Webinar Comments

Hey Skip,

I really enjoyed the seminar and it was really cool to be “sitting” with followers of the Way from around the world.  I just wanted to say (and should have spoken up during the seminar) that I began observing Sabbath about a year ago and I truly long for Friday evening/Saturday.  I used to fill my Saturdays with cleaning and shopping and running around like a mad woman. Then I would fill my Sunday with worship, preparing a meal for my family, and watching tv all afternoon.  When I began observing Sabbath, I found real rest.  I take my coffee and 6-8 books out on the porch and I am lost for 3-4 hours in His word, commentaries, Hebrew language lessons, devotionals and various studies.  I then join with fellow believers at corporate worship because I have family and friends I love to worship with and then Sunday is the day I catch up on things that need to be done.  I have actually saved much money because stores do not have long hours on Sunday and this is good.  I have found myself better rested, falling deeper in love with my Father and can actually do a better job of work/worship the other 6 days of the week.  I thank God for His blessing of Sabbath and I thank God for you as you were the one who helped me see how wonderful these 24 hours a week are!

Thanks for the opportunity tonight.


Dear Dr. Moen:

The webinar you presented (I took part in the 8 AM one this morning), was very informative and enlightening.  We often take the Sabbath for granted and do not use it for the purpose for which it was intended.  Rather than being a time of “tranquililty, serenity, peace and repose” many of us are going just as strongly on the Sabbath as we do on any other day of the week. Sadly, I am guilty of this, as well.

I appreciate your thought-provoking comments about how the Sabbath should be a time to recapture our fellowship with God and to allow our souls to be refreshed.  I plan to put more effort into “recapturing my fellowhip” with the Lord and “refreshing my soul”.  Thanks for the boost I needed to initiate that.

Have a wonderful day and may God richly bless you and yours.

Linda G. Anderson

This mornings Webinar was good. Another time I would be able to do better in terms of where I send my comments and how to interact. I did appreciate the webcam portion and only wished that I could have seen some of the other faces that were visible. It may have been how I set up my system but I could only spot mine and the non-picture of Amanda. the picture of you and the host, Thomas. Maybe the next time I will be able to see more.
My guess is that even you will become more at ease and be able to time these events more completely as you do more of them. I would be tempted to listen in on the next two but that would not fit mu schedule today at all, so I will have to wait. Know that I do support what you are doing and even though I am having personal problems with the Sabbath starting on Friday as a requirement, I know what you are saying and attempting to encourage. Keep up the good work.
I have been talking with my daughter, who has just enrolled at Master’s International and am encouraging her to subscribe to your daily study as a way for her to grow. Take care and God be with you in your work.
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Barry Jenkins


I attended both the 8AM and the 8PM Webinars. I found the quality of sound and picture to be very good. In addition, the topic was very important and presented in a way that focused on the real issues concerning the Sabbath. Heschel’s material was a good choice to present to the attendees. Please schedule more of these!