Taking Orders

for indeed, I am a man under authority Luke 7:8

Under Authority – Are you under authority? Most believers would quickly assert that they are. After all, they serve the Lord. But perhaps we are a bit too quick to answer this question, principally because it is not a matter of attitude. It is a matter of obedience. As Jesus exclaimed about this Roman centurion, great faith is found in receiving the word of a superior and carrying out the orders. There is no authority until there is compliance.

The Greek text uses the words hypo exousian tassomenos, literally, “begin set under authority.” The verb, tasso, is about ordered arrangement. In this case, it means that this centurion was himself under the authority of another. He knew his place, his responsibility and his assignment. This is the first thing required of believers. We must know our place. We are slaves (voluntarily) to the King. He reigns over us. We must know our responsibility. We are to do what He asks, whenever and wherever the order comes. We must know our assignment. We are living sacrifices to the glory of the Father. Our behavior must reflect our spiritual DNA. Our actions must exhibit His character. When we were rescued from self-tyranny, we were set in place in the hierarchy of God’s government.

“Under authority.” Hypo exousia. We were put into an ordered command relationship. In that position, we have been granted permission to do something. Furthermore, we have been given the power to carry out that mission. We have been entrusted with a sacred task. Unlike many of our career experiences, we have been granted both the ability and the responsibility to carry out the assignment. But notice that we are not the authority. All authority belongs to God. He grants us permission to use His authority to accomplish His purposes. We don’t generate the orders or the power to complete them. We just carry them out.

And what are those orders? Simple – just do what He says. God gives us position, power and permission to do what He says. Just as He gave Adam the command and the ability to carry it out, so He gives us His instructions and the ability to carry them out. “This commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach” (Deut. 30:11). The Hebrew word for “difficult” (pala’) implies that the commandments can be comprehended and executed. God does not ask more than we can do.

Great! We have it settled. God tells me what to do, permits me to do it and provides me the ability and power to accomplish it. So, then why do I have so much trouble following God’s instructions?  Why do I fail? Why do I fight? Why am I too often disobedient? The answer is that I do not place myself under authority. I sin because I want to be in charge. I don’t really want to follow orders. I want to issue orders. That’s the bottom line of yetzer ha’ra (the evil inclination). I just don’t want to have someone else tell me what to do. In the Bible, this is called rebellion. It is not just sin. It is the attitude of sin. And it leads straight to this: “Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I say?” “I never knew you.”

The Hebrew concept of revelation is confrontational. God doesn’t come to me as the nice, old grandfatherly forgiver. He comes to me as the Holy King. He demands an ordered existence and assigns my place in that order. He expects me to act accordingly. He desires me to give up my rebellion and return to His comfort, protection and mercy – and subsequently live under His authority. But the yetzer ha’ra doesn’t let go easily. I will have to fight to stay under. There will be days when I want to give up, give in and take over. The flesh dies hard! But die it must. I cannot serve two masters. Neither can you.

Topical Index: authority, order, command, yetzer ha’ra, pala’, exousia, tasso, Luke 7:8

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Ismael Gonzalez Silva

Good Morning!!!!
I have been in this Way for more than 30 years and it is really impressive how many times Christianity fill up my brain with information, but where are the means to put this in practice?? Everybody knows what we must do, BUT, the spiritual exercises, where are??? [Dr. John Drane wrote a book titled, “Do Christians Know How to be Spiritual?”] It is pretty interesting that the Church does not appear as the first, second or third option to a lot of people that are looking for spiritual transformation in their lives. Why the Church does not communicate spirituality to the community that surround us??? Why we, as a body, are not perceive as spiritual people?? Of course, we know that we are under authority but why the Church continue decreasing?? Few years ago a person whose name is G.I. Gurdjieff wrote, “…It can do so only if a man has this desire, and a man will have this desire only if he has a place where constant desire is present. Before being able, one must wish. Thus there are three periods: to wish, to be able, and to be. The Institute is the means. Outside the Instutite it is possible to wish and to be; but here, to be able.”
More later on…


“Why do I fail? Why do I fight?…” Provoking questions. The thought occurs that most of us already ‘obey’ the police and the laws of the land. Is it because of seeing the police appear in our rear view mirror? Maybe. We see them … we don’t ‘see’ God.
Secondly, in all aspects of our Hebrew life we are in a rehearsal. Now, if married women willingly obeyed their husbands, and men obeyed God, and children obeyed their parents – you think we would get HIS authority right? Maybe.


