
“If any one serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there shall My servant also be; if any one serves Me, the Father will honor him.” John 12:26

There – Where is a servant supposed to be?  With his master, of course.  How can a servant fulfill his duties to the master if he is someplace else?  Makes perfect sense, right?  But in this context, the proximity requirement isn’t so appealing.  Oh, we’re happy to be with Jesus when everything is joy and peace and light.  Remember Peter?  “Where will we go, Lord?  You have the words of life.”  But that’s not the context of this verse.  Just back up a few verses and you will discover that Yeshua is speaking about the necessity of suffering.  A grain of wheat dies.  A man loses his life.  The Son of Man has come to the hour of trial.  Where are the servants of the Master supposed to be now?  With Him.  Where will they be when all hell breaks loose?  Running scared.

The Greek adverb, ekei,  means “in that place.”  There, in the place where the Master is.  Servant and master belong together.  Remember YHWH’s question to Adam in the Garden?  “Where are you?”  Not where are you located, but why aren’t you here with Me?  It all seems so reasonable.

But Yeshua goes to some pretty terrible places.  Not all of them are on a rise outside the city wall of Jerusalem.  In fact, if He should venture to Zambia or to Haiti or to some other “god-forsaken” geography of the planet, we would probably volunteer to be with Him.  If He should decide to spend some time in the prisons or the mental hospitals or the cancer wards, we would go along.  We might have a moment of trepidation, but those aren’t places we actually fear.  But there are places Yeshua goes that frighten us to death.  They are usually places deep within us, places that we keep well covered, locked securely behind protective walls, places that we don’t even want to peek into because we know that we are helplessly out of control in that territory.  There are places within that are far more terrifying than anything we might encounter on the planet.

Oswald Chambers once observed that in moments of real crisis most human beings are able to muster self-abandonment and heroically charge ahead to save others.  The experience of 9/11 demonstrates this indubitable fact.  But the needed heroism to open those locked doors within?  That’s quite another matter.  Yet Yeshua is not afraid to descend into hell, even our personal hell.  And if He does, where are we supposed to be?

Topical Index:  there, ekei, servant, master, John 12:26

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Robin Jeep

I try to regularly do a little personal hell check in just to see what is going on deep inside. It is a meditation of silence. But it is anything but silent. I just get quiet, close my eyes, listen to the sounds around me, and focus on my resting hands. Then the mental jabber begins. In this way I can see what my concerns and false fears are. It is here that I can apply God’s balm of truth to the deep rooted wounds caused by generations of lies upon lies.

Amanda Youngblood

“It is a meditation of silence.”

Perhaps our fear of exploring the dark places of our souls is why we rarely allow life to be silent. I know at my house there’s almost always noise – TV, music in the car, white noise at night…. There are times, usually in the car when I’m alone, that I force myself to turn off my mp3 player and be quiet. Although interestingly enough, even then I feel compelled to say something.

I like your description of your practice. Perhaps I’ll try and do that. I find that, for me at least, writing all the “jabber” down helps to get it out of my head where I can deal with it and stop thinking about it. Thanks!

carl roberts

Amanda- (“It is a meditation of silence.”)

