More Than I Am

“Then if the Son sets you free, you are free indeed. John 8:36

Free – Freedom is an important word in a man’s vocabulary. We have talked about it a lot. We recognized that the Greek idea of freedom is centered in the relationship between the individual and the State. For the Greeks, freedom is the capacity to choose my own actions with the minimum restraint necessary to maintain civil order. While I can’t do anything I want to since that would lead to anarchy, I should be constrained only by what is absolutely essential and nothing more. Freedom in Greek thought is self-will. To be free is to have liberty to determine my own destiny.

Of course, Yeshua isn’t thinking (or speaking) Greek. The Hebrew concept of freedom is centered in a relationship with God. As such, it is focused on God’s design, intention and will – not my desires or expectations. To experience freedom is to experience the safety of belonging to the Lord as the object of His concern. In other words, freedom means to be owned by Him. To be free is to be submitted to His purposes for me. In this sense, the only free man is the slave for he is the only person who can take no care for his own life. Care is the master’s responsibility. The slave’s only obligation is to do the will of the master. Therefore, the Hebrew idea of freedom is exactly the opposite of the Greek view since the Greek view is built around the idea that I take charge of myself.  In the Hebrew view, I am the object of God’s concern.  In the Greek view, I am the object of my own concern.

Heschel offers another insight into the Hebrew view of freedom which is especially important for those who are surrounded by the Greek idea of self-willed liberty. Heschel notices that freedom in the Bible is set in relation to sin. Yeshua reflects this insight in His statement about serving either God or mammon. No man can have two masters, but every man has one. No man is “free” of all masters for the biblical view is that I am already held captive by my own self-serving willfulness even if I am “free” of external restraints. The noble savage is still a slave to himself. Since this is the case for all men, the only way Yeshua can truly set us free is if He has the capacity to allow us to surpass ourselves. In other words, we must be able to transcend the “tyranny of the self-centered ego.” No man is free until he is no longer held captive by his own desires.

But here’s the rub. No man is able to free himself from his own desires because his desire to free himself simply tightens the chains that hold him. He is self-defeated. To be free, a man must be released from himself by another. Thus, Yeshua says, “If the Son sets you free,” not “if you find freedom in the Son.” There is a crucial difference here. Yeshua does not give you the means by which you free yourself. That is not possible. You cannot free yourself for you are a prisoner of your own desires. Yeshua must act to free you from yourself. And in this sense, true freedom comes when, through His grace, you surpass yourself. To be free, you must be more than you are.

Sounds great, right? Sounds a little theoretical too. So, what does this mean for me today? It implies that freedom is not a state of being. It is an event in life. I experience freedom when I discover that Yeshua enables me to be more than myself. In other words, I am free in the action of putting aside myself and expressing righteousness toward another. Freedom is not about me! It is about loving my neighbor. It is about going beyond the tyranny of myself and acting benevolently toward another at cost to myself. In other words, from the biblical perspective, freedom is what I experience when I express agape love. I am free in the event, the action, of surpassing myself for another. Freedom is ultimately relational. It can only be found in giving myself up for the sake of someone else.

That’s why God is free! And that’s why, when the Son sets you free, you can really be free.

Topical Index: freedom, tyranny, Greek view, eleutheros, self, John 8:36

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carl roberts

In a word.. Yes! Or “today’s” better word..Amen! The song of the soul set free!! (google this song title if you have time..) This is life! This is liberty! This is love! As David said, (Psalm 32)-“How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!” Why is this such a happy state? Why is this such a “blessed” condition? Because as today’s verse states.. “you shall be “free indeed.” Free from what? 1.)-Free from the penalty of sin. (For the wages of sin is death- Romans 6.23) And death is separation. Separation from life. Separation from love. Separation from holiness. Separation from the Father (who is holy.) Separation from the community. Separation from the family of G-d. A life lived alone (here) and a life lived alone (in eternity, in the “blackness of darkness” according to the book of Jude. 2.) Free from the “power” of sin. Free from the dominion or authority of sin. No longer a slave to sin! (Romans chapter 6). 3.) And of course.. the best is yet to come! One day (and soon!) we will be free from the presence of sin.. Won’t that be a Hallelujah morning! How we need to celebrate the liberty we have in the LORD Jesus. For those who know Him, He is and has become unto us our Source, our Supply, our Savior, our Succour, our Strength, and that is just for starters! On this side of Jordan we are only given a glimpse of glory.. I really don’t think we would be able to contain in these finite brains of ours the scope of all our Father has prepared for us in the ages to come. We have seen and known, He is a G-d of creativity, of variety,of wonders and of surprises! We join with David to say with great thanksgiving and praise.. “the LORD is my Shepherd.. I shall not want.” “They who seek the LORD shall not be in want of any good thing.” Today, I will serve my LORD with gladness..I will come before His presence with singing..I will be thankful unto Him and bless His name.. for the LORD is good..



The reality of the theoretical as you elegantly state Skip is that we no longer do what we were incapable of stopping on our own … destructive sinful behavior. Personally … I tried on my own for years but as we find out …. it ain’t happening without Yeshua!

At the end of the day this is the witness to the Gospel Of Truth & Light …. IT’s awesome power! There is nothing abstract about it when we get down to the matter. Our transformation … our freedom …. is our living testimony!

And Carl … yes indeed brother …. Our JUBILEE is coming … and soon we shall cross over the Yarden into our inheritance!





How timely this is! When I left our mid-week meeting last night, I was fuming. Imagine that, leaving “church” in such a state! The pastor had asked the SS teacher of one of the adult classes to speak in his absence. As he spoke about the wonderful miracle Elisha performed to keep the widow woman’s home and remaining family together, he related the vessels as believers who need to be full of oil. This much is true. THEN came the age old misunderstanding of “ole time religion”. He stated repeatedly how we must “keep our vessels clean because the Holy Ghost cannot dwell in an unclean vessel.” His reinforced his point by telling how we should come tochurch more, pray more…in essence do more! And so the battle rages on, propelling us to do “things” that are not necessarily Kingdom oriented. I understand this, however, the legalist that lies within will take this concept and distort it and place us in bondage or strengthen the chains. If this teaching is not fully explained we will forever be “working out our won salvation” through works.
Our freedom was purchased at the cross! Our cleansing was accomplished at the cross! We have no competence except through the Lord Jesus and because we acknowledged, believed and spoke our unconditional confession of this, He then came to indwell us. This was NOT the result of cleansing ourselves, it was the work of God. Our part is to submit our will to His daily and He continues to keep us from falling and He continues to pick us up as we, once again, submit our will to His and get up and continue in THE WAY according to HIS Word and not our own understanding.
We present ourselves to Him because we have heard Him summon us to come into His courts with Thanksgiving, Honor and Praise. We say we are not worth but He says whom I have called clean let NO MAN call unclean. He says you have but little strength, BUT through my Son, you can do everything I have called you to do!


I apologize for the typos. I was at work while trying to compose this and…so it goes. Hope you will forgive the rushed attempt to convey my thoughts.