Law and Grace Disguised
But the LORD was with Joseph and extended kindness to him, and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer. Genesis 39:21 NASB
Gave him favor – Did you know that the Old Testament also contains language about Law and Grace? We often think that this issue began with Paul. We think it is a “Christian” distinction. We think that the Old Testament (and Judaism) is a religion of laws but the New Testament (and Christianity) is a religion of grace. But our thinking ignores the difference between hesed and hen. If we read the Scriptures in Hebrew, we would never conclude that Law and Grace are in conflict.
Look carefully at this verse about YHWH’s actions toward Joseph. First you will notice that YHWH extended kindness to Joseph. That’s the word hesed (more about this in a minute). Then the verse says that YHWH gave him favor in the eyes of the jailer. That’s the word hen. What’s the difference? Hen is the “gracious and favorable action passing from a superior to an inferior – an action that could not be forced or demanded.”[1] Read that carefully. Hen is pretty close to the Christian idea of grace. It can’t be earned or demanded. It is sheer gift granted by someone in a superior position by completely magnanimous motives. It is poured out on people who have no claim to it.
But hesed is different. Most of us who read the Bible in English would be inclined to think of hesed as God’s grace. It is usually translated (in the NASB) as “lovingkindness.” But hesed isn’t hen. Hesed is used only when there is a prior relationship bond (like family, marriage, kinship), a bond that produces an obligation for action. In other words, the parties that share hesed can expect and even demand reciprocal responsibilities. Hesed is not free gift. In fact, it is the opposite of hen.
By now you’re probably saying, “So what? It’s just linguistic differences.” But think about this. Hesed is the word used over and over to express YHWH’s relationship with Israel and with all who become part of His chosen people. But hesed is a word often associated with obligation, not unmerited favor. This means that God and Israel are obligated to each other as a result of the covenant God made. Grace may be the reason behind the covenant but from the moment it was made, obligation attached. The “law” is simply the articulation of that obligation. Torah spells out what it means to be in a relationship of hesed with YHWH. Israel (and you and I) didn’t earn the right to this covenant. YHWH made the covenant out of hen. That created the benefits we enjoy. But that same covenant entails hesed and both parties are now obligated to performance requirements. If we reject the obligations of the covenant, we reject hesed. We reject God’s bond to us. Israel did this over and over. God never let go of them because He obligated Himself, but their refusal to reciprocate removed them from enjoying the benefits of hesed. In other words, God’s “lovingkindness” (hesed) is contingent! Hen is grace poured out. Hesed is not.
When we understand the clear distinction between hen and hesed, we may be shocked to realize that most of the Bible is built around hesed, not hen. Most of the Bible, including the New Testament, is about the mutual and reciprocal obligations entailed in a bonded relationship with YHWH and/or Yeshua. It is hesed that characterizes being in the Kingdom.
Law and grace are just as present in the Tanakh as they are in the Brit Chadashah (New Testament). Furthermore, the definitions of the terms from an Hebraic perspective have not changed. When Sha’ul and Yeshua speak about grace, they are thinking about hen. When they speak about Torah, they are thinking about hesed. As you can now see, the two must fit together if we are to have a relationship with YHWH with benefits. As soon as you try to pry obligation away from favor, you destroy the essential linkage and break the bond.
“Unless Israel obeys and loves Yahweh the nation cannot expect to receive the divine hesed. The responsibility of God to show hesed is, therefore, conditional in Deuteronomy.”[2] The proper translation of hesed may be something closer to “loyal fulfillment of expectation” than “lovingkindness,” although kindness is certainly part of the relationship created by this bond. What is crucial for us is this: our views of the equivalent of hesed, what we call “grace,” are out of alignment with the real meaning of the word. We have beseeched God for favor without understanding that His grace through the covenant entails obligation. We want the relationship without the bond. And that just isn’t possible.
“Hesed, the outstanding word used to describe the content of divine-human relations, may often be rendered ‘grace,’ but ‘grace’ fails to suggest ‘the element of loyalty, or moral obligation, of social bond which the Hebrew word includes, an element finding parallel expression in the quite different word translated ‘redeemer,’ properly ‘kinsman-vindicator.’”[3]
Are you enjoying hesed or is your faith based on the false premise that you owe nothing to God?
