A Personal Concern

I am sending this to all readers because I want to be sure I am providing material that the entire community can use.  I’ve noticed in the last few weeks that fewer people are adding comments.  Perhaps this is my fault.  I have been writing about some pretty difficult stuff – exegetical methods of rabbis, interpretative problems, etc.  This might push us toward cognitive faith – and this is not what I want to do.  While I believe it is vitally important to grasp this material in order to understand the Word of God, I know that most of us, me included, still need to grapple with daily issues of living as examples of redeemed children.  So, if I have neglected daily application, I apologize.  Although I must write Today’s Word editions in advance so there will not be gaps while I travel, I hope soon to be back on the “living it out” track.  I also hope to see more of your thoughts.  Thanks for your faithfulness in all this.


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Shalom Skip,

I am not sure that the reduction in posts/commentaries = a reduction in interest or an expression of perceived low value. (Others please chime in)

I don’t believe there is any fault for there really is nothing wrong … at least from my perspective anyway.

The recent teachings are very much geared to the “living it out track” because proper application of The Word begins with a proper understanding of The Word. Despite the complexity of last week’s posts we should realize that the complexity is directly correlated to our own naïveté. From a Hebraic perspective the material was not foreign at all. I would agree that it is complex to a Greek mind-set! 🙂

I for one believe that last week’s postings were of tremendous value. Ultimately isn’t your objective Skip to get us all pursuing the truth using a Hebraic versus Greek approach?

We may never rise to the level of a Skip per se …. However the sooner we can cast off our Greek mind-set the closer we get to becoming those noble “Bereans” who search The Word to validate the teachings presented to them! 🙂

I for one do not think that you have negelected “daily application” Skip. Not in the least!

Cheryl Durham

Hi Skip,

I agree with Drew. Even while we, your students, were working on this in Florida, we really didn’t start speaking until the last day. If you remember one of us was shaken to the core when he realized the implications of this material. Perhaps the silence is reflection. It’s a lot to take in, however, its GREAT STUFF….

I have had a difficult time explaining it to those in my immediate circle because it is such a new and comprehensive way of understanding things we thought we understood…..so give it a little time, perhaps you will see discussions like our great Thursday discussion in Clermont…

I think this is terrific!

Anilo Rodriguez

Grandioso, La palabra de hoy ha sido para mi de gran bendición. Todos los dias disfruto de sus enseñanzas. Esto me ha motivado a ser más diligente en el estudio de la palara de Dios.
Por otra parte me he inscrito a los 30 dias de la serie La Cosmovisión Hebrea pero me llega en ingles, por favor enviémela en español. Por favor es una herramienta para entender la palabra de Dios. Gracias.


Hi Skip,

I agree with Drew.

Seems like every day has been very applicable to me.

Some days I felt like the application was “how to read” the text.

For me that is a primary objective and an end in itself.

But sometimes not much to discuss unless we disagree or don’t understand your reading.

John Offutt


Your insight into scripture is wonderful for me, because I have no Jewish background or knowledge of Jewish traditions. I have no formal education in religion or philosphy, so I feel better to be thought a dummy than to write something here and prove it. I thought the quality of the people here was more important than the number of responses. Your thing is to reason and talk, ours is to listen and be blessed by our increased understanding of scripture. I pray God will continue to bless you every day.


I,m just back in full time grad school with a fellowship, so I I don’t take the time – unlike now – to comment.


Hi Skip,
I don’t usually comment because so many other people say such great things that my comment would just be part of the choir. I apologize because I know how important it is for you to have a response as guidance. And the responses are great food to chew on for further thought and guidance in application to my life.
I have to tell you that this morning (4:00 am) I couldn’t sleep so I got up to study Scripture and as I turned on my computer the email notified me of your article today. I immediately read it and I know I needed to hear what you were saying because it confirmed in my heart some very important things. It wasn’t necessarily what you were teaching today but the “method of exegesis” was what I needed drilled into my head.
The reason I can’t sleep is because of the latest statement from my church, Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, approving gay marriage and gay pastors. The leadership is miss-handling God’s word in the most grievous and sinister way to get their agenda approved. To me it is very blatant, but of course, most of the congregation is numb to the deception. I am in the process of writing to the ELCA and to my church explaining why their statement is, in so many words, profaning the word of God. This issue is so heavy on my heart because I know pretty much what’s going to happen. I just want to do and say what God requires of me. Thank you Skip! Sometimes things seem futile but that’s when we need to rely on God doing the work through us.


