Dare We Say It?

Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction,  2 Thessalonians 2:3  NASB

Lawlessness – Who is the man of lawlessness?  You don’t have to look to much further in the text to realize that Paul is speaking about ha-satan, the one the Lord will slay at his second coming (v. 8).  But when we ask the second question, our answers usually reveal an ignorance of proper biblical exegesis – and the woeful tragedy that follows.

The second question is this:  What does lawlessness mean?

If we answer this second question from our Western perspective, we might include descriptions like “opposed to righteousness,” “evil behavior,” “filled with the works of the flesh (cf. Galatians 5),” or something about being against the acceptable norms of a healthy society.  In other words, we import our view of “law” when we provide a definition.  We draw on the Greek idea of ultimate principles (the Good, the True and the Beautiful), filter them through our Greek-based system of justice and come up with a description that is right at home in our culture.  To be lawless is to be a rebel, an outlaw, a bad person who doesn’t follow the rules.

But this isn’t what Paul means at all!  When we exegete a passage of Scripture, the first thing we have to determine is what the words would mean in the time and culture when they were written.  In other words, what does “lawlessness” mean to Paul and to his readers?  To answer that we have to know something about Paul and his audience.  Paul doesn’t provide a dictionary with his letters because he assumes that the meanings of the word are commonly understood.  How can he do this?  In exactly the same way we do.  We write letters (or emails) and generally assume that the words we use will be understood as we intend them because we share a common culture.  So if we are going to understand Paul’s meaning for anomia (Greek – lawlessness), we must look to the common assumptions of Paul’s culture, not ours.  What do we discover?  It’s almost too obvious to mention.  Lawlessness is living without Torah.  Torah is the Law.  Paul assumes this to be obvious to all who read him.  So to be anti-law is to be anti-Torah.  The man of lawlessness is the man without Torah as the guide of his life, the man who opposes Torah.  And the epitome of the lawless one is ha-satan who rejects all Torah because Torah is God’s way of living.

Is there any believer who would deny this?  I don’t think so.  Satan opposed God, therefore he must oppose Torah.  By opposing Torah he reveals himself as lawless (without Torah).  No problem with this, right?  But now the implication (in case you haven’t seen it coming).  From Paul’s perspective, in Paul’s culture, according to Paul’s understanding of anomia, everyone who stands in opposition to Torah is a son of the lawless one.  What other conclusion can you draw once you realize what the word meant to Paul?  Are you going to claim that Paul didn’t see behavior that opposes the Torah as anomia?  Are you going to insist that Paul had a Greek view of law?  Impossible!  Paul was a rabbi, a Jewish Pharisee.  Law could mean only one thing for him – Torah.  To suggest any other definition is to break the first rule of exegesis.  We can’t import our definitions into texts written two thousand years ago to entirely different audiences.

There’s a little historical note that underscores this view.  The Textus Receptus (the Greek text used in the King James translation) has a different word in this verse.  The TR uses the word hamartias, a word that means “sin.”  Since the TR has been assembled from Greek texts that are later than the fragments of the NA27 (Nestle-Arland 27th edition of the Greek New Testament), this means that at some time after Paul wrote the original, the words were changed to read “sin” rather than “lawlessness.”  But that implies that the translators viewed anomia as a synonym of hamartia.  Lawlessness is sin.  And that means that Paul definition of sin is disobedience to Torah.

Dare we say it?  Dare we say that Christian doctrine that teaches the replacement or abrogation of Torah is anomia, is hamartia?  Dare we say that those who proclaim Yeshua as Savior but who deny the obligation to Torah are really endorsing lawlessness?

This tragic conclusion applies to those who deliberately teach anti-Torah theology and it applies to those who don’t know any better because they have never heard the truth.  It is tragic because it divides the Kingdom and creates massive hypocrisy.  It is tragic because it prevents God’s people from fully experiencing His way of living.  And it is tragic because it didn’t have to happen.

Now what are you going to do about it?

Topical Index:  lawlessness, anomia, hamartia, sin, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Satan

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In Judaism, Satan is just another one of the many spiritual messengers (angels) that God sends to accomplish His purpose. Satan has no power independent of God; otherwise this would imply a lack of God’s all-inclusive control and power.

