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And they sewed leaves of the fig tree and made loin coverings for themselves. Genesis 3:7
Loin Coverings – As Adam discovered, fig leaves don’t really do the job. Rembrandt might have used them to cover certain parts of the body, but I don’t think that is the point of this text. The Hebrew word for loin covering is hagore’, from the root hagar. The verb means “to gird, to put on a belt.” But the pictograph really tells the story. It means “to make private (by fencing) the pride of a person.” Interestingly, one of the cognates of this word in Babylon was about a military belt which served no useful purpose except to show off the status of the person. It was a belt of pride in prominent display. When Adam attempted to sew fig leaves for coverings, he was trying to conceal something, but it wasn’t his genitals. It was his disobedient pride. There are additional insights in the Hebrew word translated “pride” comes from the root ga’ah. Its basic meaning is to rise up, to be lifted up or exalted. That’s precisely what Adam wished to conceal from the eyes of the Lord. He wanted to put a fence around his self-exaltation, to cover his rising up against God’s command. The verb ga’ah paints the picture, “what comes from the lifting up of strength.” With great remorse, Adam discovered lifting himself up produced the necessity of privacy. One time he could be entirely open about who he really was. Now his true self had to be concealed.
So, why pick the fig tree? Perhaps you never asked feeling embarrassed to take a peek. But you would have missed something important. You see, the words are ale teena (literally, leaves of vine); the consonants for the root words are Ayin-Lamed-Hey and Tau-Aleph-Vav-Hey. The picture is “what comes from knowing (experiencing) authority” “what comes from securing the strength of a covenant.” I doubt if “fig leaves” really matters here. What matters is the picture behind “fig leaves”; namely, Adam attempts to produce an authority secured by the strength of a covenant from his own efforts. He needs a covenant that will cover his self-exaltation. He needs to get himself under control. He chooses an insufficient means (which God corrects) but nevertheless, he recognizes the need for something that will conceal what has been revealed. The idiomatic expression used here (“leaves of the vine”) points us toward a much deeper reality. This is a remez; a hint at something more important. It isn’t being naked that needs to be covered up. It’s far more humiliating than exposed genitals. What must be covered up is the unleashed aggression of the yetzer ha’ra. What must be covered up is what’s on the rise; the will to power that wants to dominate. Adam tries to find a strong covenant able to harness this force. He uses something that carries the same imagery of the unbridled evil inclination. ‘alah (the root of ale) means “to go up, to ascend, to spring up, to excel, to be superior.” Adam attempts to use “what springs up” to cover “what is rising up”. He tries to control his sin. He fails. So do we all when we fight fire with fire. This is not God’s way.
Your evil inclination is a spring-loaded snare. Unleashed, it will attempt to ascend to the heights. It knows no limits in its rise to power. So, the Lord says, “You must master it.” But not with leaves of the vine! To master the yetzer ha’ra, we must submit. Domestication comes from another direction – descent, what is low and humble. The covenant of strength that covers us is a covenant of blood, a covenant of death. If you haven’t died, you aren’t alive.
Topical Index: yetzer ha’ra, ale teena, ga’ah, fig leaves, hagore, loin coverings, Genesis 3:7
This is so good today, brother Skip I’m beside myself! Amen and amen!! This, my brother is a meal! And of course we see in “hagar”, one who also tried to hide or run away.. She needed and he needed and we all need a change in direction. Instead of running from Him, we need to run to Him in repentance and ask Him to do what He does best. “Father, forgive me for I have sinned”. If we are able to wrap our heads around this, we see in the “nutshell” version, there are basically two men who have ever lived. The first Adam, and the second. If any man (Adam#1) be in Christ (Adam #2), he is a new creation. Hallelujah for the atonement (covering) given unto us by the ONE who forgives, covers and cleanses our impurities and iniquities. <> Yes,and amen! We who belong to Him have entered into by repentance and faith a blood covenant relationship with the living G-d. Absolutely amazing! How I praise Him for the “covering” of the atoning blood sacrifice of Calvary, and that today through this very same atonement of His blood, I am able, because of the covering He has provided, once again live in shalom with the ONE who loved me enough to give His life’s blood for me. Selah!
Oh Skip … how true! Yetzer ha’ra when out of control results in complete blasphemy …. self deification!
