The Greatest Hurdles

Immediately the boy’s father cried out and began saying, “I do believe, help me in my unbelief.” Mark 9:24 NASB

Unbelief – What an odd expression?  It’s so odd that even good translations stumble over it.  The NASB adds “help me in my unbelief,” (1963).  The NIV substitutes “help me overcome;” the NLT turns the whole phrase into “help me not to doubt.”  The Greek text is literally “I believe.  Help of me the unbelief” (pisteuo  kurie boeithei mou tei apistia).  What a tangle!  What is this “unbelief” of the father?  How are we to understand what he says unless we can unravel the syntax?

If we convert this phrase back into Hebrew, we get something like this:  Adoni hoshiah lahasar emoona kamoni.  Notice the word lahasar.  It is the verb “to lack” or “to be needy.”  In other words, the father declares “hineni maamin,” “Here I am believing.”  He offers himself as ready to act (hineni) according to the reliability of the words Yeshua has spoken (the root word emet – truth as reliability), but then he admits his lack.  He is willing.  He is ready.  But he must be helped to see the goodness of God in these circumstances.  He lacks stick-to-it motivation.  This is not cognitive doubt.  ‘emet is primarily a word about the manifestation of reliability in my actions.  This man does not mentally doubt.  He finds himself unable to do more than proclaim his readiness.  He wants to manifest complete trust, but he doesn’t know how.

There are two great hurdles for belief.  The first is what I already know.  The second is what I already believe.[1] The father in this story already knew his son’s terrible plight.  He weeps over his child.  He already knows the disciples have failed to heal his son.  He already knows he is at the end of his resources.  All of the evidence says that nothing will ever change.  His son will die.  Then he hears the words of Yeshua.  He hears the words of hope, but he already knows that he isn’t able to trust his hope.  There is too much evidence starring him in the face.  He has had too many disappointments.  He already believes that the die is cast, the lot has been drawn.  He knows that God is good, but he believes that God is not willing because he lacks the ability to fully trust.  What he knows is his sorrow and all the evidence that it will not change.  He believes something might be possible but worries his own imperfect trust may impede the promised result.  “Lord, help me.”  In other words, accept what I am able to offer as worthy enough.  I can do no more than this.  Hineni.  I am here.

It seems that many of us must confront our own imperfect reflections before we can fully appreciate God’s promises.  Those reflections are usually confrontations with what we think we know about the world and what we believe to be the case about our realities.  Like this father, we are sometimes unable to overcome these hurdles on our own.  We recognize that they impede us, but we don’t quite know how to set them aside.  All we can do is plead, “Lord, help me even in my fractured reflection.”  Amazingly, it’s enough.

Topical Index:  unbelief, apistia, lahasar, Mark 9:24

[1] Thank you, Bob, for these thoughts.

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Amanda Youngblood

Wow! I am so totally this father! I know God can. Yet I struggle to set aside perception in order to believe (even though He’s been faithful in the past). I’ve said so many times, “I know God can, but I don’t know if He will.” A ridiculous response when the very definition of a promise is something that WILL be done. Thanks Skip for this post! I think I’ll reread this section to see Yeshua’s response, as well as the outcome. For someone who finds myself often in his shoes, it’ll be a great reminder. 🙂

Side Note: My paperwork for my job finally got reviewed, my boss got called, and I am scheduled for fingerprinting and drug testing this morning. I don’t anticipate any issues with these (since I don’t have a criminal record and I don’t do drugs), so hopefully that means I can start work tomorrow or Thursday! Yeah!


Wonderful Words of Life. Wonderful Words of truth. Wonderful Words of encouragement. Wonderful Words of Love. This is the eternal Word of the Living God. The Words that can help turn our doubt into a faith that is alive and working. I have heard a well known TV preacher spout off with “Work the Word, the Word works!”…and the crowd cheers as though they have just scored….well, in reality, when we turn fully to the Word made flesh and bring our petitions before Him and ask for His Will and not our own to be performed, then we can rest in knowing that all things are possible and that we will be able to see with the Abraham’s eyes of faith. True belief and true faith cannot be separated, can they? It appears that these (true belief and true faith) are fingers from the Hand of our Father who is able to keep us in His Love with His strong and gentle Hand.They are gifts from Him and I “believe” it is OK to ask Him for what we do not have, knowing He is able to provide our every need, according to His will. Ask in faith and doubt not.

Anthony Coppedge

My fractured reflection. What imagery and knowing you’ve expressed and implied in that statement!

Lord, help me to step through the mirror and see with the perfect clarity of your heart. Amen.