“Who is the man of lawlessness? You don’t have to look to much further in the text to realize that Paul is speaking about ha-satan, the one the Lord will slay at his second coming (v. 8).”


If Ha Satan is a spirit and not a man, then how can he be “the man of lawlessness”

I don’t think Ha Satan would think of eating pork or plowing fields on the Sabbath

Unlike man, Ha Satan only does God’s will


I tend to agree. The “man of lawlessness” is a man – one who will arrogantly speak out against God’s commandments and those who keep them; one who will lead the nations in open rebellion against God. Some believe that he will be associated with Islam’s 12th Imam and their false prophet, “Isa the son of Mary” (the Islamic counterfeit Yeshua). Of this, however, I’m confident – those who are walking according to the commandments of YHVH, who keep the testimony of Yeshua, who have the Ruach haKodesh dwelling within, will know him for who he is when he is revealed. Many others will be deceived. Which group do we want to be in?

Jan Carver


what you say i agree with & come to realize that just like Job – we can only be sifted to the point God allows – now with Job God said no death – but some people do experience death due to many reasons of which don’t look to much like God’s doings – like human trafficking, rape, murder, poverty, famine, sickness & disease, starvation, etc.

but i do think hasatan was banished to earth to be used by God to buffet us – God sent him AMONGST us for a reason – yes, he/hasatan is the enemy & used by an economical God because most people think/say/state/type that God does not put sickness or death upon us – that that is evil but He does allow it to happen to us – He may not be the agent but He is the boss… ♥ i have always heard & been taught in my 50 years of following God that anything that touches us is first sifted/gone through His hands of love 4 us… i trust HIM…



i trust HIM

Hi Jan,

I agree, but for me trusting Him is “much easier said than done”

Trusting Him creates a feeling of peace and love

But I often feel quite upset when my children are not doing their “best”

Or just being separated from them; so I find comfort in comments like: “God is full of problems”


Abraham Joshua Heschel Remembered 5

Jan Carver


wow – a cow tie!!!




“Trusting Him creates a feeling of peace and love” NOT ALWAYS

Hi Jan,

I agree with your points with the following caveat

I can always overcome much emotional pain and create some peace and love

If I focus on/trust in God

But I am relatively very weak compared to those who have great trust in God

Jan Carver

Michael, that sounds like an oxymoron – with a hug & a kiss (ox)…. (ړײ)

well, how do you think those who have “great” trust in God arrived at that place – by continuing to work/flex their spiritual muscles of great trust & faith – just like with flying – the more you fly the plane the better pilot you will become – it takes doing it – flying the plane, trusting greatly & have faith & it builds in hours in your log book – making you an experienced pilot – just ask Capt. Sully… ♥ (ړײ) perhaps you need a good CFI/Certified Flight Instructor & a safety pilot until you are sure you can fly by yourself with confidence…

did you ever get to spend some time reading those articles on faith that i posted the link to here – it was a 10 part series that would teach you how to fly over & beyond your circumstances with faith & trust – if not i can find & post the link again…

but who creates peace & love – i don’t think we create peace & love – God’s creates that within us so we can minister it to others – my peace & love would be truly inadequate coming from my flesh – it has to come from the Spirit of the living God to be effective…

“But I am relatively very weak compared to those who have great trust in God” – it is possible to catch up to the great “heroes” of faith – i have seen it done in brothers & sisters of mine & maybe surpass their teachers… as long as we keep our eyes on Jesus He will always bring us through & it will be Him that gives peace & love that endures…

thanks for taking the time to read & respond… jan

and truly that faith series will give you a good foundation with the Word/Torah also…


Hi Jan,

I like you airplane metaphor and had the same concept in mind

The more we trust/fly the better we get, but I know myself pretty well

And I would never make a great pilot either 🙂

Speaking of flying, my son is taking a Rocketry class at Crittenden Middle School

He goes to school over by Moffett Field in Mt View and today we worked there on his model

Unlike myself he is very mechanically inclined, but I could help him with the painting

When I spoke this morning about my relative lack of trust I had a model in mind

The model was the Master himself and his level of Trust was truly great

Regarding the Ox, I take that as a compliment 🙂

The Ox

People who are born under the influence of the Ox are blessed with equilibrium and tenacity.

Few could match their determination and persistence once they have set their mind on a goal.

