Galatians 1:8-9 NASB…
Galatina is a small town in Puglia, Italy. With a population under 28,000, you wouldn’t expect to see much. But you’d be surprised. In the basilica, absolutely unremarkable on the outside, you will find incredible frescos similar to those of Giotto. They portray various biblical stories and themes. Here are a few. See if you…