Mental Telepathy
“Hear, O earth; behold, I will bring evil on this people, the fruit of their thoughts. For they have not listened to My words and My law, they also rejected it.” Jeremiah 6:19
Fruit Of Their Thoughts – Why must we take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5)? Why should we be held accountable for desiring what doesn’t belong to us even if we do nothing more than think about it (Exodus 20:17)? As long as I don’t actually do anything, does it really matter what I think?
We have been taught to place a priority on our thoughts. But we might not appreciate the full extent of our spiritual mental telepathy. Jeremiah reveals God’s declaration on this subject. Israel is about to fall into captivity because the thoughts of the people turn away from God’s torah. The Hebrew phrase is peri machshevotam. Let’s dig a little deeper and see what this involves.
Peri is fruit, like apples and oranges. But notice that fruit is the natural production of the plant. You can’t get lemons from an olive tree, just as you can’t get righteous behavior from a wicked heart. What matters is the source of the fruit. The results will always exhibit what is found in the source. Just as God observed in Genesis 6, when the imaginations of men are turned toward wickedness, nothing good is produced no matter how it is dressed up. The pictograph demonstrates the reality here. It is “the voice of the person’s work.” Your fruit speaks who you are. Sha’ul understood the Hebrew concept perfectly when he reminded us that the fruit of the Spirit stands in contrast to the production of disobedience (Galatians 5). What you do shouts who you are. But what about the things you never do but only think about?
What about machshevotam? This is the word for thoughts, intentions and the resulting products that come from cognitive activity. The verb behind this noun is hashav (Chet-Shin-Bet). It covers all kinds of mental acts, from thinking, devising, reckoning and esteeming to considering, planning, meditating and imputing. The pictograph shows us “a fence between consuming and the house.” In other words, mental activity is intended to separate what will consume and destroy from what will build up the house. There is a reason for this fence. Left unchecked, desire will overwhelm. What Jeremiah says is this: The people no longer regard the fence. Therefore, what was intended to act as an agent of protection has become a source of evil. Thoughts without boundaries lead to destructive consequences.
Did you notice that this is another example of twisted reality? God intended our thoughts to be a power for good, a fence of protection. Sin twists that power into something else. Released from boundaries, our imaginations are corrupted. I am quite sure we all know the reality of this pretzel. The question isn’t, “Why are we twisted?” The question is, “What is the fence that protects me from being twisted?” God answers. Torati – My Torah. The reason that the thoughts of the people are twisted is this: they have rejected the Torah. They have thrown away the fence. They are no longer protected from themselves. As a result, God Himself will bring evil upon them.
There is a terrible implication in Jeremiah’s declaration. Removing torati causes disaster. Unlike the scientific view of the physical universe, mental activity has direct physical consequences. In the Biblical worldview, what I think brings about real, tangible events. When I refuse to listen to God’s Torah, when I reject His instructions for life, terrible things happen in this physical realm. There is a straight line from hashav to ra’ (evil). The Bible teaches us that we become what we think and without the protective fence of Torah, our thinking will lead us astray. We follow our thoughts straight to destruction.
Now how do you feel about all those “laws”? Do you see that Torah is protection, not restriction? When we live without Torah, we live on the open plain, without shelter, without boundaries, where anything can happen to us – and sometimes does. Just think about it.
Topical Index: torah, thoughts, hashav, peri, fruit, Jeremiah 6:19
It seems that the Savior restated this principle when He addressed the motivation that led to certain behaviors, and that the heart attitude would be judged as accurately as the offending behavior.
Skip … what a true and powerful message that I and others can probably look back in our personal lives and say … yep … this was me! Wandering mind leading to horrendous behavior and really, really poor consequences!
Sadly this was not understood by the emerging young Gentile led church 1,800 plus years ago. The mindset spoken of herein pertains not just to individuals but, as Skip points out, also corporately for the community.
When the young church decided that it was separate and distinct from the Jews (Israel) the first love was abandoned … the Torah, the glue between G_D and His nation of Kings and Priests.
“There is a straight line from hashav to ra’ (evil). The Bible teaches us that we become what we think and without the protective fence of Torah, our thinking will lead us astray. We follow our thoughts straight to destruction.” ….
How then can communities/denominations, bound together without Torah, survive the destruction?
