Corinthians (2)

to the church of God which is at Corinth, to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling, with all who in every place call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours: 1 Corinthians 1:2

Sanctified – You’ve got to be kidding!  These people, the Corinthians, have been sanctified?  No way!  They are the worst lot of sinners ever to gather as a worshipping assembly.  In fact, they tolerate immorality that Paul doesn’t even find among the outright pagans.  How in the world can Paul call them sanctified?

The Greek word is hegiasmenos, a perfect passive participle of the verb hagiazo.  The verb itself means “to make holy,” but in this case the grammatical structure is really important.  First, this verb is in the perfect tense.  That means it is an action in the past that has continuing results.  Keep that in mind while we notice that this is also a passive construction.  That means it is an action done to someone by another agent.  In other words, the action in the past that continues to have effect today was not our action.  It was God’s action.  He sanctifies, not us.  Finally, we see that this verbal form is a participle.  It is an on-going action that acts like an adjective.  It adds some characteristic to the subject.  And the subject is us, you and me and the Corinthians.  We have been acted upon by God in the past and that action continues to affect us today.  He set us apart, blessed by His name, and the consequence of His action continues.

Something wonderful has happened.  God acted upon us.  He stirred us toward Him.  He set our course.  And He isn’t giving up any time soon.  Of course, we can always resist, rebel and reject, but that does not change the fact that God’s past act provides for our sanctification.  We have to work out the manifestation of being holy in our lives, but we did not have to establish it.  God did that – and no man has the right or ability to remove God’s handiwork.

This is a terribly important lesson for all believers.  Inevitably, we will encounter those among the assembly who just don’t seem to meet our standards.  Perhaps we will encounter these pitiful types when we look in the mirror.  But no matter where we meet them, we must always be mindful that God has done a work in their lives and that God’s work hasn’t stopped affecting them.  The game isn’t over.  The transformation process continues.  These are not enemies.  They are fellow travelers.  Even that person in the mirror is still traveling with us, trying to let God’s sanctification become a present reality.  What matters most is our compassion for the fighters.  We are together in this.  We rejoice together.  We weep together.  We repent together.  We exult together.  As soon as we stop remembering that God’s work is completed, continuing and characteristic, we become the hypocrites we once were.  So, take my hand and squeeze it tight.  God called us, and I need you.

Topical Index: sanctified, hagiazo, 1 Corinthians 1:2

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Amanda Youngblood

“The verb itself means ‘to make holy,'”

I’m glad you explained “sanctified.” It’s one of those Christianeze words that no one ever really explains but everyone uses. To make holy (set apart to the service and worship of God, acceptable to God), to be sanctified is an amazing thing! To think that God did everything necessary for us to be set apart and to be acceptable, and all we have to do is choose, is even more amazing!

SIDE NOTE/UPDATE: Yesterday (my birthday!) was my first official day at my new job/school! So YEAH! It was a nice present! Since I missed 4 days of work, obviously my first paycheck will be smaller, and since benefits don’t kick back in until November we’ll have to figure out how to pay for COBRA, but praise YHWH for His faithfulness! I know that He will continue to be faithful in the future (now to just act like this, too…). And my husband is going to start an apprenticeship to become a sound technician (or something like that) – so he has to join a union and get his hours to become a journeyman and then a master… but I’m glad he’s excited, and since it’s flexible, he can still help out his friend’s business when they need it. Thank you Lord for answering prayers!

Helen Wolf

Amanda, I’m praising the Lord with you for His great faithfulness to you! It has been an encouragement to first read of the anguish you have experienced lately, and now to read of the lifting of the causes. May His continued blessings be yours (and your husband’s) as you step into the new “roles” He has prepared for you.


Thanks, Skip. This one must have been written just for me, as I needed the reminder. It caused me to recall the following verse:

“We love, because he first loved us.” 1 John 4:19


PING! I heard the sound of the hammer hitting the nail on the head with this one. THANK YOU!

Scott A. Barham

Thank you Skip..I needed this reminder!

Robin Jeep

Thank you for this important message, Skip!

I want to share how YHWH has rescued me once again. I am a nutrition author and nutritional chef. My book was published in 2008 but because of some delay issues I was not in time for the scheduled national Barnes & Noble promotion for Jan. 2008. The book was not on the shelves until the February–too late. Because of this, it never got off the ground. It seems that everything went wrong that could. Because of this my plan began to crumble from 2008 to 2010. My parents are in their 80’s and I wanted to be with them so I moved in with them in Waco, Tx. I started teaching nutrition at the community college and trained nurses, chef’s, MD’s, and PhD’s. I do not have a degree but those that I trained who had degrees and financial backing went on to have great success with my original clients. They saw the financial opportunity.

