I am at the Johannesburg airport getting ready to board the flight to London and then on to the USA. I suppose I need Twitter now.
Before I get on-board, I just wanted to apologize if any one of you felt offended by my comment that I didn’t find the same reception in the US churches that I found here. I was wrong. I have had wonderful support from churches in the USA. I have meet many wonderful, devoted people, including all of you. I only meant to say that I was struck by the genuine hunger for God’s word that I found here.
Each of you is special to me. You are my family now. I was wrong to even imply that people like you in the USA aren’t equally as intentional about serving God. My heart aches for those who are not pursuing God’s presence in any part of the world.
I am looking forward to getting home.
Dr. Moen, those who know your heart and your mission for God wouldn’t assume offense at your comment. Also, Most people who have ministered in Africa, especially South Africa are struck by the people’s receptive hearts toward God. It is both stunning and exhilarating to experience such hunger and thirst after God. To speak of Yeshua to such an attentive ear and open heart is exciting and the normal follow up emotion is the sadness for the West’s instructive and self-centered view of the things of God. That makes for sorry in the soul.
To clarify, since my PDA seems to mistranslate my typing: The West’s OBSTRUCTIVE and SORROW.
I did not take it either as an offense. I think it many ways those outside of the U.S. might hunger more for God’s Word, and perhaps we have so many distractions here, or allow our distractions to get in the way.
After all this time of you feeding your computer “sheep,” we know you now.
I hope you have a safe ride home, or might already be back.
God bless,
No offense “in this corner of the world” either dear brother!- Proclaim the good news of our Messiah everywhere!- “For G-d So loved the world!” “Whosoever will” tells me the Good Shepherd’s arms are ready to receive all who will come to Him. I love the sign written over the entrance to the church in Florida: “Sinners Only Welcome Here.” We provide the sinner, He provides the Savior, and grace meets need!- The love of our Messiah is truly “out of this world!” lol!
BTW- Mr. “Better-Late-Than-Never” just remembered a marvelous book I read some time ago, but it is on my “top five list” (and very near the top) entitled “The Calvary Road” by Roy Hession. I have a testimony of how this book “Providentially” ended up in my hands, but suffice it to say right now, it was the match that lit the flame and it also was the gas that was poured on the flame once it was lit. Very, very explosive book about continuous revival in (of all places!) Africa! -My apologies for mentioning this “after the fact.” It’s that 20/20 hindsight I possess.
Welcome back to the other side of the big pond! Get some good R&R&R!
I took no offense at all and I understood what you meant. While I haven’t been to Africa or Asia, I am very aware of their hunger and their fire for Adonai. We could use more of that hunger and fire here, for sure. Welcome home and thank you for being such a dedicated servant.
Don’t apologize for a true comment. I have been to Zimbabwe, Africa and experienced the same thing. I am sure you were speaking generally of the church in America. Your statement is true in the full scope of the church in the US. It is refreshing to teach a people who genuinely desire to hear and learn. Keep up the good work!
Dear Skip,
Your humility is refreshing and encouraging. Thank you for taking the lead here.
Any one who knows Skip Moen, knows how he feels about his Today’s Word Community.
Your concern and commitment to us has been demonstrated time and time again.
We’re just glad that some of the folks in Africa are getting the opportunity to experience a taste of what you have to offer.
All for the King!!
I appreciate your honest reflections as well. It is certainly true that the American church has in many ways moved away from the authenticity of Yeshua, substituting entertainment for humility and service, Yeshua’s heart… I am grateful for your reflections and honest comments and want to thank you for spurring us on and keeping us focused on God’s Word and challenging us to flesh that out in our lives each and every day.
Safe travels and peace…
Skip, I was surprised to read this email because I never thought you were implying that the churches here are lacking. Having been on a missions trip to Nicaragua, I can feel exactly what you meant, that there is a deep, innocent hunger awaiting God’s Word in other parts of the world that we Americans don’t seem to have because we are so filled with material prosperity and our own egos, so many distractions. The churches here in America can offer a lot, in different ways, but where people truly have nothing, and then find Jesus, and He is ALL they have, it’s so pure and sweet. Thank you for teaching us, for being such a great example, and for increasing our awareness to all that God is. Thank you for being you!! May God Bless you in ever-greater abundance!!!
No offense hear. We are family.
Don’t even give it a thought about our lack of love for you and the work that you do. We support you in prayer and thought. Your teachings have ment a great deal to our Christian walk. Sometimes they get repeated in a Sunday School lesson where you don’t get credit. Keep at it and call on us without hesitation when we are needed. Frequently we need that push.
No offense taken. Receptivity to and desire to live out the message of God’s word from these brothers and sisters of South Africa is a thing we all need to rejoice over with you!
No need to apologize. My personal impression is that South Africans are generally more receptive to the Torah than here in the US. Our brothers and sisters in SA have seen alot more change to their way of life in recent years than most of us in the US. South Africa is a beautful country full of wonderfull people who need our prayer.
Hi Skip,
I did not think you were trying to compare us unfavorably to the South Africans.
But I applied what you said to myself and thought I knew what you meant.
Whether we like it or not we are part of a more advanced, alienated, society.
And I think you can feel the difference in other, less advanced, societies.
