The Ethical Imperative
And we the strong ought to bear the weaknesses of those not strong and not please ourselves. Romans 15:1
Ought – We have been persuaded. We are convinced. We understand. We realize that there is room for both Torah and grace. We see that the two paths converge in the purposes of God. We know what it means to live righteously. We see the Way.
But not everyone of our brothers and sisters have clear sight. Paul has some instructions for us, the strong. Go gently into the world! This is not a matter of argument and confrontation. This is a matter of bearing another’s burden, and completely the royal law of love.
Paul puts the emphasis on the imperative. The first word in the Greek sentence is opheilomen. The root word, opheilo, means to be bound to a duty, to perform a required act. Derivatives include the idea of a debt or obligation. You can see that this is not optional. Paul is providing halachah. This is instruction based in the understanding of the Torah that is binding on the congregation. We need to hear this because far too often we use our new-found liberty and understanding as a hammer against those who have yet to step on to this path. We have been set free from the legalist. We know that Torah observance is the means of usefulness. But many are still bound by tradition, struggling with their concept of rules and regulations, afraid to succumb once again to the oppression of purchased righteousness. Paul points to the proper action. Carry them!
No man gains superiority over any other man, lost or found, by claiming greater insight or deeper knowledge. Our Savior exemplified the only proper path to godliness. He humbled Himself and took on the form of a slave. He washed the feet of those who did not understand. He gave up His eternal majesty in order to lift those who could not see the truth. Never did He chastise the ignorance of the destitute or depressed. Never did He prove His points in order to gain status. If the Son of the Most High God can stretch across the gap between the eternal mysteries of Being and the fragile incomprehension of our human frame, are we not called to do the same with the tiny bit of clarity that we have been given?
Paul exhorts us. “Yes. God has favored you with understanding. This did not come from your intellect or your achievements. Knowledge of His Way is a gift. And you must use it as a gentle means of enriching others. It is no different than any other fruit of the true Vine. It is not for you. It is to equip you to carry the load of those who seek Him.
It’s time to put aside the arguments and the proof-texts. The truth of the Way is found in the love we have for one another. It is a responsibility and a privilege. It is a call to action. Who will you carry today?
Topical Index: Romans 5:1, opheilo, carry, humble, liberty, love
PS – We’re going to try again. Israel in October. Click here to read more and sign up on the list if you’re seriously interested.
Considering many of the recent teachings and comments, this was a very timely piece to remind us that indeed we who are being given much enlightenment, do not use it as a reason or means to put down or reject others who are in Messiah. What we are receiving is only due to His grace to us, and not a reward for our intrinsic worthiness.
That Paul addressed this tendency in Rom 14-15 and 1Cor 8 and the Master taught on it in His parable of the praying of the ‘self-righteous Pharisee vs the wicked tax-collector’- means that it was an issue of human frailty then… and still is today [there is nothing new under the sun-
]. We who have been given much do have much required of us. This is especially true with not being a stumbling block to those whom the LORD has claimed, yet do not have understanding of how the life of the redeemed is to be lived.
It is true that the message of Messiah was/is “Repent”- turn back to the ways of GOD, we should not judge/condemn those who are in this process. Yet we should also not ourselves ‘back slide’ while we extend grace. That cannot be what Paul was teaching. We should be good examples. We cannot teach turning back to the ways of GOD and at the sametime transgress those ways.
In Acts 15 the Council of Jerusalem concluded, that apart from the four prohibitions, fellowship would be granted with those new to the faith of the GOD of Israel ,through the redemption of Messiah, as they would learn His ways- since they were taught every Sabbath at the synogogue. In fellowship we can encourage those weaker in the faith until they get stronger -to His honor and glory!
We need to always keep in mind the balance of righteousness and grace and not give up on either. In order to turn back to the ways of GOD as Yahushua lived out- we need to become ‘Torah pursuant’ NOT ‘Torah terrorists”!
We are called to extend grace even as it has been extended to us. 
One minute we’re given clear sight and the next we’re given 613 laws.
Modeling the Master is not an easy task
HalleluYah, that He gives us instructions and guidelines that we don’t have to stumble around blindly. It is actually very comforting knowing how to act in ways that are pleasing to our Heavenly Father, and which ways are not.
Baruch HaShem! o/o/o/
What makes modeling the Master tough is our ‘evil inclination’, that is the mind set of the flesh. As we die to it daily (hourly, minutely
) we are made more alive to serve the Living GOD! o/o/o/
Skip reminded us “Paul is providing halachah.”
-a more literal translation of halachah might be “the path” or “the way of walking.” The word is derived from the Hebrew root that means to go or to walk.
Yeshua reminds us “I am the way”- “follow me” and also we are promised in Isaiah 30.21: “Your ears will hear a word behind you, This is the way, walk in it, whenever you turn to the right or to the left.”
and also in Romans 8:14-“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”
How wonderful to have a resident instructor living within us to guide and lead us in all of our daily decisions.
Yes, I agree. How wonderful!
BTW Skip’s little book, Words to Lead By, is a great guide to Modeling the Master.
Best of Breed.