Thank you!
I had something else written for today, but I decided that this is what I really wanted to say:
Thank you. Thank you, everyone of you around the world. You are real family to me. Real brothers and sisters and I am honored to belong to this family. I love you (it’s a verb thing).
Families are awesome!
We thank you, and we thank God for you!
We love you too Skip, and thank you for your labors in G-d’s Word. What I have said in the past is still true in the present, your ministry is crucial. It is the difference between clarity and confusion. So many of us have grown up in the church, but have never been fed such a diet as what we receive here on this website. Yeshua has said, “the words I speak unto you- they are spirit and they are life.” We must know His words. I’ll give this short(?) example. The English word- “trunk.” When I say “trunk” -you think of…..? A car trunk? A tree trunk? A swimming trunk? (we actually used to say swimming trunks!!), An elephant’s trunk? A clothing trunk? Trink, Trank, Trunk. (?) We could go five different paths just in this one word. Now, when I say “holiness”- what comes to mind? Or “salvation?” Or “sanctification”. Yes, we grew up with these “buzz” words spoken usually by someone behind a pulpit, but totally foreign to those sitting in the pews. (us). “We do err (an interesting word in itself), not knowing the scriptures nor the power of G-d.”
If (since) faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of G-d, we (the just shall live by faith, right?) must know the words of YHWH. And as we have learned from Isaiah, we (da sheep) are daily learning as it is written: Isaiah 28:13 (KJV) …precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little…- just a child learns to string words together in order to form a comlete sentence.
Since we have a “day off”, we’ll go ahead and give a “shout-out” to Patrick also, the “tech-geek” who is the webbed feet of the duck paddling furiously while the duck seemingly glides effortlessly across the pond. This site did not just “happen.” Neither does “Today’s Word” just happen. There is much thought, prayer, time and study and waiting upon G-d for these daily words to “happen.” Maybe it’s time also to thank Roseanne for sharing Skip with us. Time spent on this site is time away from her, so thank you Roseanne for sharing Skip with us.
And since we have a blank “piece of paper” before us, “hello” to all who are reading these comments today. You have found a wonderful place to be- for we are all “learners!” (Talmudim in Hebrew!) Sometimes written as “disciples!” And if there is one thing I have learned (yes, from the Hebrew mindset!), we need one another- and this includes YOU! – Speak- you have something we need to hear.
Share your “story” with us, we will be the richer for it. Tell us of what Yeshua has done for you! Testify, for it will serve to strengthen the body and bride of Christ..(us).
As for me (and my house)- this very day.. “we will serve the LORD!” We will “serve the LORD with gladness, and we will come before His presence with singing!” We will not forsake the gathering of ourselves together (as the manner of some is). This family has been blessed to be part of a local “ecclessia”. We have been blessed, indeed.
It’s early yet, in this corner of the world, and the family is still sleeping. I’m going to return to “otium sanctum” (holy leisure), and to spending some quiet, focused time with the ONE I love, but this “blank” page will remind me to pray specifically for you brother Skip, and for my “forever family”, found right here- one of my very favorite places to “eat!” Our Abba’s fullest blessings to all!
-Rejoicing in the goodness of our G-d.. carl.
Thanks, Carl. You are a faithful friend and a dear brother.
And YOU are greatly loved and appreciated, Skip! As I sit at my in-laws’ place in Hornell, enjoying 55 degree weather, it is wonderful to have time to simply relax and reflect and meditate on GOD’s Word. I will always remember with gratitude what a privilege it was to be a part of God’s Table. Thanks for your conscientious, GOD-honoring devotionals. I’ve had the privilege this week of meeting with several classmates from 45 years back at Houghton College-many of whom are walking faithfully based on the solid foundation we received so many years ago. Believe it or not, some of your in depth studies are used in some of my messages to the faithful few at First Baptist, Everglades City, where I am serving as a ‘transitional’ pastor-helping them through some rough times and preparing them to find a full time pastor.
Dear Skip and Family,
Skip, the words in your post today are so refreshing and lovely. Thank you!
I have a personal question for you. I cannot recall the year when I began to read at your website, but one thing stands out in my mind clearly. There was a photo of you, standing either on a small bridge, or someplace where behind you was a railing and overlooking a body of water. Do you recall that? And do you still have a copy of that photo? If you do, will you share it with us? : )
That picture was taken at The Waterfront restaurant in Sosua, Dominican Republic, on the day that Rosanne accepted my offer of marriage.
