A Personal Concern

I am sending this to all readers because I want to be sure I am providing material that the entire community can use.  I’ve noticed in the last few weeks that fewer people are adding comments.  Perhaps this is my fault.  I have been writing about some pretty difficult stuff – exegetical methods of rabbis, interpretative problems, etc.  This might push us toward cognitive faith – and this is not what I want to do.  While I believe it is vitally important to grasp this material in order to understand the Word of God, I know that most of us, me included, still need to grapple with daily issues of living as examples of redeemed children.  So, if I have neglected daily application, I apologize.  Although I must write Today’s Word editions in advance so there will not be gaps while I travel, I hope soon to be back on the “living it out” track.  I also hope to see more of your thoughts.  Thanks for your faithfulness in all this.


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Paul Sims

Skip this is probably the only way that I will be able to realize any semblance of a Master’s degree in Theology, so please keep feeding me, i am a dirty , filthy, stinking, rotting,nasty ram and i need to hear the “WORD” as ” ‘HVH”, lays it on Your heart to give it to us!!
Pastor Paul Sims

Lowell Hayes

Just because we don’t write doesn’t mean that we haven’t learned, and benefitted from your writints and thoughts.

Evelyn Browning

Skip, Stay the course of your calling. Your writing is of great benefit. I print your postings daily, though don’t have a chance to read them until later. Then I read and reread them and let them sink deep into my Greek mind. I praise God that I ‘accidentally’ found your web site. To God be the glory, Evelyn

Kelly Abeyratne

Skip….all is good with me. I am trying to stay on task with daily messages. For me, I have to digest for several days before I can take the next dose. In fact, I often find myself behind. I’ve been slow even at writing due to very long work hours on my new job and my daughter returning to school with a new regimen. I am a student of the Word, always. Even when going to church I sit in the front row since I feel the “teacher” pastor will say something important, and I don’t want to be distracted. I believe very much that I am a student in this community and attempting to process what I’m learning about Jesus and the life He wants me to live. I admit that there are some real thinkers in the group and often I feel outside the box, but still willing to stay the course.

Thank you for your incredible insights and for all those who share. I chew on every morsel. I am growing and stretching. I am considering reaching out even to those that live a couple hours away to stretch my community.

While at seminary, I often felt at the bottom of the curve since I”ve had no Hebrew nor Greek teaching and my background is not Jewish. All this, never kept me away. Only wanting more. More of Jesus, that is.

I love you and this community. Bring it on.


John Lightfoot

Skip: For what it may be worth, I will offer my comments on the subject. Each morning, as I read your email for the day, if it is one that really speaks to me, I print it and place it in a folder. About 10% make it to the folder. That is not to say the other messages are not good; they just do not speak to where I am at the time. For me, your recent series on exegetical methods of rabbis falls into that category. However, from the other responses you have received, it is obvious that many in the community enjoyed it and got a great deal out of it.

I prefer message that speak to my heart, without over-taxing my brain. Chambers talks on the simplicity that is in Christ (2 Cor. 11:3). I once worked with a group of scientists who knew how to bombard natural elements with a particle accelerator, in order to make radioactive chemicals for diagnostic imaging. The office chat was often very, very deep, while all I wanted to know as CFO was how will this impact our bottom line. Your morning chats are often very, very deep, while my focus is on Christ in me; Him increasing, and me decreasing.

Last weekend I spent 5 to 6 hours reviewing your messages from the past that were in my AGT folder; May to November 2006. The Word of God that you shared back then came alive and spoke to me once again. For we know the Word is living and active…piercing…. and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. I say keep doing what you are doing, as long as your are being led by the Spirit. Do not be concerned with the number of responses. Your message may be intended to reach just a single person. As for me, I will glean what I can and move on.

God bless,

John Lightfoot

John Lightfoot

Skip: I’m a numbers guy and you’re a words guy, which can lead to miscommunication, so let’s get this clarified. Only 10% “really” speaks to me, meaning that the message penetrates my heart and not just my mind. Probably another 60% to 70% is very good knowledge that contributes toward my own edification, as well as being useful in my ministry to help build the body of Christ. The rest is just too “heady” for my little brain to digest. Consider me a satisfied member of the community, and continue in your good work.


carl roberts

Shalom Skip! gotta ‘weigh in’ here.. it is the mad-rush of life and the time-bandits that prevent me from responding as I ought. The busyness of life and demands of the day. I am so excited to see the number of posts here and know there are many who like me, for one cause or another are not able to respond. This online community was/is a great idea and I am so encouraged and challenged by the words of our Master’s disciples of today. I love what you do. I’ve said it before and now more than ever, this ministry is both vital and crucial. We need G-d’s words, and we need to know what G-d says. His words are our life-blood. Abba’s full blessings to you both today and in days to come my dear brother in Christ. With great admiration and love.. carl