Ox people quietly labor at their daily tasks unremittingly and without complaint. They know that the way to succeed is by slow, sustained effort and they never believe in get-rich-quick schemes.

The Oxen are driven by a compulsion to work hard and they have no truck with free-loaders.

They are both trustworthy and trusting, but not particularly outgoing, often preferring self-reliance to reliance on other people.

Ox people are always as good as their word and as dependable as clockwork in their habits.

They form very strong bonds with their partners and families and make good, lifelong, friends.

The Ox stubbornness makes them staunch, upstanding, and forthright.

These qualities contribute toward their integrity and the Ox’s ability to shoulder responsibility.

The first symbol of the Hebrew Alpha-bet is called the Aleph

It is the father of the alpha-bet, has no sound of its own, and is displayed as an Ox

The Aleph is a silent letter

Jan Carver


I don’t know much if anything at all about the Ox (other than what you brought to the table) but I calculated i am a dragon in the Chinese whatever – do you put much stock in that stuff??? did know about the Aleph but not that it is pictorial the ox… 🙂



“do you put much stock in that stuff??? did know about the Aleph but not that it is pictorial the ox”

Hi Jan,

Well Skip mentioned a book a few years ago that introduced me to the Hebrew Aleph Beth

My father’s name was Alan (Big Al) and my 1st date in the 10th grade was with Beth Hoy

To say that my father was like an Ox would be like saying that Skip was like a “teacher”

It is not that I believe or disbelief in this stuff, but I find it fascinating to say the least

I was telling my son about the Hebrew Ox today as I was driving him to his robotics class

He thought I was making it up, but I told him that I was not and he just laughed

And he said the smartest kid in this special class was a boy named Eric, spelled with an “A”

He said Aric’s last name was McDowd as we were driving down Middlefield Road to school

When we crossed over Moffett Drive, I told him that in Hebrew M has several meanings

But that for Jews Mo definitely brings Moses to mind and M the Messiah ben David

Then I said the double ff in Moffett has the sound of ph which is a double letter in Hebrew

And that the T (tt) is also a double in Hebrew and stands for the cross

And at that point he just shook his head and laughed in disbelief 🙂

I did not tell him that a few blocks back on Middlefield was a company called VeriSign

And that I was working at VeriSign when I first read about the Hebrew letters

And to get to VeriSign from our home in Milpitas, you take Calaveras Blvd (road of Truth)

And when he was born 13 years ago his mother was working at HP across the street from Verisign

And those were the happiest days of my life

carl roberts

–in the time and culture when they were written–

so, in effect, “that was then, and this is now?”- Of what import, of what weight then, is G-d’s Book of Instructions to us who are alive (and hopefully well) in this modern “era of enlightenment and enrichment?” – Why do we need a Savior?

After all..- that was so “yesterday.” Some of the Bible belongs to that time period and to that particular people..- I may now enjoy a bit of “cafeteria Christianity”- you know.., pick and choose what parts apply (to me) and to my particular circumstance or situation, – (that is, if “I” deem it necessary.) I shall run this past the judgment bar of my mind.. and see whether I not I shall have “this Man” to reign over me..

What a mess this makes..- Hebrew mess? oh yes. Greek mess? very..

