Living Hell

“and I will cut him off from among My people. So you will know that I am YHWH.” Ezekiel 14:8

Cut Off The Hebrew phrase that describes acknowledging my sin as the first step in repentance is ha-karat ha-chet. Literally, this is “the sin that cuts off.” These words tell us that unless and until a man realizes that God cuts off relationship over sin, that man will never have the motivation or the discipline to repent. Doesn’t that seem obvious? It should, but for some reason we have entertain a theological seduction that teaches us that God overlooks our sins because He is so filled with grace and forgiveness. We really don’t believe sin is such a serious issue, especially after we have been “saved.” We think that Yeshua covered it all, and now all we need to do is try as best we can while grace smoothes over the rough spots.

Let’s look at Ezekiel again. “Anyone of the house of Israel . . who separates himself from Me, sets up idols in his heart, puts right before his face the stumbling blocks of his iniquity, and then comes to . . inquire of Me . . . I will cut him off.” Wait! This verse is for us, not those poor wretched pagans. We are the house of Israel. Have we set up idols in our hearts? Forget the usual stuff – power, fame and fortune. How about the day of the week? Have we made an idol (something that opposes and deposes God) of a particular day – a day God didn’t endorse? How about honor? Do we honor parents? Do we truly believe that those who have walked longer with God have something important to teach us? Or are we the Disney generation where only children are able to save the world? Have we made idols of the schedule, the day-timer? Is shopping more important than being or television the solution to relationship struggles?

And what about the iniquity shoved in God’s face? Are we immune to the Spirit’s prompting because we have established a pattern of disobedience and expect God to understand? Are we caught in a repeated sinful pattern that we can’t break because we really don’t want to? Have we rationalized our actions, transforming us from perpetrators to victims? Do we play the blame game? Are we stumbling over the same blocks because we refuse to move them out of the way?

God says He will cut that man off from His people. This is the same word used to establish a covenant. It’s about as serious as you can get. If blood is shed to cut the covenant, blood will be shed to remove someone from the covenant. Why would God do such a terrible thing? He tells us. “So you will know that I am YHWH.” Sometimes we don’t know God until we see that He will not be compromised, diminished or toyed with. God says He will set His face against such a man. Go ask Cain what that means. It is living hell – to be alive without God is to starve the soul to death. It’s wandering without home or direction.

We will not repent until we confront the hideousness of our sins. Sometimes God is gracious and He does not allow us to see the full scope of our iniquity. Sometimes He isn’t quite so gentle. Sometimes it takes blood before we can truly say, “My sin is every before me” (Psalm 51:3).

I don’t want to be cut off. But I know that I throw stumbling blocks before the Lord and call them excuses. I know immediately when I am playing the game. I do all that I can to avoid acknowledging my sin. But that behavior is a fool’s errand. Without ha-karat ha-chet I am in terrible danger. God asks me to return to Him. The first step is admitting that I left.

Topical Index: ha-karat ha-chet, acknowledge, sin, cut off, Ezekiel 14:8, Psalm 51:3

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carl roberts

When I place my hand on a hot stove, I want to know about it. I feel the point of pain, remove my hand, and protect my flesh. If I were a leper and unable to feel my burning hand, major damage would occur. This is the ‘curse’ of leprosy. Not being able to feel pain. Have you ever thanked G-d for pain? For sorrrow? For affliction? These are His blessings and His messengers to us. We have become numb (or deadened) to the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. We need a wake-up call from G-d. This (as we know and have experienced) usually comes in the form of a two-by-four upside the head. Then there’s the story ’bout the “excellent” mule. “Oh yeah”, he’s a fantastic mule.. he’ll doing anything I ask him to without complaint, all day long.” “Sold”, the man said. “Gee mule.” “Haw mule.” The mule just stood there. The mule was returned to the original owner the next day. “You told me this was an excellent mule”, the man complained. “He is”, said the original owner. He then picked up a nearby short two-by-four piece of lumber leaning against the barn wall and “whopped” the mule upside the head. “Gee mule”.. the mule proceeded left. “Haw mule”.. the mule proceeded to the right. “Well.. howcome this didn’t work for me?” the man inquired. “Well.. you see, I forgot to tell you.. you first have to get his attention.” A simple story but one that has been repeated many times. And yes, I am “the mule.”
G-d wants our focused attention. He is a jealous Lover. We (His mules.. er.. sheep) have been distracted and live in the land of distraction. It is one of HaSatan’s most favorite devices. Look at anything at all except “Who it is” your supposed to be looking at. And Who is it we’re supposed to be looking at? That’s right.. you know the drill.. “looking unto Jesus.” Need another whack with that two-by four?


This certainly blows a hole in greasy grace, cheap grace, or whatever you want to call it.


Carl’s story reminds me of the David Mamet movie, Glengarry Glen Ross, where the sales manager begins his pep talk to the salesmen with the following statement:

“The good news is your fired. The bad news is you have 24 hours to save your job.” Then he goes to the white board, writes the following letters: A I D A, and makes his point.

A – Attention: Do I have your attention now?
I – Interest: Are you interested?
D – Decision: Have you made your decision for Christ?
A – Action: Get to work.


Sometimes I can envision the crook of the Shepherd’s staff around my neck and as I try to run in opposition to His leading and directing my path, as I resist Him, in my pride and arrogance, breath is cut off because of my rebellious attitude. I would rather continue pleasing myself, rather than allowing Him to gently pull me back and position me where I belong-near Him, along side Him. The He, in His great love persists in correcting and disciplining me. The pressure of the crook of the staff increases as my resistance continues. Only when I hear His Voice, as one of His sheep, and acknowledge the truth-that He resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble, am I convicted of my need to repent and ask for His restoration of His breath breathing life into me once again.
I need to realize the Book is written to me as one of His children:for my instruction, correction, reprimand and training in righteousness. I do not know how to BE righteous apart from a holy and righteous Teacher and guide who has supreme authority to demand I do things His way. Create in me a clean heart, Lord a and renew a right spirit within me.

Kelly Abeyratne

Even my closest Christian brothers and sisters in Christ would deny your last remark, Skip. What I mean is “Admitting that I left.” I long for community that “admits.” I want to be challenged and reminded that “my sin is before me (Psalm 51:3)…thank you for the reminder.