I started a food to-go business with a master baker and it just limped along because the chef, I trained and started a business with in her commercial kitchen, had a medical background already had most of my clients. After she learned what she needed from me she severed our business relationship. She never would sign a contract, so it was my mistake to go into business with her. My clients no longer associated with me because she slandered me when she went on her own. By the way, she often told me that she just wanted to help me develop my business for Jesus.

As my business in Waco began to fizzle and I was running out of money my parents, who have lived on inherited money most their lives, ran out of money. They do not have enough monthly income to pay their mortgage or bills. I just trusted that God would provide.

It has been very difficult not becoming bitter. I have had to understand that some people come from a fear base, they really don’t trust God. They grab on to any perceived security. They are opportunists looking for anything to secure themselves in this insecure world.

God has given me a series of very difficult, fearful people to do business with in the past few years. Recently, I was able to let go of my anger and need to control my nutritional business and forgive. When that happened I was contacted by a recruiter for a position as a private nutritional chef (5 children/2 parents) and estate manager of a 20,000 + sq. ft. house in Dallas. Had I not had the previous experiences I would not have the compassion, patience and endurance to handle this position with this wonderful family. My salary is enough that I can support my parents and live comfortably. I am very grateful!! Our El knows exactly what He’s doing even when the circumstances look horrible. I am so thankful that He has given me the ability to trust in Him as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. What a wonderful El we serve!!!!!!

Please keep me in your prayers that I will stay strong, clear minded, healthy, handle stress well, have wisdom and success in my new job.

carl roberts

awsome testimony Robin!- wow! We really do need to see a pattern in each other’s lives. I was 50+ before I realized and recognized “suffering” was one of those “needs” G-d said He would supply. It was a shocker to be sure.. but as we (now) know- “if G-d leads you to it- He’ll lead you through it.”
May I assure whoever reads this- I am not a glutton for punishment. I dont like pain- it hurts. But Yeshua said (His words-not mine), “in this world you will have tribulation.”
Dear friend, prepare to be “tribulated.” I wrote a paper a few years back- “Fix Your Focus.” (I’m on a “guest” computer writing this right now, so I do not have access to this paper.)
First point. (I’m wingin’ it here..depending on my feeble memory)- G-d does nothing “randomly.” He is purposeful and sovereign in all things (and yes, He does “micro-manage” this planet, every blade of grass, every mosquito wing. He is LORD of the macro and LORD of the micro. (-just the facts)
Point 2. “Pain.” There is nothing better than pain to get your full and undivided attention. (Remember the story of the perfect mule?- you just gotta get his attention first.). Have I been through some pain? (I even have some scars to show..). Was all this necessary?- In my case, yes. (Hard-headed rascal..) There is so much more to share concerning this, but I’m attempting (for the first time) to be brief.
Point 3. “Tears.” Yes, I’ve cried. I’ve cried my eyes out. Still do. I don’t mind it near as bad though for there is nothing better for your eyes (physically) than tears, and there is nothing better for your vision (spiritually) than tears. (He collects all our tears in His bottle! – remember? (Psalm 56.8)
Point 4. “After” -And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. There is an “after!” (Just wish it would come a little “sooner!”) This is where patient endurance comes into play. This journey, this “aliyah” we are partakers of is no sprint, it is a marathon. We must make preparations to go the distance. After all,- “it a long way from here to there!”
(Final) point 5. YHWH is the ONE who started this, and He is the ONE who will perfect and finish it. “This is the LORD’s doings and it is marvelous in our eyes.” (Matthew 21.42) It’s a lot easier when we learn to co-operate with the program!. -“May I have your (full and undivided) attention, please?”


Carl, thanks for your personal testimony of a difficult journey that continues still today. I agree that it’s easier to walk on this path when you have the Father’s perspective, and thus are not surprised by its twists and turns which you aptly describe as filled with purposeful pain and tears. Praise the LORD that there is an “after” for each incident, and that we simply need to keep our eyes focused on Him! “I Just Want to Be With You” 4 minute video from worship leader, Don Moen (no relation to Skip– I asked him already)