Prayer Request

This message is from one of our community names Monica:

Please, can I ask you to pray for my son? Jordan is twenty years old and lives at home with us. He has had many health problems in his life and is dealing with some new ones at present. He has TMJ, which has not been dealt with medically yet and some other symptoms, which lead us to check the possiblity of either a pituitary or adrenal tumor or disease related to this other set of symptoms. He has celiac disease, so of course, we already are dealing with that.

If I could ask on more request? My mother has a host of very serious health issues and her kidneys have almost stopped functioning (she is diabetic and in stage 3 kidney failure). She had two stents put in her heart about two weeks ago and has issues with lung function, and has COPD and the beginnings of Alzheimer’s Disease, among other things.
We are dealing with extreme stress at this point .My own health is another story. It is a very long story, but our entire family is not in good health. It is starting to take its tole on my emotional state and my marriage. I feel like I am dying on the vine. I go to a Bible study weekly, and to church, but I am told the Bible study is not the place for prayer requests. I know people are busy and it takes time to pray. Please forgive me if this isn’t the place either, but I don’t know where else to turn. I really have no friends in the community we have lived in for more than 26 years. I know the Lord is with us and He hears our cries, but I just need some kind of prayer. I am tired of this battle right now. I am so weary. Thank you for listening.
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Neal & Christine

We hear you Monica. If we were close by we could do some meals, have coffee, chat, pray together, cry together, share our thoughts and feelings and all that good female stuff. Unfortunately, distance prevents this and so all we can do is pray for you. May all the prayers that are hounding heaven for you at the moment bring an EXPERIENCE of His love and comfort and rest and peace to you. I make myself available if you want to chat but it can only be via email as we live in Oz. Our prayers, like so many others, have gone up to Abba for you and your family.


Monica, I too share many of the same problems you mention, and recognize the feelings you express, probably compounded by your concerns that the time will come when you will no longer be able to meet your Mother’s needs in this environment. That is really hard. Is there any chance that Jordan inherited his celiac from you and your mother? If your home is not entirely gluten-free, and if your mother is still able to accept the changes involved in a gluten-free lifestyle, doing so might delay progression a little bit, and help you personally deal with the heavy emotional burden you currently carry. It is amazing how gluten compounds my own memory problems.

I rarely participate in the online community here, because my energy is extremely limited, but I am confident that you have brought your prayer request to a good forum. In those few moments of calm listening, your Quiet Comforter guided you here, and you took appropriate action by requesting prayer. GOOD. FOR. YOU! You are on the correct and productive path.

I am glad that you get some more time to spend with your mother. It is amazing how alzheimers can limit interpersonal relations based on PROGRESSIVE conversations, and yet at the same time enrich spiritual perception and spiritual relationship growth! Seen in that perspective; as a slow closing to earthly relationships which occurs simultaneously with a slow focus on eternal relationships, alzheimers can be realized as a natural (even if very scary) preparation process. Unfortunately it also consumes huge units of energy and time, becoming very taxing on those who love us most (like yourself).

You and your family are on my prayer list.

Bob Naugle

26 years in the same community and no friends? A Bible study where prayers such as you need are not welcomed? You will be in my prayers, as you are now in others’, but I respectfully suggest that you look for a different Bible study group, one that will be ‘friendlier’ and more responsive to the needs of the members, as was suggested by Y’shua and others. We’re ALL supposed to be a FAMILY of Believers! We must fellowship together and share our burdens. Isn’t that what our groups are for?

Yvonne Zlyden

Monica, I would like to suggest the ministry of Pastor Henry W. Wright and his team at Pleasant Valley Church Tomaston Georgia. He has written a book ‘A More Excellent Way’ and also has a site
This man and his team have been given incredible Biblical insights into the spiritual roots to disease and I have found them most acurate and helpful.
Hope this works for you

William Schenck

You and your family are in our prayers, to God be all the glory.


I will uphold you,your mum and son in my prayers.
DON’T BE AFFRAID….because Yeshua is the one Who is controlling all….especially for His sheeps….He is doing good for you, His children who put your trust on Him…..just wait and see …for His mercies endures forever. Love, Yael

Cheryl Durham


Will be praying for you personally, adding your name to our newsletter prayer request section, as well as adding your name to my Bible study prayer requests (we do that in our studies). I am a Biblical Counselor and am available for you if you need to vent. Just email me,
Look for the rainbow…find some healthy distractions from the constant barrage of reminders, and spend a LOT of time with HaShem.

Jim Schmaedeke

Skip, I’m putting your prayer requests on my prayer wall and will pray for you and your family. I know that the Lord will hear all of our prayers and will bring healing, peace and relief to you, your son Jordan and your mother. And please, there’s no need to apologize for asking for prayer; prayer requests are always appropriate. We should all be praying for one another, to bless them and especially in their time of need. Just kow that you’re not going through this rough time alone.

God bless you.