Topical Index: law, grace, hesed, hen, favor, obligation, Genesis 39:21
Spot on – wow! Thank You dearly beloved Heavenly Father and King. We, the sinners owe our Father EVERYTHING – yes, life itself. This is what Moshiach demonstrated when He walked the earth. The very life that was given to Him He gave back to our Father so that ALL men could live. It was Moshiach’s freewill choice. The actions we have to take is to GO to Him, repent from the heart – feel the sorry for the hurt we have caused our Redeemer and be prepared to give back our life freely because we choose to and because we love Him in return. We owe it to our Father and King. Let us make the right choices. It is worth everything that we have to “loose/give up”. Just do it.
Shalom Shalom! All glory to our Father and King. We are so blessed to have Moshiach – listen for His footsteps coming closer and closer each day! HalleluYAH!. Be prepared!
We (who are His) have entered into the same blood-covenant relationship with YHWH as did Abraham, Moses, and David. Theirs was through the blood of bulls and goats- ours is through the shed blood of Yeshua HaMashiach on the tslav. We must first come to G-d through Calvary’s cross. The cross is the doorway of Life. The proclaiming of the cross is to them who are perishing foolishness – but unto us who are being saved (it is both a crisis and a process) it is the power of G-d unto salvation/deliverance- to the Jew first (always) and also to the Greek (or non Jew). We (the Gentiles) are the adopted ones, and we have been adopted into the full rights, privileges and responsibilities of the children of G-d.
We have been instructed from the word of G-d to be followers of G-d as dear children. Children do not worry about what’s for lunch- they ‘expect’ lunch to be provided and we as parents will do all in our power to provide that lunch for them. G-d (our Father) does the very same for us. He will do all in His power to provide lunch for us. He has said (to each and to all)- “I will feed you with the finest of wheat..” -and I must say lately I have had some mighty fine meals and I will also say with each spoonful of goodness that enters my mouth- “taste and see that the LORD is good..” I (now) realize and recognize the Source of everything (everything) that is good. Friends, – “it is the LORD.” “For what do the scriptures say? Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of Lights in whom is no variableness nor shadow of turning.”
G-d loves us (all and each) with a covenant-love. He loves us (each and all) with a love that is not reciprocal nor dependent upon our response to Him. G-d loves us (each and all) period. Not dependent upon our actions, race, social standing, ethnicity, rank, position, (so called) power, possessions, background, etc. G-d loves us with a love that is beyond human comprehension.
Love has been defined (thank you Skip) as benevolence toward another at cost to myself. Yes and amen. Now let us “rewind” and return to Calvary. Return (with me) to a birth, to a barn in Bethlehem and consider (if you will) what the “price” was -in the absolute humility of the Creator descending to become the creature- for G-d, the Everlasting Father became a man, the second Adam. It has been said ~because G-d so loved He gave..~ We haven’t a penny’s worth of an idea what G-d gave. We (each and all) do not have a clue what the cost of Calvary was.
Yeshua, the G-d-Man, the Son of G-d and the son of man, the second Adam, was (and is) G-d wrapped in human flesh. Let us not forget His incarnation. Not only during the month of December, but let us celebrate our blessed Kinsman-Redeemer ‘year round.’ Dear friends- the promised Messiah (Praise G-d!) has come.
What was His purpose in coming to us? What was His purpose in living among us? What message was He displaying for all to see in His choosing to be born in a feeding trough in a barn in the backstreets of a little known town? And can anything good come out of Nazareth? lol!- Oh yes it can- and it has.
So what does blood-covenant friendship love look like? It was the love between David and Jonathan who were blood-covenant friends. And because of this relationship (and this is what we have in and through the living Christ) Mephibosheth- (who was lame in both his feet)- was able to sit at the King David’s table and eat what his King provided daily for him. All of his needs were met through David and for Jonathan’s sake- because David remembered the covenant of friendship he had made with Jonathan.