G-d’s Book and G-d’s words dear friends, are “forever words”. These words spoken by our Savior, are “eternal”. We may understand them through every culture for they speak unto “whosoever will.” Once again..- (does this get tiring?) “Whosoever” includes everyone. Anyone and everyone- from every kindred, every tribe, on this terrestrial ball. Salvation, (once again..) IS (and remains forever) “to the Jew first -AND- also (praise G-d!) to the Greek. We are not left to flounder out in the cold.. YHWH has provided redemption for “all” who kneel at the cross.
We (who are alive today- and I hope you’re one of us..) live on this side of the cross. We live A.D. We are “without excuse.” We know salvation’s story and we know the ONE who made it possible. We have been redeemed (and are being redeemed) by the blood and breath of Calvary’s (perfect) Lamb.
Christianity without the proclaiming of the gospel (good news) of Christ can neither exist or continue to exist. Without the cross of Christ we have -with the rest of the troops.., – no hope.
“My hope is built on nothing less (and nothing more) than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” Yes, friend, “Jesus paid it all and all to Him I owe..” For nothing good have I, whereby Thy grace to claim..-I’ll wash my garments white in the blood of Calvary’s Lamb.”
Calvary’s Lamb. Can you possibly get any more “Jewish” than this? He was crucified during Passover!!!
What a ‘ko inky dink’ -May I? “oy!” (I do feel better..) -lol!
The promised Messiah has come. Can it be said any more simpler -any more plainer- what does it take for this to penetrate? To “sink in..?” Get it? Got it? Good? (oy..)
Christ is the center. Christ is the compass. Christ is the circumference. G-d became a man, the second Adam. -Why?
Sanctify them by Thy truth..- Thy Word is Truth (Torah). Every word of G-d is pure. The words I speak unto you- they are spirit (breath) and they are Life (more abundant!). The word of G-d (Torah) is quick (alive) and powerful (authoritative).. -For the word of G-d is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” How shall a young man cleanse his way?- By taking heed (listening intently) to your Torah..
This is no “ordinary” book. No. No. and no..- This Book of the Law (Torah) shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate on it day and night..- why? – that you (me and you) may do what it says for us to do.. – We must “shema” (listen) and we must “shema” (obey). Instructions have been given. Over, and over and over (and over..)- Hear (and obey) the word(s) of the LORD. (in Hebrew..-ADONAI).
G-d has spoken. And of course when G-d speaks.. er.. Martha Stewart said.. er..- Ben Franklin once said.. er.. (pick your favorite ‘celeb’…)- But when G-d speaks..- When does He speak? What do the scriptures say? “It is written..”- (gotta get a tat..)
Now hear the words of the LORD: (straight from His Book- no “color commentary”). “As it is written”-

“Long ago G-d spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets and in these last days He has spoken with us by His Son, whom he ordained The Heir of all things, and by Him He made the universe.”

Christ (the Living Word) is central to creation and communication. The Messiah was (and is) both the Messenger (Malachi) and the Message (G-d loves us!). Christ is the center, Christ is the compass, and Christ is the circumference.

“And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning Himself.” (Luke 24.27)

Calm down Carl…easy.. easy..

Friends- “all things..” The Torah? yes. the entire Tanach? Yes. The Poetic books? Yes. Genesis? yes. Exodus? yes. Leviticus? yes. Christ is present (and presides) over all sixty six books..From beginning to end- “Revelation.” lol!- “It’s all good!”

“but we preach (proclaim) Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,” (1 Corinthians 1.23).

“For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that He appeared to Cephas, and then to the Twelve. After that, He appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then He appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all He appeared to me also, as to one abnormally born.” (1 Corinthians 15)

“And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on Me, the ONE they have pierced, and they will mourn for Him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.” (Zechariah 12.10)


Ever read questioningpaul.com ?

A.W. Bowman

When I encounter ‘lawless’ teachers, I pose a few questions to them. The responses I get can be very revealing.

1. What are the terms and conditions of the New Covenant, concerning the covenant requirements and responsibilities for both God and man?

2. Did God write His laws on your heart as He promised? If so, what are those laws and how do you comply with their provisions? Please be specific.

3. If God provided you with His new and revised list of laws, which of His ‘old’ laws did He delete (or allowed you to modify or delete) from this new list?


Love it!

A.W. Bowman

An additional observation.

There seems to be a divergence in views concerning the nature God’s purpose and His will, and the significant difference between the two. There is also the question of ‘who or what’ Satan is and his role in the eternal scheme of things.

Well Skip, there are a couple of books you can write!

carl roberts

“In the same way, after the supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.” (Luke 22:20)

Indeed, under the law (Torah) almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. (Hebrews 9.22)

Whose blood was shed? Who was this crucified at Calvary? Why did He die? Did He have to die? Was this death necessary?

Who is the (Passover) “Lamb slain from the foundation of the world?”

Who is the King of the Jews? Who is the King of kings? Is this not the carpenter’s son? Who is this King of glory?


You would enjoy reading blessyahowah.com There is only ONE COVENANT, ONE YHWH, ONE FAMILY, ONE TORAH, ONE WAY . . . there will be a ‘renewed’ covenant when YHWH returns . . . The best info is found in the Hebrew Tanakh . . .