Glad you like it. Taken in Cancun a few years ago.
Fred Hayden
Hi Skip,
Could you give us your vision on the socalled ‘rapture’ sometimes? I have a hard time fitting in what Paul says about meeting the Lord in the air with a future here on earth. Maybe it’s good to explain: untill recently I believed in a future in ‘heaven’ after the rapture. But since my Greek way of thinking changed into a Hebrew way of thinking, I cannot believe we would leave this earth to go to heaven and be there with Christ, while His kingdom will be set up here below, on this earth.
I now believe to be grafted into the olivetree (Romans 11), which I believe to be the believing (remnant of) Israel. This would mean we are part of the coming kingdom on earth.
Does this mean we will meat our Lord in the air to welcome Him to the earth (somewhat like the Roman brothers went out of the city to welcome Paul and bring him in)? Could you share your opinion on this please?
B.t.w.: you’re an early bird! Over here it’s my lunchbreak!
Chris Thompson
How can something so imperfect look so beautiful? God!!
Jan Carver
Donna Levin
That’s an amazing photo and it really looks like a painting to me. Ah, I suppose it is “painted” by the Great Master. Thanks for sharing it Skip–you have quite an eye and skill with the camera.
Christine Hall
What a magnificent picture – where did you take it? As an artist I have over the years taken many pcitures of the sky and found it to be one of the most inspiring aspects of God’s creation because it is like he just pulls out a huge paint brush and splashes colour every where and the clouds just clap their hands! Thanks for sharing it. Wow
Judith Jeffries
WOW! others used all the wonderful descriptions of this picture and mine would be more of the same
Would this framed and hanging Orange is one of my favorite colors
Judith Jeffries
Should have been ‘would love this framed’ sorry!
Rich Pease
I second the request to get your thoughts and insights on the rapture.
Blessings to all!
Shalom to you all and shalom to all those you love.
This “coming upon the clouds” once you shoot this arrow back to the two witnesses (torah and prophets), it will change your view of it forever. This is a beautifull picture and so also the true meening of the Hebrew meening of the phrase”coming upon the clouds”.
Shalom Shalom
Godwin Ude
Simply awesome!
God has revealed Himself in everything He made, including in the glory of clouds.
The dove descending breaks the air
With flame of incandescent terror
Of which the tongues declare
The one discharge from sin and error.
The only hope, or else despair
Lies in the choice of pyre or pyre-
To be redeemed from fire by fire.
Who then devised the torment? Love.
Love is the unfamiliar Name
Behind the hands that wove
The intolerable shirt of flame
Which human power cannot remove.
We only live, only suspire
Consumed by either fire or fire.
— T.S. Eliot
Where death fulfills, where time itself must break.
The fire of which I speak has brought salvation,
I find in it new powers of restoration
Although I seemed already with the dead.
Since by fire nature reaches up to heaven
I may, through it, be reconciled, forgiven,
For it must surely bear me overhead.
Last seven lines from Michelangelo’s 59th sonnet
What an awesome, majestic picture — very powerful!
Glad you like it. Taken in Cancun a few years ago.
Hi Skip,
Could you give us your vision on the socalled ‘rapture’ sometimes? I have a hard time fitting in what Paul says about meeting the Lord in the air with a future here on earth. Maybe it’s good to explain: untill recently I believed in a future in ‘heaven’ after the rapture. But since my Greek way of thinking changed into a Hebrew way of thinking, I cannot believe we would leave this earth to go to heaven and be there with Christ, while His kingdom will be set up here below, on this earth.
I now believe to be grafted into the olivetree (Romans 11), which I believe to be the believing (remnant of) Israel. This would mean we are part of the coming kingdom on earth.
Does this mean we will meat our Lord in the air to welcome Him to the earth (somewhat like the Roman brothers went out of the city to welcome Paul and bring him in)? Could you share your opinion on this please?
B.t.w.: you’re an early bird! Over here it’s my lunchbreak!
How can something so imperfect look so beautiful? God!!
That’s an amazing photo and it really looks like a painting to me. Ah, I suppose it is “painted” by the Great Master. Thanks for sharing it Skip–you have quite an eye and skill with the camera.
What a magnificent picture – where did you take it? As an artist I have over the years taken many pcitures of the sky and found it to be one of the most inspiring aspects of God’s creation because it is like he just pulls out a huge paint brush and splashes colour every where and the clouds just clap their hands! Thanks for sharing it. Wow
WOW! others used all the wonderful descriptions of this picture and mine would be more of the same
Would this framed and hanging Orange is one of my favorite colors
Should have been ‘would love this framed’ sorry!
I second the request to get your thoughts and insights on the rapture.
Blessings to all!
Shalom to you all and shalom to all those you love.
This “coming upon the clouds” once you shoot this arrow back to the two witnesses (torah and prophets), it will change your view of it forever. This is a beautifull picture and so also the true meening of the Hebrew meening of the phrase”coming upon the clouds”.
Shalom Shalom
Simply awesome!
God has revealed Himself in everything He made, including in the glory of clouds.