The Perfect Getaway
“And it shall come to pass that whoever shall call on the name YHWH shall be saved; . . “ Joel 2:32
Saved – Have you ever heard this verse in an evangelistic crusade?If you knew that the Hebrew verb didn’t mean “saved” from eternal damnation, would you be surprised?Would it drive you back to the context to examine what the prophet Joel really said?
The verb here is mālaṭ. You can find it in Job 41:19 and Genesis 19:17. Look at those two occurrences before you decide what the verb means. What did you discover? This word is about escape, not about forgiveness. It’s about getting away from disaster, not about avoiding hell. Of course, in Esther 4:13 and Psalm 89:48, it’s about escape from death, but the death in that context is immediate, physical demise. Perhaps this little insight helps us to see how much of our biblical interpretation is filtered by our evangelical eyesight. A Jew wouldn’t think that salvation was first about eternal life or punishment. For a Jew, salvation is first about escaping immediate danger right here. The question, “Are you saved?” is pretty much an invention of D. L. Moody and Billy Graham, not Sha’ul, Peter (Kefa) or Yeshua.
There’s something else about this verse that we need to reconsider. Who is rescued? Who escapes? Those who call on the name YHWH. Of course, calling on the name of YHWH doesn’t mean what evangelicals think it means either. You see, calling on the name of YHWH goes all the way back to Genesis 4:26, long before anyone had any idea about the sacrificial death of God’s Son. In fact, “calling on the name” is a technical phrase for ownership. In other words, when men began to call on the name of YHWH, they were espousing their fidelity to YHWH. They were declaring that they belonged to Him. He was their master or owner. That meaning didn’t change. When Joel speaks God’s words and uses the same phrase, he means (and so does God) that those who escape will be those who belong to YHWH. The Master takes care of His own.
Of course, there’s a very big difference between claiming to belong to the household of the Master and actually being one of His slaves. What’s the difference? A slave is obedient. A slave depends entirely on the Master. A slave does not have another agenda. Those who merely visit the house may look like they are residents, but when the orders and directions come from the Master, the difference becomes obvious. Some follow. Some do not. Only those who follow will escape.
Joel’s verse certainly could have wider implications. Kefa (Peter) seemed to think so. He initiated his great invitation to God-fearing, devout men with this very verse. He applied the verse to a different context, something rabbinic Judaism often did. But even Peter wouldn’t dare suggest that obedience was optional. Escape, deliverance, rescue or salvation – whatever term you wish to employ – always entails calling on the Name and that is an idiom for obedience.
I need to remember this. I need to have it grafted into my thought patterns and my actions. God delivers. God saves. God rescues. But that does not take away my need to obey. I have a part to play – not in God’s grace but in demonstrating my fidelity to His ownership. Faith without works doesn’t work. “Lord, help me. I want to be Yours. I desire to belong. I am grateful for escape which You provide. But never let me take it for granted. I love you. I serve you.”
Topical Index: save, mālaṭ, Joel 2:32, Genesis 4:26, obedience, calling on the Name
As it is written:
John 10. 27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: (28)- I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”
Hear the (living) Word of G-d: (as it is written)..
As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: (Romans 3:10)
For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23)
But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8)
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: (Romans 5:12)
For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. (Romans 10:9-13)
“saved”, rescued, delivered, set free, born again, made new, regenerated,redeemed, adopted- shall we go on? It’s all good. “you must be born again”. Let His word speak to us today. You “must” be born again.
Whosoever will may come and drink of the water of life freely.. “it is the gift of G-d, not of works (sorry bout that Cain-Isaiah 64.9)..all our righteousness is as filthy rags ), – any man should boast. Nothing in my hand I bring, simply to the cross I cling; let the water and the blood,from Thy wounded side which flowed,be of sin the double cure,save from wrath and make me pure.
-And the blood of Jesus Christ G-d’s Son (and G-d the Son), cleanses from all sin.- Worthy is the Lamb who was slain “and has redeemed us unto G-d by His blood.”
Is the verse reference Joel 3:5 correct.Should it not be Joel 2:32?
Yes, sorry!
Today I am confused. Joel 3:5 in the NAS Bible reads “Since you have taken My silver and My gold, and brought My precious treasures to your temples,” I see what Skip is sayi g but the text does not seem appropriate. I need some help on this one.
My mistake. Should be Joel 2:32.
Thanks, Skip. That helps.
Hi Roy,
Joel 3,5 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be delivered; for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be those that escape, as the LORD hath said, and among the remnant those whom the LORD shall call. [Source: JPS TANAKH]
What you are pointing to is Joel 4:5
There is no Joel 4:5 but see Skips comment above.
Most Christian versions of the TANAKH are not in sync with the Hebrew Canon!