Sorry … Forgot to add one important point … communities of course can be either Jew or Gentile …. this whole construct is aimed at Israel and I did not want anyone to think that my commentary pertained only to Gentiles. As we know there are plenty of non-Torah abiding Jewish communities which remain in rebellion … and destruction is assuredly casting its awful glare upon them as well.
As always we must pray for awakening, restoration and hope in The Lord’s endless mercy and loving kindness!
I heard someone on the radio recently teaching that the “law of Moses” would still be in effect today if it had been given by God and not a “man”. Thus the only law that has resisted time is the 2 laws Jesus spoke of in the NT, ie. to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and strength and to love your neighbor as yourself. I don’t know about anyone else, but that has puzzled me for years. To make a statement like that brings us precisely to this TW…individuals are left to decide what is the loving thing to do without the boundaries/guidelines of Torah. The Holy Spirit, because of the “NEW” Covenant, has replaced the need for Torah, according to the pundits, who, it appears are continually.
So what do they do with:
Exodus 24:12-And the LORD said unto Moses, Come up to me into the mount, and be there: and I will give thee tables of stone, and a law, and commandments which I have written; that thou mayest teach them.
Exodus 31:18-nd he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.
Exodus 32:16-And the tables [were] the work of God, and the writing [was] the writing of God, graven upon the tables.
Matt. 5:19-Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach [them], the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
And meanwhile, we see increasing numbers of denominations (divisions); building programs hoping that will give the “face lift” to improve the quality and character of the congregants; other programs to stimulate the lethargic status quo, etc. etc. We see one “sect” of Christianity calling another “sect” anathema because of certain practices, not realizing the pot is calling the kettle black.
Additionally, those practicing the letter of Torah are bleeding into a pad of self-righteousness that Jesus calls filthy rags (sorry for the directness here) and said unless your righteousness exceeds that of the Pharisees, nothing else will permit your entrance into the Kingdom (Matt 5:20) Thankfully, He gives us the good news that those who seek wholeheartedly and singly focused upon the Kingdom will have all their TRUE needs met (Matt. 6:33), which I will submit is knowing Jesus Christ.
Men and women’s hearts have always needed taming and Torah’s intent is to teach us what true humanity looks like. We say we want to see Jesus…well look at the great Words….ALL of them-the Word became a man, God’s Word with skin on. That is why our Great Example, Jesus Christ kept the law. He was able to live a sinless life because He kept the law. Are we able? Only as we follow Him! If we are taught and convinced we can not do it, of course we cannot. That is such a daunting task why do we think we have the power or strength within ourselves to be holy like God? Ask the Holy Spirit to turn on the spotlight first on His Words that will never pass away, the law which will never pass away until heaven and earth do, AFTER surrendering to Him. Quit trying to figure out all the eschatology over learning how we will all, Jew and Gentile live together in the Kingdom, OR are you convinced all Jews will finally see the light and convert to the Christian Way? OR are you convinced that Jews will be “allowed” to “practice” their “faith” in the Kingdom and Christians will be “permitted” to live as they do now when “we all get to Heaven”, however THEY choose? How do you read
Galatians 3:28-There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Hey everyone…I do NOT have this thing all figured out!! Not by a long shot. I am missing the mark continually, but I am so very thankful I know the One who can lead the Way. He goes before me, surrounds me with His strong arm, His Word is the light that illuminates the darkness of my path in this world and I know He is able to keep me from stumbling out of the Way as I walk through the valley of the SHADOW of death on this highway of holiness. Thank you Father, Son and Holy Spirit for ALL you are to us!
Hi Skip,
Between 1928 and 1935 my parents produced 5 boys while farming with horses in Ohio during the depths of the GREAT depression. Their secret for handling five boys was teaching us very few rules. Only rules for self discipline such as: “My word is me,” “Be careful what you think,” and “We make the rules in our house.” With these rules they built a fence around us for our protection. None of us boys caused them any major problems. I included these and other common sense rules in my book about dating, mating, and marriage entitled, LIFE IS SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED, which garnered rave reviews. Knowing that humans could not remember hundreds of rules, I believe our heavenly Father gave the 10 commandments to build a fence around us and protect His creation.
William A. Cummins, Author
I’ve been asking God to help me better understand this and related issues. This helps. Thanks Skip.