I am sure Mephibosheth knew what “grace” was.. I’m not so sure about us..
~ He that spared not His own Son- but delivered Him up for us all- how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? ~
~Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass, which is alive in the field today, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith! And do not set your heart on what you will eat or drink; do not worry about it. For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father (our Father!) knows that you need them. Seek (and keep on seeking) the Kingdom of G-d above all else, and He will give you everything you need. ~
I heard it spoken many times that Christianity, “true faith” is Christ plus nothing. It appears that the unbalanced state of Christianity today is exactly that…lack of gratitude for the “hen” of YHWH, no responsibility/obligation to return the “favor”. Of course, we could never do enough to merit the grace freely given to us by YHWH, but yes, our obligation should be one of joyful thanksgiving and willing obedience. Isn’t this what Messiah taught and lived?
I believe you are correct in your analysis of the danger of “free grace” thinking in Christian theology. Once we remove the real meaning of hesed, we no longer have the God of Israel. We have a god who excuses every action but demands nothing of his subjects, a king without teeth. But, of course, that is what men really want, isn’t it? Forgiveness without obligation. Do you suppose that contemporary Christianity has merely universalized Catholic indulgences by incorporating unlimited forgiveness into its philosophy?
yes, Skip – feel/think you are exactly right on this one, “Do you suppose that contemporary Christianity has merely universalized Catholic indulgences by incorporating unlimited forgiveness into its philosophy?” Aren’t they responsible for the King James Version writ/script we mostly read from today???
btw: have you seen the new “catholic” advertisement on the tube recently – they tout they have/got the word/Bible from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit & “we are catholics” – just like the “we are mormons” commerciasl we have been seeing for a year now…
yuk yuk yuk pee & no shower – smelly fellers for sure… 
Sure seems that way…as the “work” ethic has been whittled away, “works” based doctrine has taken it on the chin and the lethargic doctrine of waiting for the rapture has replaced it. Additionally the coffers are full of shiny coins thrown into the wishing well of prosperity pulpiteers. This appears to me to be the “falling away”, departing from the basic teaching of Torah obedience, rather than those who interpret this to be leaving institutionalized Christianity/traditional church. Sounds like carefully crafted methods to get them “in” and keep them there. The “good” that has been accomplished in the Name of YHWH is “works”…
Let’s be practical about this, where would WE be without YHWH “working” on our behalf? Why, then are we admonished to be “imitators of G-d”?? ” Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.” John 5:17
i was reading somewhere & read this & thought of your comment/post to me: WORKS OF THE FLESH WHICH CAN BE MISTAKEN FOR WORKS FOR GOD/JESUS/HOLY SPIRIT…
“Reveal the areas of our hearts in which we work for goals that will only be counted as loss very soon.”
Precisely..YHWH will judge. But I think Scripture teaches us that if we offer “strange fire”, offer works that He never asked for in ways He never instructed, to profit from the ignorant and disenfranchised, those who look to a shepherd for direction, He will not take such works lightly.
I also think there is a distinction between working to gain favor and have the upper edge and working with a desire for excellence as the goal. Like, doing everything as though you are “doing” it unto G-d. The character and integrity of the latter is what pleases our Father.
Americans used to have this work ethic and I think it was a direct result of the indepth desire to obey the Scriptures the best one possibly could. It is not that way any longer and it appears to me that as the church goes, so goes the nation. Too much pop psychology that excuses and diagnoses sin as disease that leaves us helpless because we have been told we are not responsible. The church is the body of Christ who follows the teaching of YHWH, not that of man.
I think that is partially due to this innate sin nature doctrine that teaches us we are not responsible for our actions because we are sinners. There is, of course a remedy for sin and it is to believe on the LORD JESUS CHRIST and become a disciple. NOT a church member and dutifully doing all the churchy things that are anti Scriptural incorporated with pagan rituals and man-made embellishments.
After all Messiah shows us the Way to the Father, through following the Law fully as YHWH intended. Not the mental ascent, not just the profession without the works and changed life following it, but knowing that the life we now live, we live through following His teaching and example.
