
“With men it is impossible, but not with God; for all things are possible with God.” Mark 10:27

With – “I can’t see it”, said my son.  I told him, “Stand over here next to me and look where I am pointing.  Then you will see it.”  Stand close to me and see from my perspective – that is the meaning of this word.

Once again we encounter something in Greek that does not show itself easily in English.  Here the Greek word translated “with” is neither meta nor sun.  It is para, and it primarily means, “in the proximity of” or “nearby” or “close at hand.”  Translating this word as “with” actually removes some of the force of the meaning.  Jesus is saying that all things are possible when we stand in close proximity to God.  He is suggesting that standing close at hand to the true source of power enables us to see impossible things accomplished.  Perhaps Jesus is not throwing all the emphasis toward heaven’s door so much as he is asking us where we stand.  If we place our allegiance with men, we will encounter the impossible.  But if we stand in God’s company, we take on a different perspective – and everything becomes possible.

Yesterday we saw that meta meant humbly standing in the midst.  A follower of Jesus knows that identification with others is one of the keys to Leading Like Jesus.  Now we see that “with” includes standing in proximity to God.  A follower has one foot in God’s circle and the other in the circle of those she serves.  She becomes the bridge of the possible as God uses him to accomplish what could never be done if both feet were inside the circle of Man’s horizons.  A God-perspective requires God-proximity.

Have you ever experienced the wonder that occurs when you allow God to give you His perspective on the task you face?  Have you noticed that the very things you thought were impossible obstacles become the avenues of His glory?  And have you also observed that as soon as you step outside the circle of God-proximity, problems become impossible once again?

“With” is the preposition of servant humility – toward those whom we serve and toward the God whom we follow.  There is no servant leader without meta and para.  Be a double “with” follower.  Stand in the right place.

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