Skip was obviously quoting from the original text as codified by the Jews since my Joel 3:5 was exactly the same!
No big deal …. just clarification!
Shalom Skip,
The messages over the last few days have been once again pointing to the very large issues of obedience, death and rescue. Your commentaries once again attack the notion that “one can walk the narrow path, (in the footsteps of Yeshua), without submission and obedience to ELOHIM’s commandments, statutes, ordinances, et. al.”
Now we need not once again refer herein to the teachings of Lord Yeshua, Paul, James, John, Peter, …. and on and on …. everyone will assuredly agree in principle that “obedience” is important. Once again Skip the crux of the issue is this:
“If ELOHIM IS LOVE and ELOHIM’s CHARACTER IS REFLECTED IN TORAH …. then TORAH is the standard of OBEDIENCE by which we slaves are measured and through which THE MASTER has HIS purposes satisfied …. correct?”
Now …. the second question … “what is the relationship between faith and Torah obedience from a Biblical perspective?” Quite simply …. does rebellion (consistent attitudinal disobedience) to ELOHIM’s WORD … to ELOHIM’s Commandments negate a claim of “faith”? Or can we Biblically see the scenario where transformation results in something other than obedience to Torah (fruits of the Spirit)?”
Now presuming your answer to the later question is that “of course the transformation must line up with Torah” … there is one more question. What about the believer who engages in charity, self sacrifice, kindness, love, et. al. …. yet has no formal concept of Torah or who has been taught that Torah is done away with? What is the deal when key components of Torah are apparently written on the believer’s heart but apparently many others are not?
Let me add this. The Torah allows forgiveness through repentance and symbolic sacrifice for sins committed out of ignorance (it does not allow the same for deliberate sins). In my opinion, most Christians today are ignorant of the implications of faith and Torah. If they are being disobedient to Torah, it is because the Church has led them astray, keeping them in the dark. In fact, most theologians, preachers and teachers are in the same dark place, following the previous generations rather than going back to the text. In other words, we have been reading the Bible through replacement theology glasses so long now that we accept the teaching as if it were true. For this, there is forgiveness. It comes after our eyes are opened to the truth. This is one of the purposes of Today’s Word – to gently open the eyes so that we might come to repentance and begin to live Torah-obedient lives.
But neither you nor I can actually open the eyes of another. That is the role of the Spirit. The Father calls whom He will, when He will, how He will. We are called to live according to the truth, shine His glory in the dark, consistently uphold His honor and be ready to give answer when asked. But we are not the opticians. We don’t correct the vision. We just announce the correct letters on the eye chart.
Skip … quite a simple yet elegant response!
And Yolanda bless your heart … indeed it is the love of the law in response to such an amazing gift from Yeshua and not the letter of the law!
But please for a moment let us peer a bit deeper into the issue. It would seem that a great many purported believers are not willing or have yet to be blessed with this Spiritual opening of the eyes … conversely there seems to be a growing number of believers who are being called to this truth.
So another question … if this trap of “led astray teaching” results in believers working against the Gospel of Truth or minimally advises them to continue in the “ways of this world” and not transform …. then what? What can we say about matters …. this is OK?
Remember brother Skip …. there are the so not small matters of abiding in the covenant and serving the purposes of The Master …. are these issues irrelevant?
I suppose I am struggling a bit here with the concept of “having to have our eyes opened up” … as in “only some will have their eyes opened while the same Spirit will not open the eyes of others”! Do you see where I am going here?
Is the opening of the eyes then a function of specific purpose for a remnant or is the opening of the eyes meant for all …. a free gift of Ruach HaKodesh? The question is important since those who go back, (t’shuvah), repent of the bad theology and traditions, and embrace the truth of the Gospel (including Torah) are indeed finding themselves separated from the mainstream group of believers. Or are there no consequences for failing to be restored to the true Gospel of Yeshua?
Clearly brother Skip there is purpose and consequences in play here …. I am eager to hear your thoughts on the matter. As these later days proceed the issue of remaining in tradition and embedded doctrine versus “having one’s eyes opened” may not as you indicate be forgiven!
-there are the so not small matters of abiding in the covenant and serving the purposes of The Master …. are these issues irrelevant?-
good morning brother Drew.. and a blessed Monday to all.. I am just now “catching up” on TW and been reading the recent posts. I would like to interject my two centavos on the interesting phrase I have picked out of your comments, as I am very much interested in this “issue”. I would like to speak on “abiding in the covenant”. Yeshua spoke, “if you abide in me, and my words abide in you, you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. As these were among His last words, I would think they would hold critical import. Not only “abide in me”, but also “if my words abide in you”. This is of course, life-changing. If we allow, or welcome His words, (these daily semantic sapphires of Scripture), then we are being renewed and transformed to the image of the Son, and are able to develop and deploy the mind of Christ in our daily living. We have a double blessing actually as we now have not only the written word, but also the living word (Yeshua himself), living and abiding within. Wow! We desperately need His help and guidance to steward such gifts!
