So Help Me God

“Though you are a whore, Yisra’el, let not Yehudah become guilty.  Do not come up to Gilgal, nor go up to Beyth Awen, nor swear an oath, saying, ‘As YHWH lives!’” Hosea 4:15  (ISR)

Swear an oath – Israel’s history is bound up with prophetic legacy.  God spoke to His people through the prophets.  God’s guidance and instruction came by way of the prophets.  In the last days, God continued that legacy with His Son.  But it wasn’t a very happy history.  Reading the words of YHWH in the mouth of Hosea is shocking, to say the least.  Israel is a whore?!  I don’t think a prophet would last too long in today’s churches with a message like that.  There’s even more accusation when God directs His people to stay away from Gilgal and Beyth-Awen (both names have significance – you can look for yourself).  But the lesson for today is found in the expression “As YHWH lives.”  It’s the equivalent of our modern “I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.”  Hosea’s prophetic judgment is this:  if the one who proclaims such an oath does not live according to God’s instructions, the oath is worthless!  Calling on the name of the Lord to vouch for our testimony means absolutely nothing unless our actions are aligned with His instructions.  Once more we see that saying something has little consequence unless it is backed with doing something.

Hosea’s declaration isn’t music to our ears.  It’s the rasping sound of chalk squeaking on the blackboard.  It grates on us.  How many times have we sworn an oath (shava’) that doesn’t match our behavior?  “Until death do us part.”  What does such a promise mean when half of the time it is broken?  “Guaranteed pure.”  Does anyone believe the advertising any more?  “I would never plagiarize,” claimed my student.  Apparently he thought that being a minister exempted him from telling the truth.  His work was filled with word-for-word copying from internet sources.  What kind of witness was this man to his congregation?  But he’s no different than a lot of us when we bend the truth to fit our needs.  Hosea decried such behavior, not simply because it violates the Lord’s commandments but also because it blasphemes His name.  Blasphemy is not cursing.  It is using God’s name to vouch for something that isn’t true no matter what the subject or the circumstances.  “Let your ‘Yes’ be “Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No,’” said our Messiah.  He knew why.  Do we?

Lying, bending the truth, is attempted verbal seduction of another.  It is breaking a covenant with God.  Lying is spoken adultery.  Using God’s name or character to ratify the act only adds to the insult.  Lying is so easy, especially when it isn’t serious.  A quick word that protects us from embarrassment.  A tiny bend in the truth that bolsters the ego.  No one thinks of these in the same terms as adultery.  Maybe we need to revise our imagery.  The next time the opportunity to twist the truth comes along, think of being caught with the wrong person in bed.

Topical Index:  lying, swear an oath, shava’, blasphemy, Hosea 4:15

Just a prayer note:  Tomorrow my daughter, Rachel, goes to boot camp for the Navy.  Would you mind saying a prayer for her?  This is a big transition for her and she is anxious to do what God calls her to do while she serves for the next 4 years.

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Roderick Logan

Our Father, I ask You on behalf of Rachel for Your guidance and direction in her life. As she begins her tenure with the US Navy may she continue to experience Your revelation and embrace the Truth that will set her free; freedom to walk in Your ways. May all she is come to find an optimum expression, and may it serve those around her. Give her restraint in times of celebration and give her strength in the other times. We are grateful for Rachel and bless her in Your Name. I now invite You LORD to agree (Amen). Blessed be the Name of the LORD.

carl roberts

A slightly different look at today’s word. Who is the Father of lies? Who is the Deceiver? Who is it that delights in twisting (where we get our word “iniquity”), bending, and distorting the truth? Yes, we do have an enemy don’t we? Running rampant and hell-bent in this very world today. The very spirit of anti-Christ, (who, by the way, IS the truth).
It is so easy to tell a lie. It is almost as if our natural proclivity were bent in the wrong direction. We go astray from the womb, -do we have to teach a child to lie? No. They learn this on their own, just as we did. Until we knew better. Better? the Truth? Yes, better, -“more gooder”- lol!- (as my English teacher used to say..)
Living the truth. Walking the talk. We are so in need of Divine intervention here. Will I, this day, live the truth, intentionally. And also, according to G-d’s instruction, not only am I to speak the Truth, but I am to (this is the hard part for me) speak the truth in love. “-Need some more Help here..” Now w’ere moving on over into “pray without ceasing.” Savior please, keep saving me.. Thank you, thank you for the spirit of Truth, the Ruach HaKodesh living within us. Without you ADONI, we can do nothing. This is true. Amen.
I pray Abba Father for Rachel as she enters into this new adventure. Show yourself strong in her behalf. Speak tenderly unto her and show her the goodness of ADONAI. Strengthen her with all might, according to your good pleasure for her life. Reign over her, guide her, gladden her, protect and provide for her is our prayer, in the name of our wonderful Savior and ever abiding Friend, the LORD Y’shua. Amen.

Helen Beirnes

May your God continue to place your feet on a righteous path of his design, for all time .


Abba Father,
Rachel is committed into your hand. Be very near to her, fulfilling your promise to never leave her or forsake her for Your Name’s sake. Provide for her, protect her, guide her in the path you have prepared for her. Keep her as only You can. Comfort her family as well as to assure them that You will never let the righteous be forsaken. In the Name of HaShem Elohim we ask. Amen.


Heavenly Father, please watch over Rachel as she endeavors to do your will by enrolling in the Navy. This is a huge step of faith on her part. Please light the path ahead of her, one step at a time, that her trust in You would grow to give her a confidence to know that You alone are YHWH.


Dear Rachel,

May עֶלְיוֹן (Elyon) always be your habitation. May שַׁדַין (Shaddi) protect you as you follow his voice, as you work, and as you rest. May יהוָה be you fortress and refuge always as you trust and walk in His ways. May יהוָה (YHVH) the G-d of יִשְׂרָאֵל (Israel) forever be אֱלֹהֵיכֶם (your Elohim {your every and only El}). May His favor ( וְרוּחַ אֱלֹהִים the Spirit of G-d) always rest upon you as you go in and as you go out and may He in times of utter hopelessness and peril show you אֶת-יְשׁוּעַת יְהוָה (the Salvation of YHVH).

Thank you for your service to our country. You are in our prayers today and with your father’s reminders you will be lifted up mightily and continuously by an army of saints who seek first the kingdom of Elohim AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS.


Amanda Youngblood

I’m praying for Rachel today as she begins this exciting step. She’s got such a solid foundation and a good head on her shoulders. I pray that she will be strong and lean heavily on her Father YHWH’s shoulder. I’m excited to see what the future hold for her! 🙂

I had a great time when I met her the other day!

Carlos Berges

Padre amado: Te ruego por nuestra hermana Rachel. Que la guardes y la cuides donde quiera que vaya. Que Tu Mano Poderosa la proteja de todo mal y que tu Espíritu Santo le recuerde siempre tu Palabra y que no olvide que ella es tu hija para que siempre honre Tu Nombre, a sus padres y su nación. Gracias Señor por ayudarla a vencer toda tentación y debilidad. En Jesús, gracias.

Fred Hayden



“Tomorrow my daughter, Rachel, goes to boot camp for the Navy.”

Hi Skip,

I’ll say a prayer for your daughter and wish her well in boot camp.