Thank you Skip for your response. I would like to see what you’ve written on the subject. My heart is so wounded by this issue I can only imagine what my LORD feels.
In Him, Jan


The church I attend had the same problem. We were in the Episcopal denomination and left with many other parishes across the country because of the increasingly unscriptural stance taken by ECUSA over the last thirty years, really. The media like to paint it as homophobia of course, but in reality it’s because the authority of God’s Word was being disregarded in many areas. it was a tough decision in many ways, and now ECUSA is spending vast sums of money suing parishes and dioceses all across the country. Very sad, very divisive… but we felt as a body that we were to “come out of her, My people, and do not share in her sins…”


Thank you John for your encouragement. Yeah, my first response is to leave. Right now I am the only one asking questions out of a congregation of 1200 people. I feel a huge responsibility to speak out in God’s Name and I will. I am going to do that first then when the LORD leaves I’m out of there for the same reason “not to share in her sins”. Thank you!!


I always enjoy your postings Skip, no problem there. However, because of my lack of Jewish background I find some of the comments difficult to understand, so I don’t weigh in.


Haha! Also remember that I’m neither left- nor right-brained; I just use the gap in the middle!

Ron Fink

Skip, you present information of great magnatude. This information, in some cases, shakes the core of religion as some people have known it. Others, may be busy with the start of the school year for their children. You should however, continue with the teachings, as YHVH gives you the direction. We see, we hear, we search our souls and we APPLY!

Continue on my brother of faith, knowing that you bring light.
As it is written:
Isa 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, making peace heard; who brings good news, making salvation heard; who says to Zion, Your God reigns!

Ron Fink

To John’s comment, I would say, “discussions” are exactly that. What we don’t fully understand, we should ask for clarification, and amplification on. It is imperitive that the called out ones, know the truth of the word, and NOT the religion or tradition of man. God ALWAYS maintains a REMNANT.
He loves those who love Him, and those who seek Him DILLIGENTLY (translated early) will find Him.

John, bring out any issue that you don’t fully comprehend, and let the word be expounded on and made plain in the sight of all.

Without a working understanding of the Jewish customs and “sayings” or idioms of the time, the 2nd Temple period, it is almost impossible to understand the scriptures, and therefore, easy be be led astray.


Thank you, Skip, for this recommendation. I’m one of your readers/supporters who is new to this way of thinking. When Hebrew idioms are used in the discussion, I’m lost and feel like I’m in a foreign land. But, I want to learn. I have been wishing that there was a “dictionary” available for me to look up the Hebrew terms that are mentioned. And it’s still an adjustment to read Yeshua instead of Jesus. It just feels strange like when a friend decides to go by a different name. Your readers represent a wide range of understanding; i.e. kindergarten to graduate school! Maybe I can get the CD series and listen to it to further my understanding. However, Skip, even though I’m at “kindergarten” level I enjoy reading your “graduate level material” and the rich comments. Everyday I come to the comments page to read the discussion.


I’m new to this site and feel also at the “kindergarten” level, but have been so enriched already with what I have learned. I have always loved the in-depth study of words and this “new” perspective (for me) just feeds that love beyond measure. I don’t comment much because I’m mulling it all over and that takes time. Sometimes I feel like I’m trying to drink from a fire hydrant! I know the production of these posts takes much effort and time and I appreciate your willingness to invest yourself in this ministry. Thank you.

Rex George

Skip: At times I get so wrapped up in self thoughts, that I neglect to share with others. In
Christ Jesus
Rex George


See what you started? 🙂 LOL

I would say you have received a clear mandate brother … feed the people and it would seem now is the time for meat as well as milk!

Barukh HaShem!

Linda Smith

I, for one, appreciate the series on the exegetical methods of the rabbis. I am so old and so Greek in my thinking that I have a very difficult time comprehending what you say about the Hebraic mindset. Nevertheless, I’m determined to keep plodding along in my journey to know my God and His Word by the transformation of my mind to a Hebraic mindset. I don’t have much to say in person or electronically…I listen a lot. Keep it up, Skip.

Dr. W. T. Bolan

Hey Skip. You have to write what you feel led to write. I can only speak for myself, but these past few weeks have been quite an eye opener. I have no background whatsoever in what these 7 principles were or what they look like in my life, but this doesn’t take anything away from how badly we need the truth and need to know what God expects of us. That’s YOUR job to let us know what that looks like from a Hebrew perspective. I count on you to teach me the new things that I would otherwise never be exposed to. Keep being led by the Spirit to determine what you write and don’t worry about “tickling our ears”.