For thou hast said in thine lev (heart), I will ascend into Shomayim, I will exalt my kisse (throne) above the kokhavim (stars) of El (G-d); I will sit also upon the har mo’ed (mount of assembly), on yarketei (on the heights of) Tzafon; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like Elyon (the Most High). [YESHAYAH 14:13-14]
But …. there is One Who springs up that can combat yetzer ha’ra as in fire with fire!
And speak unto him, saying, Thus saith Hashem Tzva’ot: Hinei Ish, TZEMACH Shmo and out of his place yitzmach he shall sprout up, and he shall build the Heikhal Hashem. It is he who shall build the Heikhal Hashem; and he shall carry hod, and shall sit and rule upon his throne; and he shall be a kohen upon his throne; and the atzat shalom shall be between them both. [Zecharyah 6:12-13]
Now the question …. if righteousness (Yeshua) springs forth through us (Ruach) by our submission what is this submission commanded to look like. When yetzer ha’ra is restrained we can talk about peace all we want … but what does shalom with Adonai look like? …. Not feel like?
Yeshua did not cover us so that we throw away the covenant but so that we can abide in the covenant through Him. So what covenant do we abide in …. the covenant of Yeshua Adoneinu or the covenant of men that stipulates we don’t have to worry about the stipulations of Yeshua’s covenant anymore?
If we are fooled into the latter covenant I think we will find ourselves standing before Yeshua clothed only in “fig leaves” …. yikes!
oh brother Drew.. this is THE question… and the answer is written in the whole of the Lamb’s book of life.. “Search the scriptures for these are they that testify of me”- “behold the Lamb of G-d” (which taketh away the sin of the world) is the master theme of our Bible. The blood covenant (this is the new covenant in my blood”)- foretold in the O.T. and fulfilled in the N.T. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin.. “when I see the blood.. I will pass over you”. Jesus paid it all- all to Him I owe.
Indeed brother … indeed. There is no doubt that His covenant is solid gold and that His promises are rock solid!
The question still remains … what covenant are individuals abiding in? Many will call upon the name of Yeshua … and many will be turned away … obviously these purported believers did provide testimony and were convinced they were under the covenant …. but they were under a different covenant!
How did they come to such a tragic presumption …. what blind guides led them astray? It is not the truth of The Word that is in question …. it is the truth of hearts and behavior and Spirit!
There is no such thing as cheap grace …. it has been bought with the most precious of all universal elements … Yeshua’s Blood! Merely saying that we are in covenant with Yeshua is meaningless!
What a serious reminder. Thank you for starting my day with this.
I never figured out what “recognizing that they were naked” had to do with anything. Aha! it is not about nakedness at all. Thanks, Skip.
My yetzer hara gets me in trouble in such subtle ways and then sometimes escalates into major ways. ale teena-leaves of the vine to cover up Adam’s disobedient pride. Pride cometh before a fall. I sure have experience it a few times in my life. But it seems that pride keeps us from being connected in vitally important ways. And it all started in the Garden.
I believe everything started in the garden way before Adan and Eve. I see how Lucifer’s pride comes before the fall. See Ezechial 28-12 You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and exquisite in beauty.
13 You were in Eden, the garden of God.
Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone[b]—red carnelian, pale-green peridot, white moonstone,blue-green beryl, onyx, green jasper,blue lapis lazuli, turquoise, and emerald—
all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold.They were given to you on the day you were created.
14 I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian.[c] You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire 15 “You were blameless in all you did from the day you were created until the day evil was found in you.16 Your rich commerce led you to violence, and you sinned.
So I banished you in disgrace from the mountain of God. I expelled you, O mighty guardian, from your place among the stones of fire.
17 Your heart was filled with pride because of all your beauty. Your wisdom was corrupted by your love of splendor. So I threw you to the ground and exposed you to the curious gaze of kings.
18 You defiled your sanctuaries with your many sins and your dishonest trade. So I brought fire out from within you, and it consumed you.
I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching”
al-melech tzor, translated “for the king of Tyre”, from Eze 26 these words are directed thus. There is so much more for us to understand regarding how these words need to be heard/read, how the ruler of Tyre can be referenced into the Garden, onto the mountain, as cheruv mimshach. I’m wondering if Skip revisited this passage.