I begin each day with Paul in Ephesians 6:10-18. I put on the full armor of God. I put on the belt of truth which is the whole word of God, and the brestplate of righteousness which is the righteousness supplied by God. Then I put on my work boots which are the gospel of peace or the gospel of Jesus Christ. I pick up my shield of faith which is faith in Christ to be my savior that will quench the darts of the evil ones (I wish it said deflect). Next I put on my helment of salvation. My helment will protect my MIND, my eyes, my nose, my mouth and my ears from the filth the world wants to surround me with. Now I pick up my sword of the spirit which is the word sent by God as my offensive weapon. I am ready to do battle every day.
Then guess what happens? As soon as a REAL battle starts, I loosen that belt that is pinching me, I kick off my boots and lay down my shield and sword and take off that helment that protects my MIND, and I think restricts my vision and hearing and speaking and I’m ready to cross the fence and fight. After some gentle or sometimes painful proding the Lord leads me back to my armor and I mentally put it back on. Sometimes I get my armor back on in time to win the battle, and other times I am so busy fighting that I don’t even remember my armor that I discarded and I lose the battle. WHY DO WE THINK WE KNOW BETTER THAN GOD HOW TO FIGHT THE BATTLES THAT COME OUR WAY? Why do we cross the fence that protects us?
I would echo Drew by thanking the Lord for His endless mercy and loving kindness.
Here’s what’s amazing about all that armor. God doesn’t ask you to TAKE ground. He only asked to you HOLD the ground He has already taken. We make a lot of mistakes on this one, and get pounded because we think we are the POINT man.
OK, so I need to ask from some help. I am REALLY struggling with the Perfect Enemy Ezer book. I am ready to just walk away from it for awhile. It is so frustrating to know all the details and not be able to write it so simply that everyone can get it. Anyway, I am discouraged. Some prayer please.
Prayers … you got it brother!
Some advice … don’t let all that knowledge of the details get in the way of how The Spirit wants you to deliver the message!
Quite the dilemma with writing sometimes is it not? Where to spend the energy … content or delivery … at the end of the day the message is HIS message … Ruach HaKodesh will let it flow …
I see the elegance of your delivery capabilities every day …. let it go!
And most importantly … I will pray for your swift victory!
Hi, Skip. I will be praying for you, too. A thought just occurred to me; you have a timeline in mind for finishing this book, so does God. Does your timeline fit with His? It will be ready when He knows it is the kairos moment.
Wait for revelation – maybe there’s another piece of the puzzle, another key that God knows needs to be in there but that He hasn’t shown you, yet.
Be patient; wait on Him. Don’t force it. The end result will be worth it (and I’m really looking forward to it when it’s finished).
Father, I ask You to allow Skip to tangibly sense the peace You desire for Him. Please bring the times of refreshing. The work is Yours, having commissioned Him, surely You will supply this need and honor your beloved’s request. Amen
My prayer is also for Skip to have CLEAR VISION and a PEACEFUL HEART as he sees God’s design for marriage and puts it into words that convict and challenge us to live according to His plan. May we receive this revelation with joy and trust Him for supernatural strength to live in a way that shows the world we are different. We have the same struggles that everyone else has, but we also have a Higher Wisdom to follow for success. I agree with Rodney that this book is something I’m really looking forward to reading!
“not be able to write it so simply that everyone can get it”
Hi Skip,
Funny, I had the same feeling trying to respond to Mental Telepathy over the last 18 hours.
Tried to reply several different times with several different approaches, but once I got going I could never figure out how to get back to my point and make it clear.
One thing was clear, every new Word seems to be getting better each day.
Relatively speaking, it must be kind of like being in college and having a Comparative Literature paper due every day
Your writing never needs any editing as far as I can tell, but if you want to send me some draft copy I would be happy to read it or edit it and give you feedback if you like.
In any case, I’ll say a prayer for you.
Thank you all for your willingness to assist and to pray. As you know, I think this topic is one of the most important ones facing the Church today. It is major Kingdom business. But because it is so controversial, I want to offer readers the thinking behind the changes in behavior. That is necessarily complicated since it deals with trying to see the world from the eyes of Hebrew linguistic architecture. But I am not going to give up! Too much at stake. So, with a day off for Sabbath and prayer, I’ll start again. I am even dreaming about this, so it must be deeply embedded.
Skip, I also echo Michael’s offer to assist with proof reading, checking readability etc. at the appropriate time if you so desire. Whatever is required – just email me and let me know. I agree – this is an important work and it would be an honour to contribute in some practical way as well as financial support as I’m able.
Go God! Lead our dear brother on to victory!!