These comments all cause me to think of our own history. I do not recall how or when I first came across your email devotionals. At that time, I saw them as such. Over the years, things have changed, and the term ‘devotionals’ simply does not come close. It seems that your intention at the beginning of the year, to go deeper, has launched us into hyper-space, in comparison to where we began.

I have noticed the lack of comments also, and I tend to think that others feel as I do – humbled and amazed by a new level of understanding. Sometimes there are no words to say, but “WOW!”; and others have already said that!

Thank you from all of us, you are surely showing us TRUTH! Bless you!


John Schnabl

I’m with ya on learning but I am shush because I don’t know what to say but “wow” and “thanks” to God in my heart for the truth. I use your exegeticals for part of my morning devotion before work. Can I ask you something about Eshav? In the book THE ESSENTIALS of Hebrew Time and Space by Robert Gorelik he says that Son of God refers to Jesus’ humanity and Son of Man refers to Jesus’ divinity. I always thought it was the Son of God referred to Jesus divinity. Why do us Americans have it backwards to the Jewish understanding? Thanks


Good to hear from so many members!

Regarding John Schnabl’s remark by Rabbi Gorelik: “Son of God refers to Jesus’ humanity and Son of Man refers to Jesus’ divinity….”

Well that’s what I love about Rabbi Gorelik.

He calls himself and all of us “cracked pots” and he is full of this kind of knowledge and good will.

In my view, we get the written Word from Skip and the Oral version from Rabbi Gorelik. It’s great!

Pat Walker

Skip, your concerns may have two roots, in my humble opinion. First is that you are writing during what some consider the “real” New Year – the start of September. Summer’s end, families moving, school starting, new jobs and new projects beginning. Time is always a factor.
Secondly, you are right in that the “7 Principles” are daunting for us lay folk. I’m still absorbing them, enjoying and applying them. Hadn’t even thought about responding to you about them. I do love “living out the Life”, that’s where our feet hit the road.
I’ve especially enjoyed your recent “Words” on Paul. I’m teaching a class on this great apostle and plan to use some of your material. If you hadn’t written, I would not have known. Thanks! Pat in Tucson


Pat’s comment reminded me to thank you for introducing us to the real apostle Paul. In all my life, I have never been a big fan of Paul’s because of what I was taught about his ‘teachings.’ I see all of this in a completely different light now, and Praise God, I am able to change my mind! This is a huge relief to me, to know that some things that simply did not correlate in my mind (and were therefore not applied) are now making sense to me.

Bob Adams

Hi Skip:
Mom taught me to not speak with my mouth full!
I’m doing my best to learn a Hebrew world view. There is so much to learn and unlearn. I have been forced to ‘resign’ my pastorate because of this change. I will not go back. The more I read and hear the Hebrew way of thinking the more scripture makes sense. Now is an exciting time. For the first time in 39 years of preaching I feel I have something to say. May YHWH be praised. Shalom, Bob

Brian Gerards

All is OK here, Skip. Keep on keeping on. Just because there is not much traffic doesn’t mean that the source has been compromised. We just don’t talk much!


Loy Leorah Burgess

Skip, I really appreciate the info you are making available to us. However, I barely have time to read it much less comment on it. So please forgive my haste. Blessings to you dear brother, loy

Judi Baldwin

Hi Skip,
Your exegetical teachings, while a little more difficult to get through, are good for all of us. You raise the bar and challenge us to new and higher levels of learning. This is a good thing!! Just reading and digesting your “Today’s Word” is my daily goal. Silence from me is DEFINITELY due to time issues. Don’t ever doubt that God is using you in mighty ways. Blessings to you. Judi



Love the writings. That said, my schdeule is a bit frantic and reading the material can take some time – in order to do it justice. Unfortunately right now, it has been a bit of a challenge to get through them. But I do appreciate the input.