Abba’s full blessings to you today, dear brother! Amen!
Shalom Carl … Two cents … always welcome …
Life-changing … indeed! And if HE (The Living WORD) does change us …. does transform us into His image …. then of course we, (through Him), are abiding in the covenant!
I think brother that we are all on board with those that embrace, thirst and seek Yeshua …. He will abide in the faithful and Torah will be written upon the hearts as promised!
As you can see from the string of posts … I do have a question regarding the writing of Torah upon one’s heart … Specifically to the point of a believer recognizing the glory of Torah and having the desire to embrace it … to seek it … to live it!
The issue I raised to Skip is why some (a small few) and not more? Why the separation? If it is the same Ruach HaKodesh …. what is preventing this desire, this Spiritual movement …. this purposeful transformation amongst all genuine believers? Why do some just simply see this as reading the ABCs …. nothing to debate …. nothing to be distressed about …. Torah is for all people and is integral to our lives as believers and citizens of the Kingdom … yet others struggle mightily and put up all kinds of traditional fronts to debate what is clearly not debatable in The Word itself?
Skip has intimated that the theology and erroneous traditions play a large part in this blindness (I certainly concur on this point) and that it is only through The Lord’s choice that this blindness will be cured. It is very interesting Carl that you declare “if we allow or welcome His words” into us.
I think the question boils down to this: “Does Ruach HaKodesh have this eye opening gift awaiting all believers or only some to foster a specific purpose in ELOHIM’s plan? …. Or is it a function of many believers not welcoming this Spiritual eye opening into their hearts?
Ah, we step on one of the mysteries of God. Isn’t it nice to know that having the “right” answer is not a condition for His grace? He works His will secretly among the ways of men. One day He will pull back the curtain – and I am pretty sure we will ALL be surprised.
I love your comments. Of course the “renewed” or “new” covenant is written on our hearts. And you know charity, kindness, and love cover a multitude of sin. It is not the letter of the law. It is the love of the law, because we see Yahshua in the law. Those who do not see Yahshua in the law have not yet come into the fullness of time. You know the day is upon us. Remember also the marriage supper of the lamb, it was only the one without the robe (the righteous acts of the saints – Revelation) that was thrown out.
My comment was intended for Drew but somehow just got put on the bottom of a list of comments. What happened to the “gray” that indicated a comment for a specific blog?
Great question Drew. I’m waiting for Skip’s answer.
–Remember also the marriage supper of the lamb, it was only the one without the robe (the righteous acts of the saints – Revelation) that was thrown out.–
I would like to hear more of this robe.. Are you saying the robes worn by the saints are their righteous acts? – and if so, is there scriptural basis for this belief?
Do the robes mentioned here represent “atonement” which itself a type of “covering”? I would love to hear more about the principle of “atonement”, as I recognize myself to be a sinner in need of a covering as I present myself before a G-d who is holy.
I am now very aware of our inability to comprehend, concerning the instruction “do not be conformed to this world” (Rom 12:2). EVERYTHING about this world seeks to become elevated above our God unless we see it for an idol and turn away from it. It looks like each one must be tested in our willingness to be ‘set apart’ for our God. Yep, we’ll probably get voted off the island for it!
LOL! brother Skip.. of this I am certain- we will all be surprised!! There’s not a doubt in my mind!
Brother Drew -getting back to your question: -“Does Ruach HaKodesh have this eye opening gift awaiting all believers or only some to foster a specific purpose in ELOHIM’s plan? …. Or is it a function of many believers not welcoming this Spiritual eye opening into their hearts? I view this a bit like the electrical outlet somewhere near to where you are seated. The electricity is “available” but until we “avail ourselves” of it, it is just “present”. I also am very aware of this: “G-d does business with those who mean business” or as stated much more succinctly in the Word- “If you seek for me with all your heart.. you will find me.”. I also like the concept mentioned “For precept must be upon precept, ; line upon line;here a little, and there a little”, in Isaiah 28.10. This is the way we learn- a little at a time. According to His word- “For it is God who is producing in you both the desire and the ability to do what pleases him.” (Philippians 2.13) This is rather funny when you consider what it is that pleases Him- (our obedience) is also one of His gifts to us!
I agree my brother …. the electrical socket metaphor is something that makes much sense …. it is incumbent upon us to “plug in”! The Lord will not make us plug in but He will feed the measure of Ruach based upon the sincerity and thirst of our seeking!
Let us pray that all decide to plug in with heavy gauge wire!
…. Then we’ll see mountains move!