Skip, I am not offended, I understand what you meant; we as Americans lag behind some other nations in the avid pursuit of God. We need to be shaken out of our apathy and wake up and realize what is really most important in life, not stuff, but relationship; with our Lord and those in our lives as well as across the globe. Bless you for your honesty and for speaking truth; if the truth hurts, then good, maybe we will do something about it! Have a safe trip home.
Hey…on the upside, maybe this will provoke us all to jealousy and get us working even harder.

Skip: As a pastor of several years, I have also traveled the world and attended the services at many churches. I am fully aware to your comment and find it most appropriate in every detail.
Nick Holloway, DMin, DPTh
Master Sergeant, USMC Retired
…..and several other titles
You said the Truth. I have lived in both worlds and can attest to the truth of what you said.
Your heart overflows and you are soooo real! Your caring is felt and known
I pray for a safe trip home
Love from us here in South Africa to all of you in the USA. We were truly blessed
Dear Sanja,
Thank you for so warmly receiving our brother and teacher Skip. We are truly blessed together. Blessed is the Name of YHWH and His Son Yeshua. Shalom
I have arrived safely home. Glad to be back, but I am looking forward to the return and the development of the Torah groups in South Africa. Looks like the end of January if we can pull it off.
Dear Skip,
I understand your apology, but I have also have been in other countries – Romania, Peru – ministering to people who are so hungry for the Word and the Spirit of God that they risked everything for those few days in His Presence. I left many services in tears as I sensed the Holy Spirit moving freely among the people and seeing unobstructed faith in the eyes of those with whom we prayed . Honestly, I don’t see that kind of devotion in this country except on rare occasions. We don’t seem to be hungry enough to risk everything. We are too easily distracted by our involvements.
But there are some who want Him most ….. I want that in my life more than anything. Some days I need to be reminded of that when I yield to the distractions.
Hello Karen,
I am moved by your statement: “Honestly, I don’t see that kind of devotion in this country except on rare occasions. We don’t seem to be hungry enough to risk everything. We are too easily distracted by our involvements.”
It is those “rare occasions” that I live for these days. Keep the faith, sister. Home is found along the journey…just keep on truckin’!
–Some days I need to be reminded of that when I yield to the distractions.–
True story. My wife announced “we need a car and we need a car by this weekend.” I’m thinking, “you don’t put G-d in a box like that,” but nevertheless, we prayed. And (in true G-d fashion) lo and behold, that weekend we had a car.
I was “both” amused and amazed. (and happy..) G-d hears and answers prayer. And He provides (generously). Quite happy with the car and with the price. All is well. Thank you Abba.
The wife is taking her family to Nashville to visit her brother who is in the hospital there. Everyone is impressed by what a nice car we now have, when the car breaks down on the interstate. One moment 70mph, the next 0mph. Strong white vapors billowing from under the hood, there they were, -miles from anywhere.
I get a phone call. “W’ere stuck.” (don’t panic- pray). Here is what “occurred.” (btw Providence occurs) lol!- A total stranger (was he sent?) stopped and after hearing of their plight offered to take the family to Nashville. (Things like this happen every day?) Cool beans. One brother offered to stay with the car. One tree “existed” within eye sight of up and down the highway- the car stopped unto this one tree. He had shade from the sun. (protection) Water and food were present- he had provision.
Tow truck arrived and towed the car to middle Tennessee. A true, genuine, bona fide “shade-tree” mechanic complete with (of course!) shade trees. (Sap and leaves all over the car when I went with a friend to tow it back to West Tennessee.
A friend of mine who had heard of our car breaking down offered the name of a mechanic. Thank you, I said to him, (and thank you I said to G-d). -“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD.”
We pulled into the mechanic’s garage around 10pm. “May I share a story with you” he asked. “Absolutely,” we (my friend and I) replied.
After 9/11 my business dried up to nothing. (Fear will paralyze folks). Nothing coming in, folks at home afraid to come out of the door. The housenote is due and I haven’t bought one stitch of anything for the kids for Christmas. At the time I had $111 in the bank.
I went to church Sunday and this is what I prayed. G-d, I don’t know what is going on right now, but I’m here to praise you. I don’t want anything else but to worship you. All these “things” are preventing me and distracting me from worshiping you and this is what I am here to do.”
I knew then and there, right at that “moment” (a kairos G-d moment) why G-d had brought me there: to hear this man’s story. This is what I heard: “no distractions.”
How easily, how easily we (like sheep) are “distracted.” YHWH wants our focused attention and He will do whatever is necessary to obtain it. “Are you (now) listening?”
Remember the story of the “perfect mule?” (you just have to get his attention first- then he will listen.) What can you say to a mule-headed (stubborn) man?
What do the scriptures say? in KJV lingo: “what saith the scriptures?” “If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.” Sometimes our hearing needs a tune-up. “Kavannah”- focused, intentional attention. “Faith comes by hearing”
The story has a happy ending of course because G-d is always good. It cost me a pretty penny though, but so “worth it” as a precious memory of G-d’s faithful provision (Providence). -“May I have your attention please?”
I praise YHVH for your mission. My step mom is in Africa right now and testifies to the same responsiveness. May our Elohim fill your net to overflowing.
We on the other hand are being sent to stand in Torah observance in a stronghold in Nevada with a pole, line, and single hook. Jacob’s seed is in many waters! He is determined to find every little fish.
Be a blessing dear one.