Dearest Skip,

As you know my husband and I have been walking in these truths since leaving Chrisitanity ten years ago. We are encouraged to see that the body of Messiah is waking up, “Arise O sleeper”. Your integrity and humble heart is a precious gift to us all. Your work is much needed at this time. I hope that you can help the brethren to understand that this is not a “jewish thing”. It is a repentence unto life thing!!! It is a finding the lost sheep of Israel thing!!! I pray that the facination with or intimidation of jewish idioms doesn’t obstruct the revealing of the Father’s will that we live as the new creation. It is imperative that we all understand that the Gospel is only for Israel, and that we grasp who Israel is! Some of the community comments lead me to think that many are still just studying exegesis, rather than being transformed by the true messege of the Scripture. Neither Judaism nor Christianity defines the body of Messiah. The remnant is being awakened. “Arise, shine for your light has come”. The book of Revelation is written only to the bond servants of YHVH. Students are not necessarily bond servants! His bond servants, according to John, have both the testimony of Moses and Y’shua e Moshiach. It is this complete and renewed testimony that matters, and you are a wonderful witness to that testimony. Don’t back off, we are a people in a dry and thirsty land, and we don’t belong here. The day of return is near, and I pray that through your faithfulness to teach the Way, Truth, and Life that few will be “left behind”. Again thank you, and as we anticipate the revealing the new moon of the seventh month, and the contemplative time before the “season of our joy” we are earnestly praying for your ministry. We look forward to seeing you at Sukkot in Texas. We are praying for a miracle that will allow my husband to be strong enough to be there following his radiation treatments.
In Him,


Skip —

For several years I’ve “walked in your dust” both in your classes at Master’s, and as a daily reader. Your teaching always blesses my life and challenges my Christian norms.

Under your teaching, I’ve being slowly changing my lifelong (Greek only) view of scripture. I save all of your postings, but this week I have printed, and reread and re-reread (isthataword?) each one. Understanding this foundation of Hebrew exegetical methods has provided me with a badly needed set of filters and a new lens from which to view scripture from a Hebrew perpective. No one else has ever taught me this. Please know that your 9/6-9/13 postings will ride with my bible for a long time as I walk out the real world application of integrating them into my own preachiing and teaching and as I sit with the Lord each day and study His Word.

You are a blessing in my life.


Hi Skip, I write from our little country of El Salvador. I had the chance to meet you here in a class that you gave in Glomos. Your class has impacted my life profoundly. More than words can say. I have been and grown up in the prophetic and Apostolic movement and when I took your class God started asking me to go back to those books and examine their theology according to scripture. Your class I believe was given in May of June and today, after 16 years of following such a movement, I have to say that it has proven, by scripture that they are taking scriptures out of context to defend their stand of this issue. The movement is growing out of control and the people are being deceived left and right. My husband and I have since left the church and are getting together with a wonderful woman of God that He has placed in our life to study scripture according to Torah. Your teachings have opened my eyes and have gotten us out of following the theology of men and follow the true God. Thank you so much for taking the time, the effort and the discipline to put out every day a fresh teaching that brings us back to the Jewishness of the Gospel and of our God. I pray that God blesses you and your family always for the effort you put forth and that God provides all the strength that you need to do His will. Here in El Salvador we are looking forward for more of your teaching, they are fresh water for today’s world. Thank you again and may God continue to bless you and guide in everything you do.

Robin Jeep

Skip, thank you for your obedience. As you can see, your teachings are very appreciated. They help us all to stay on the path.

Kyle Malkin

Hi Skip,

I actually think what you have been writing about Rabbinical principles of interpretation has been incredibly practical. I’ve struggled in my study of the Word for so long over so many things that just didn’t make sense any other way and thinking over what you have been writing daily has helped me keep my mind focused on honoring God all day long. I think it is some of the best stuff you have sent out! But yes, daily practical stuff is always helpful anytime. I think you’ve got a great mix of both going on! Keep up the great work!


Charles Miller

Todah rabah, Skip for your willingness to stay the course of your calling. Look around and see the many who are walking together with you …

Barry Jenkins

I am of the opinion that the rabbinical principles of interpretation are essential to going beyond the surface reading of Scripture. Otherwise, we read passages that seem to guarantee us protection (Psalm 91) or blessings that do not match our experiences. I have been studying the Holocaust over the past several months. So many faithful Jews said the Shema and believed in the God of Abraham to protect them and still they were tortured and murdered. When experience does not match our understanding of the Word, perhaps it is time to acknowlege that we do not know as much as we thought we did. We must search the Scriptures for truth beyond the obvious. Skip, thank you for your faithfulness in helping us dig.

frances thornton

Skip, my silence has been the result of an overloaded schedule. I am learning, slowly but surely, that rushing is not God’s way. You have helped me learn the little “be still and listen” that I am able to practice today! Thank you and my prayers for God to continue to bless you with the lessons that seem so “right on track.” peace and love, fran


Continue, Brother Skip, as the Lord leads. I am having to catch up due to an array of “unusual” life happenings.