The Captives’ Cry

and when you seek for me you will find me, when you search for me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13 Seek/Search – How many times have you heard this verse given as motivation for seeking God?  It seems to be a favorite when we need exhortation and encouragement.  But how many of us know…

National Immorality

Newsweek:  Law-Enforcement Officials Note Marked Nationwide Increase in Teen Prostitution Over the last year, local and federal law-enforcement officials say they have noted a marked increase in teen prostitution in cities across the country. They are increasingly alarmed by the trend lines: the kids are getting younger; according to the FBI, the average age of…

Nothing But Net

Pull me out of the net that they have laid secretly for me; for you are my stronghold. Psalm 31:5 (Hebrew text) Net – If you read this too quickly, you will miss the crucial implication.  The psalmist is already caught!  “Pull me out” implies that he is already in.  He has been trapped by…