Blessings to the people of YHWH and those yet to come in!
—Do you suppose that contemporary Christianity has merely universalized Catholic indulgences by incorporating unlimited forgiveness into its philosophy?—
As a father to my own children, would I allow them to live an unrestricted life? One of wanton selfishness, fulfilling their own lusts and desires without regard to “house rules?” No, and no way. A father who loves his child chastens him (or her) often.
Are we forgetting the chastening of our Father? – Whom the LORD (our Father) loves- He chastens (and often!). What is the purpose of chastening?
Chastening is NOT punishment! We do NOT punish our children- we do not whack ’em with a bat because we are angry and frustrated- we chasten them toward righteousness or right behavior. And who, among us dear friends is the best Father a man ever had? No hesistation in my answer..- “it is the LORD.”
G-d never swats a fly with a hammer- (unless a hammer is necessary!)- but “He does all things well”- including the chastening of His children.
Chastening is a mark of ownership! – I do not (although I wish sometimes I could) chasten my neighbors children- I only have the right to chasten my own. It is the same with our Father- He only disciplines His own.
Maybe this is new news for someone: – nobody “gets away with” nothing! For what do the scriptures say? ~ Be sure your sin will find you out.. ~ Maybe not today- maybe not tomorrow- but friends- you got to pay to play- sin will cost you more than you are willing to pay! Grace is free (it is the gift of G-d) but sin comes at the price of pain, suffering, anguish, affliction, division and disaster..- just ask me to show you sometime- my scars..- (I’m covered with them!) Ask me about my shame! Would you like to hear the gory details? Sordid indeed. – I’d rather not “go there” but rather rejoice in my current status- “my sins are gone- I’ve been set free- my G-d, my Savior has ransomed me-and like a flood His mercy reigns- unending love- amazing grace..
If we think for one skinny minute that because we are “saved”, because we are “redeemed”, because we have been “born again” and belong to Him- this gives us license to sin- not only are we wrong- we are dead wrong and we are still dead in our trespasses and sins.
I have been saved. I have been redeemed. I have been to Calvary. Now friends- let me tell you of a Savior. ONE who redeems. ONE who renews. ONE who has ransomed me. ONE who has restored me. ONE in whom I rejoice daily. ONE who has made all things new. ONE who walks with me. ONE who talks with me. ONE who tells me- I am His own.
Now ask me (please) Carl- would you like to sin some more? Now that you belong to Him- don’t you just want to go out and live as you please? In wanton disregard for the instructions of your Father? (Permission to scream..)- NOOO! Excuse me- but I really felt a desire to insert a curse word here! -I know (experientially) what sin does. How about you?
Maybe we have forgotten “where we came from?” Maybe we have forgotten we are sinners. Sinners saved by grace. Maybe we don’t have a clue as to the “fear of the LORD..” The fear of our very present LORD- for He is Immanuel- G-d with us. G-d with us as in -right here..right now. A very present Help in time of need. And when do we need Him? Now- right here in this place and at this time..
what do the scriptures say? – “Draw near to G-d and He will draw near to you”.. Am I (or anyone) going to approach the HOLY ONE with dirty hands and a dirty heart? when washing and cleansing are available? – who among us loves filth? -raise your hand if you are a pig. (I didn’t think so..)
It is the desire of everyone of us to be clean- fully clean.
By G-d’s grace, by His benevolence toward us- He has provided a Way for us to be clean before Him. It is (only) through the blood of Christ shed for us upon the execution stake, the tslav, the cross.
The cradle is amazing enough. That G-d would descend into darkness.. that G-d would humble Himself to become a man..- it is (I’m searching for a word that fits..)
But the cross is devastating. That the ONE who came to seek and to save that which was lost (me) would allow Himself to be tortured and abused by the very creatures He Himself created..- this rips my brain in two..