It is. This is a “hidden” treasure- secret, silent prayer. I cannot say enough good about it-“try it, you’ll like it.
It is the “busyness” of life that is destroying us. Haste makes waste and most of us are living wasted lives- because of our “hurry.”
To quote C.G.Jung- “hurry is not of the devil, hurry is the devil!”. This man did not like to be rushed! -(Neither do I!) We (all) do need to learn to “be still.” (Psalm 46.10)
A little of my life (and testimony). My daughter just finished college this spring. She is learning to become an artist. Oils and linen- the “old-fashioned” way. I had no idea of all that is involved to “evolve” into an artist, but one required “virtue” is patience/endurance. If I were to say the word “stretching”, I hope that would communicate her pathway. She has been “stretched” and then “stretched” some more. Becoming an artist is no 40 hr. job. But, it is her passion and I have counseled her (I believe rightly so..) to follow in the direction her “twig is bent”, for YHWH bends us all in different directions. (He directs our paths). If you enjoy what you do, your “work” become fun!
A quality product (or service) will result.
I have learned from my daughter. She has taught her father. I too, have received an education from her. What I have learned is this:- “you musn’t run through an art gallery.” Thank you, Kelsey. I praise G-d for you!
Life in the slow lane. Put the brakes on and slow down to a crawl. Go sit on the front porch, find a rocking chair (I am from the mid-south!) and enjoy a conversation with the one (or ONE) you love. When you look at someone, “look” at them. “Behold” them. They are a gift from G-d. We must, we must, we must- slow down. Until we do- life will be a blur. Life will pass us by in a 70 mph blur.
The family traveled to Damascus, VA and while there we enjoyed the Virginia Creeper “rails to trails” bike ride. We were transported up and up to the top of a mountain and then debarked with our bikes to “coast” all the way down into town. “It’s all downhill from here!”
What a fun day! A dozen (extended) family members of all ages, coasting down the mountain, (in this case- gravity was our friend!) and enjoying the cool of the day and especially the fall foliage that was going past my eyes in a whirr and blur of color.
The kids were out front and hollerin’ (kids will holler..)- “let’s hurry up!-let’s race into town!”. I’m in the back squeezin’ on my brakes- trying to ‘slow down’ and enjoy the scenery. “What’s the rush?” Slow down and enjoy!
I can’t say enuf’ about this. Secret, silent prayer. In a word: “it works!” (Yes, I know.. that’s two words..)
Put the brakes on. G-d is good. And because G-d is good- life is good, because “life” come from G-d! (who is good- yes, all the time.. and yes, to everyone!)
Pour yourself a cup of coffee. Go get and glass of iced tea. (it’s a southern thing, y’all..). The rat race- you tryin’ to be the head rat? What’s up with all the hurry? Rush becomes a habit. Not good at all- “be still” and know!
“Don’t read the bill- just sign it.” “Don’t read this contract- just sign it.” Sound familiar? The spirit of “hurry.” Things that make you say.. “hmm.” -Do you mind if I think about it awhile?
Otium Sanctum. “Holy leisure”. “Waste” time with Someone you love. A “quiet” time in a “secret” place. Be still. “Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.” Let His words wash over you like the incoming tide. Our “quiet time” in the morning sets the tone for the entire day.
If you are “to busy” for G-d, you are “to busy.” Turn off the t.v. Turn off the radio. Close the door, find a “place” and yes, -get alone with Him. This can be done anywhere. Even in the belly of a fish. (Ask Jonah). In a desert place- (ask Hagar). Prayer works wonders.
The disciples/learners/talmudim asked their Rabboni- the Master Teacher, “LORD, teach us to pray.” Why would they ask that question? Of all the ways we can spend time on this green earth-and of all the things we could do (and must do),- what is the most profitable, exhilarating, exciting, thrilling exercise we can be part of on this planet? It is without doubt- prayer.
Prayer is the best kept secret among men. Have you ever been there? -Done that? -Prayed? G-d hears and answers prayer! I could “gooosh” about this, but I won’t. Just “do it!” It’s just like riding a bicycle, we learn to pray by praying! If we, (just like “they” did),were to ask Him- “LORD, teach us to pray,” -would this be in alignment with His will and would He answer this prayer?
(Am I smarter than a fifth grader?-sometimes I wonder..) Yes! and Yes! -Try it, you’ll like it! Yes, brother Skip- to pray is to become fully human. (I feel a “gooosh” comin’ on- I better quit..)
As a matter of fact- it’s time for me “to pray!” I love to pray. (I really do!). Oh, “you must be a “prayer warrior.” No, -I am a little child- entering into a place I’ve never been before..
Heart to heart communication with the living G-d. “Joy -unspeakable and full of glory.” I’d like to say more- but it’s “unspeakable!”-

carl roberts

Exhibit A: I was “too busy” to proof-read my own text! – lol! How embarasking!..

Tom Hayward

Skip, it would be interesting to hear your thoughts about God’s presence, in the context of this Today’s Word, in the Islamic/Muslim world, one that rejects Christianity and is challenging the Christian/Judeo teachings in highly distructive ways.



“the Islamic/Muslim world, one that rejects Christianity and is challenging the Christian/Judeo teachings”

Hi Tom,

I don’t know how much experience you have had with Muslims, but from 1999 to 2008 I worked with them virtually everyday, often under pressure and well into the evening.

Without exception, the ones I have worked with have been extremely kind, gentle, supportive, and intelligent.

And they have never made any negative comments about Christian/Judeo teachings.


“Where is a servant supposed to be?”

The short answer would be, I think, “here” in the Kingdom of God.

I like the following poetic rendition of the Kingdom:

“The Kingdom of God is like this

The farmer plants
The seed falls
The farmer waits, from night to day
The stalk grows, from ear to grain
But now the time is ripe
And now the sickle is ready

(But how is the Kingdom of God like that?)”

From The Essential Jesus
By John Dominic Crossan

carl roberts

I remember in my younger years I used to say, “wherever you may go in life- there you are.” (And so is G-d.)
The psalmist said in Psalm 139.7- “Where shall I go from your Spirit? or where shall I flee from your Presence?”
Good point David, where could we go?
It is rather humorous when you think about it.. Jonah didn’t like his assignment from the LORD and decided to “flee.” Where did he think he was going? His prayer was able to be heard even from the belly of a great fish!
Hagar was going to “flee” to the wilderness to “get away from it all..” I love G-d’s inquiry to her: “Hagar, where have you been and where are you going?” Hagar, found out, Jonah found out- the wilderness is G-d’s home.
I love what Brennan Manning writes- “Our Abba is the G-d of the Now-Here.” “A very present help in time of need.” “There is a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18.24). –
Now who might that be?
So, where was G-d during all this? Right here. Right now. Ever present. Ever near. Ever able to cheer and to guide.

Time after time I was searching for peace in some void
I was trying to blame all my ills on this world I was in.
Surface relationships used me till I was done in
But all the while someone was begging to free me from sin.

He was there all the time
He was there all the time
Waiting patiently in line
He was there all the time.

Never again will I search for a fake rainbows end,
Now that I’ve found the answer, my life is just starting to rhyme
Sharing each new day with Him is a breath of fresh life
Oh what I’ve missed -He’s been waiting right here all the time

He was there all the time
He was there all the time
Waiting patiently in line
He was there all the time.

-The (ever present) G-d of the Now Here.