Interesting comparison Skip (as usual)! Would it be safe to presume that disobedience implies very restricted or even “zero” piping infrastructure?

Another thought as well. We know that the covenant with Israel entailed a design wherein the kingdom of priests would be a light to the nations. A people not only set apart but abundantly blessed by Adonai for walking in “the way”. Could we also look at the pipes as a conveyor of blessings as well …. not just implying but declaring that obedience begets blessings?

Just coming off Tisha B’Av we certainly brought into remembrance our sinfulness as a nation and delivery of the righteous curses promised by Adonai all the way back in Deut 11,26 Behold, I set before you this day a blessing and a curse: 11,27 the blessing, if ye shall hearken unto the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you this day; 11,28 and the curse, if ye shall not hearken unto the commandments of the LORD your God, …..

So it would seem that operating outside of “His authority” is not just about lack of production but also about a lack of blessing and … might I say it … receiving by choice the curse?

Please don’t get me wrong here … I would never intimate that all bad things happening to believers is a result of disobedience. Often times bad things happen as a consequence of sin in the world … but … as it pertains to obedience and blessings within Scripture … I believe it is clear that there is a defined relationship.

It seems that we too often discuss the issue of spiritual production (or lack thereof) without discussing the other side of the equation … corrective punishment!

For those that are aware of the significance of Tisha B’Av to the Jewish people (and adopted family members) … well hopefully you can relate to this comment and how this message from Skip today impacted me.

As it always is with Adonai … He tears down and then builds up …. He punishes so that we return …. He pursues us so that we will open up the pipes to let His character be revealed as a light to the nations … and so that we can receive the benefits of His eternal goodness!


Almost forgot Skip …. with the Days of Awe (Yamim Noraim) fast approaching are you going to be delivering any messages or teachings about these Mo’adim? No biggie …. just wondering! 🙂


If this (“The Hebrew concept of revelation is confrontational. God doesn’t come to me as the nice, old grandfatherly forgiver.”) is true (and I believe it is!), why are we continuing on with business as usual? Why isn’t the Spirit of God moving with the power that is written about throughout the OLD and NEW Books?
I would suggest we examine ourselves to see if we are truly in the faith! 2 Timothy 3 is a marker for this time and the people who confess the name of Yeshua as Savior need to look deeper and see if He is also Master and Supreme Authority. After examining this chapter, take a look at 1 Timothy chapter 6. This word for “man” is in reference to ministers. What do I see in the mirror?
Ismael, I would suggest that the reason the “church” does not communicate spiritually to the world within it’s sphere of influence is either because it is NOT the church, or it is a runaway bride! However, I do trust the Word and know that His Word is true. There is a remnant who are waiting for the bridegroom and is now adorning herself according to what HE finds beautiful!
Skip, thank you for the challenging Word!


Wondering if the order you posted above is meaningful? Just wondering. I have heard it preached and taught in that order specifically and would love to hear from you on this.

By His Grace,

Carlos Berges

Muy buen artículo, Dr. Moen. Excelente. Le felicito y bendigo por sus enseñanzas. Siga adelante.

carl roberts

Romans 6,7 and 8 are worth a re-read, especially relating to being “under authority”. We have been bought with a price. A repeat of this idea- we have been bought with a price. We are His purchased possession. We belong to Him. We are His by right of creation. We are His again by right of Calvary’s cross. Owned. Lock,stock and barrel. From stem to stern, we are under new ownership. Jesus is LORD. (Please find out what this means!) When we recognize and realize His ownership- (the LORD is my Shepherd), “we are His people and the sheep of His pasture”, etc., we learn to listen more closely to the words written for our instruction, for they reveal His will and purpose for us. Yes, dear brother to obey His words is to be blessed. Obedience equals blessing. (That was a period (.) after blessing. Shema, O Israel!! Hear,obey and experience His blessing. Amen – It is so.