
I’m back.  After being gone for 85% of the days of July, I expect to be home for most of August.  So, I will try my best to answer emails and catch up.  If you didn’t get a response to something you were really concerned about, send your inquiry again, please.  I may not catch everything that happened in the last 30 days.

I have also sent the emails to connect everyone who wanted to be connected.  Groups in TX, AZ, CT, FL and other places are now in touch with each other.  127 of 550 people asked to be part of in-touch relationship.  That’s not many, and a little disconcerting, but it is a good beginning.  If you are a reader and disciple and you missed getting connected (you didn’t get a group email), then you might consider really joining in.   To do that, you will need to send me your NAME, EMAIL and ZIP CODE (city and state will also be very helpful).


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I should have taken care of this post first … 🙂

Shalom and welcome home brother. It did not seem that you missed a beat while traveling …. praise ELOHIM!

Like others in the community I pray that your time at home will be like an extended Shabbat of rest and regeneration.

Your pipes are open so I am expecting Him to fill them with blessings!

Be blessed! 🙂

carol mattice

August the 1st already. My question is concerning your devotions and all . Could you please state your statement of faith for us. Thinking like a Jew (I am not Jewish) I am a Oneness believer. I do not believe that God was in three eternal persons but that He was IN CHRIST JESUS to reconcile the world unto Himself. That is why I would like you to state where you stand concerning these great truths of God.

amy gomes

I did not get a group email and I”m sure I signed up to be connected.? Could you email the FL group to me again…I usually open everything that comes from you but I might have missed this one.


Margaret Azarian

Hi Skip,

Welcome home. Please connect me with the CT group. Thanks.

Margaret Azarian
Fairfield, CT 06825

John Thorman


I did not receive a group email either and I’m sure I signed up. Perhaps a problem with when or how I did it? I’m not sure, but do include me. Thanks. – Ocala, Florida 34474

Cheryl Durham


If you need a group in NJ (South, East, Central) I’d be happy to help with that effort.


I didn’t get a group emal either but I did sign up — for two states actually. So here it is again. Maybe if I had a better idea of where I live, it might have helped.
Now that sounds like “Dear Santa, I can explain!”

Donna Dozier
Pawleys Island, South Carolina 29585 – half time
Montverde, Florida 34756 – half time


I got an email from a person in Oklahoma & maybe that is all in our group (2) – have responded but not in detail but I do have a praise report for all – I think I mentioned sometime back in May about applying for a new home with Habitat for Humanity here in Oklahoma/OKC-Edmond area & I received the call yesterday that my application was approved by the Board – so now I start my 300 hours of sweat equity & get to pick out my colors, flooring, etc. PRAISE BE TO GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW… 🙂