Thanks, Skip,
In looking at your devotional book “Words to Lead By”, I noticed that the photo was on the back cover. I scanned it and saved it to a file. It isn’t too clear, but still a good photo of you. How nice to know when and where and under what circumstance it was taken!! Thank you for sharing that!!
I’ll send you a better one.
Skip, I appreciate your offer, but a photo of your outward man does not depict the “photo” of your beautiful inward man, the one who is filled with, and yielded to, His Spirit. I have had a number of glimpses into that man through your writings, and am honored to have had that glimpse.
Skip, You are quite welcomed. Actually, I think it is more critical for me to thank you for all you have contributed to my life. This past year and three months my understanding of Scripture has undergone radical changes (for the better, I trust).
The simple gratitude you express is mutual. I can’t thank YOU enough for all you have written that has reordered my Christian life! I know that it has cost you dearly, and for that sacrifice I am truly thankful. May God continue to encourage and strengthen you to share insight into His Word daily At God’s Table!
Thanks Skip!
I love you, Tara loves you, and this community loves you!
I’m so thankful and truly blessed to be your friend. I’m so glad that I can walk this journey of life and faith alongside you. Thank you for being you.
Of course, thank you too for all you do here to read, research, pray, and teach the word to those who want to hear. Thank you too for sharing your heart along with your mind.
We love you too Skip! Keep up the “God” work!
Meeting you, sitting under your teaching, talking, reading your articles and books, traveling in Israel, and sharing life together has and continues to be a most rewarding journey. Thank you for your transparent leadership. Melody and I love you and Roseanne very much.
– Roderick
Skip, you are a wonderful blessing to me. I thank God for you and the ministry He has charged you with. Through these teachings, my understanding of Scripture has been transformed. God bless you as you continue in Him and I pray the eyes of our hearts would be open to see His beauty revealed through His Word.
Thanks Skip. Your teaching is a blessing to my wife and I daily. I’m most fortunate to have come across your blog and I know better than to thank Google for it! May YHVH bless you.
From the day I first met you at a Master’s seminar, you have been the most influential teacher in my Christian walk. You have taught me how to fish for truth, and now I do so spreading the necessity of reconnecting with our Hebrew roots. Without your guidance and kindness, I would still be a denominational minister completely ignorant of what it really means to be a follower of Yeshua. It would be impossible to overstate your influence on my ministry. Thank you from my heart.
The love you express to us is reflected right back on you. Thanks for “rowing” my boat toward a deeper knowing of our LORD. You continue to be a guide to the Light of our paths and I appreciate all the hard work and passion that you put into your work. I am grateful for the car accident that led me to a chiropractor that led me to a website (Ben Lerner’s Body By God) that had a link on it “At God’s Table” about 6 years ago. I’ve been reading ever since and my life has been blessed. I love the way He works, don’t you?
God works invisibly in the affairs of men His secret purposes to perform. I didn’t know you were connected through Ben. He has been a faithful reader for a long time.
Greetings Skip,
Since meeting you on that flight to Chicago several years ago, (and discovering the Trinity Seminary connection,) John and I have been reading your teachings regularly. Initially we read sporadically, but we soon became daily addicts. In fact, I go through withdrawal symptoms if I don’t start my day with “Today’s Word.”
I had always considered myself a believer since the age of 21, when I accepted Christ as a result of a friend with Campus Crusade for Christ. Then began my journey of what I thought was growth. Little did I know how far off course I was getting until God put you in my path to show me what He REALLY wanted me to know about Himself and the relationship I could REALLY have with Him, if I got serious.
I thank God daily for reaching down and redirecting my path. And, I thank God daily for you and your willingness to be his servant, messenger and bearer of truth. God has hand picked you to impact the lives of many many people.
I’ve said it to you personally and I’ll say it publicly. Since meeting you, my whole family has experienced IBS Syndrome (Impacted By Skip Syndrome.) And that’s a good thing!!
And yes, a big thanks to Rosanne for sharing you with all of us.
May God continue to bless you with that soft heart, your wealth of knowledge and an amazing gift to verbalize and teach it to those willing to listen (that would be US…your other family!!)
Hugs to you and Rosanne,