Since I’ve already gone over the limit in my response- I would like to address the issue of Catholic indulgences. Religion is a profitable business. ~ There is ONE mediator between G-d and man- the Man Christ Jesus ~. We (all) have ONE high priest and it is not the Pope or the Preacher. It is the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ. It is Yeshua HaMaschiach who is our Mediator and Intercessor and Advocate before the Father.
However, there is a catholic church. We have lost the meaning of the word catholic (universal) and are so taken up by what we see (cathedrals, pomp and ceremony, hierarchy etc..) perhaps we have forgotten the words of G-d: “for we do not look upon things that are seen but on the things which are not seen- for the things that are seen are temporal,but the things not seen are eternal..”
No one man has a lock on salvation. “Whosoever will” may come.. The word of G-d states “other sheep have I who are not of this fold”. Is my “church” the only church? Am I blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other?
In the true sense of the word “catholic” we all do belong to one body- His. We all do belong to ONE Master- Him. We (who are His) are (now) His body and will be one day (soon I hope!)- His bride.
Remember Ruth. Neither Jew nor Greek but rather a an outcast and a halfbreed. The only hope Ruth had was Boaz and He did not disappoint her. Now please.. -do you think Ruth might have remembered where she came from? the days of gleaning in the fields under the hot sun? the days of near-starvation? Just how complete was the salvation of this dear sister? Thank G-d for our Boaz.. for our Kinsman-Redeemer- the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ.
SAY WHAT CARL??? “Since I’ve already gone over the limit in my response-” IS THERE SUCH A THING FOR YOUR OR ANY OF US HERE AT HEBREW WORD STUDY?!?!?! NEWS TO ME… ♥
Small typo – “you own nothing to God” should perhaps read “you owe nothing to God”?
Got it. thanks
Ya got to just love it! Thanks again, Skip. For years I have been teaching folks that if you think you are a member of the “New Covenant”, then tell me what your obligations are under that covenant.
2 Thessalonians 1 takes on a wonderful meaning and application of covenant requirements.
Another question that I ask is this: If you are a disciple of Jesus Christ, and follower after the doctrines that the Apostles brought to the church (e.g., Acts 2: 40-42), how many of those doctrines can you identify and explain? What did the other Judas teach? The Sons of Thunder? Bartholomew, etc.? How do you ‘know’ what they taught? How can you be sure?
So, are you a ‘believer’ in Jesus (mental assent, without commitment), or perhaps you are a ‘follower’ of Jesus (looking for the physical blessings until the persecution begins), or are you a true ‘disciple’ (talmid) of Yeshaua HaMaschiah (committed unto the end, at whatever the price, Luke 14)?
Again, Skip – your insights have blessed me. Thank you.
i have always thought/felt most promises of God are conditional but boy don’t ever tell someone you believe that way because they will try to blow you out of the boat to see if you can walk on water.
ever since i realized what having an up close & personal relationship with HIM is all about – i have felt obligated to keep HIS commands – it’s just how you feel when you love someone. you want to be faithful to them & not go spiritual whoring. i am sure i have in the past but i have never felt like grace covered it all. i wanted to be obedient & obligated – i wanted my will to be His will too.
i never played the card of grace covers my sins so i can sin & repent & all is well. i want to please HIM & i try. after being a single woman in the prime of my life – yes, i was tempted & could have become a fornicator & thought it okay but i didn’t want to displease HIM & i knew it would & i knew/know it drives a wedge of sin between us & messes up our relationship.
it is hesed for me for sure & hen when HE chooses…♥♥♥ jan
WOW, This is heavy duty stuff, I LOVE it. Thank you for allowing YAHUWAH to use you in sharing this Dr. Moen.
Shalom Skip!
What an article! You’ve clearly shown the difference between hesed/chesed and hen/chen.
“But hesed isn’t hen. Hesed is used only when there is a prior relationship bond (like family, marriage, kinship), a bond that produces an obligation for action. In other words, the parties that share hesed can expect and even demand reciprocal responsibilities. Hesed is not free gift. In fact, it is the opposite of hen.”
That would apply in a marriage covenant! But, marriages FAIL due to obligations expected to be kept, but not so.
Robert Farrar Capon said Jesus is not in the bookkeeping business.