Under His Wings

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.  Genesis 6:8 NASB

Found favor – Now this is important, so pay close attention.  We have examined the Hebrew word hesed, discovering that it isn’t accurately portrayed by the single idea of “lovingkindness” or “mercy.”  That’s because hesed presupposes obligation established by mutual relationship.  Hesed, the word we most often associate with God’s covenant, is probably closer to “faithful loyalty” than it is to some concept of forgiveness and mercy.  We noticed that hesed describes the expectation of an appropriate response, in particular, obedience toward God when He is the one who demonstrates hesed toward us.  Torah is simply the articulation of this expectation.  It is what God expects for His action on our behalf.  To refuse obedience is to refuse the offer of covenant relationship.

Hen, on the other hand, is associated with our idea of grace.  Hen is the noun from the verb hanan.  Once we examine this verb, we discover something else that cannot be overlooked.  This verb includes two related meanings.  The first is found in the idea of showing favor toward someone.  With two exceptions, the verb is always about relationships.  It captures the idea of a superior acting with benevolence toward an inferior.  The second meaning involves the idea that there is something pleasing in the second party which calls forth the benevolence or goodwill of the first party.  In this sense, the noun hen is first a term of beauty.  The one demonstrating hen feels tenderness, compassion or sympathy toward someone because there is something about the other person that brings out these feelings.  On that basis, the person acts with favor.

A moment’s reflection causes us to realize that these two meanings are intertwined in God’s graciousness toward us.  He shows us favor (hanan) not only because He is God but also because He finds in us something pleasing to Him.  We are His image however defaced and He responds with compassion when He sees how we have missed the mark He established.  This expression of favor is most associated with parental care and concern for children.  So God shows His favor toward us because we are His creation.

So far, so good.  But now we must add the crucial phrase rahum ve-hannun found in Exodus 34:6.  We notice that rahum (compassion) precedes hannun (grace).  In other words, confession which calls forth God’s compassion comes before God’s demonstration of favor.  It is never the other way around.  Grace is not poured out indiscriminately.  It follows acknowledgement of sin and repentance.  That grace immediately follows repentance is God’s promise, but grace does not come unbidden.  The fact that Noah found favor does not mean that God arbitrarily chose Noah.  God’s favor toward Noah is a demonstration of Noah’s prior condition of being pleasing to the Lord.  In fact, the statement that Noah found favor without any indication of supplication or confession is the only statement of its kind in the entire Tanakh.  A prior pleasing relationship must be assumed.

The logic of hanan hasn’t changed.  But you would never know it listening to today’s contemporary evangelism.  Today we have a God who is expected to show favor on all, regardless of their willingness to demonstrate true repentance.  Today the only requirement is some modest indication of remorse and an intellectual acknowledgement of the fact that “Jesus is the Son of God.”  By disconnecting hen from hesed, the Church has effectively removed any continuing transformation of behavior in the life of the disciple.  Today repentance does not entail acting differently when there is opportunity to repeat past sinful behavior.  Today repentance means just asking for forgiveness again.  Today evangelism does not come with a clear message of necessary obedience to God’s instructions for living.

In 1517 Martin Luther wrote the 95 theses in reaction to a sermon by Johann Tetzel who claimed that the purchase of a letter of indulgence covered the forgiveness of sins yet to be committed.  Luther’s document initiated the Protestant Reformation.  His argument was correct, but it seems as if today’s Christianity has allowed indulgences to slip in the back door.  By separating “grace” from “law,” Christianity made indulgences free of charge.  Christianity seeks hen without hesed, favor without obligation.  It is as if we have published the ultimate indulgence.  Just say the Sinner’s Prayer, assure yourself a place in heaven, and then don’t worry about those outdated obligations of  “Jewish” Torah.   How does this theology differ from Tetzel’s except that it does not involve money?  How can hen mean anything if it is divorced from hesed?  Being a child of the Father means experiencing hen after confession and responding with hesed toward God and others.  Anything else is idolatry.

Topical Index:  hen, hesed, favor, grace, covenant, law, Genesis 6:8, Exodus 34:6



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carl roberts

—Today we have a God who is expected to show favor on all, regardless of their willingness to demonstrate true repentance. Today the only requirement is some modest indication of remorse and an intellectual acknowledgement of the fact that “Jesus is the Son of God.” By disconnecting hen from hesed, the Church has effectively removed any continuing transformation of behavior in the life of the disciple. Today repentance does not entail acting differently when there is opportunity to repeat past sinful behavior. Today repentance means just asking for forgiveness again. Today evangelism does not come with a clear message of necessary obedience to God’s instructions for living.—

Skip, I don’t know who “these” people are that you seem to be at war with.. “the greek thinkers?”- but salvation is and always has been “the gift of G-d, not of works lest man (any man-Jew or Goy) should boast (what a good boy am I!)
What was it about Noah that was “attractive” to G-d or let us fast forward to today and inquire- what is is about us that is so “attractive” to our Savior? -Maybe this is where the phrase “amazing grace” comes from. ~ For this is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation “Christ Jesus came into this world to save sinners of whom I am chief”- Paul, (or Rabbi Sha’ul)- came to recognize and to realize His need of someone to deliver him. This “someone” was (and is!) Christ. We (all) come to G-d by and through the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ.
Trust and obey- for there is no other way. The ground is level at the foot of the cross. If you wish- you may continue to hammer on obedience to the Torah. I have no problem with this- whatsoever. It was Yeshua- our LORD and Savior (may I repeat?) our LORD (ADONAI) and Savior (DELIVERER) who said- (are we listening? and should we listen to every word that issues forth out of the mouth of OUR Messiah? For He has said, the LORD Jesus (who is the Christ) has said- to everyone who believes- if you love me- keep my commandments. “Do this- and you will live..”
Any Christian (little Christ)- any follower of the Way- Jew or Gentile-must live “by the Book.” Again.. (and again..) what did He say? What are His instructions to those who belong to Him- those who call Him ABBA Father..- “If you love me- keep my commandments..”
Grace is not license, but rather liberty. We are not free to do as we wish- sin all we want to- GOD FORBID! We are no free to do as we ought- to live a life of obedience to the will (the good pleasure) of our Father who has given us all things richly and freely to enjoy.
The Christian life is not one of misery or austerity, but rather we may say along with our Elder Brother- our Master, our Heavenly Joseph- “I delight to do your will”. What father among us does not delight in obedient children? None that I know of.
This “Christian bashing” is nothing new.. Neither is the persecution of the chosen ones- the Jewish people. Why is it everyone seems to need a “punching bag?” It’s a mystery to me, but I know who my “enemy” is- and I shave this guy every day. Pogo was right- we have met the enemy and he is us.
For I know that in me- that is in “my” flesh dwelleth no good thing. Carl,- you gotta die to your Self. I believe brother Skip- you were there first one to correctly identify EGO- as Edge G-d Out. Amen and amen!
We are owned. P-owned. The lock,the stock and the barrel. We belong to Someone. True belief and true repentance- every grace that brings us nigh. I never knew I would be so in love with the word “repentance”- but I am. And brothers, sisters, I am here to say- I have done more repenting that just the one time bringing me into this new relationship with my Creator and Maker.
I am finding out (revelation is a slow process- like the dawning sun)- every word of G-d is pure. It is His words (not mine) that bring us life and that more abundantly. He has said (are we listening?) – “If you abide in me and my words abide in you”- ask what you will and it shall be done..but ask in faith- believing.
Faith is not wishful thinking. Faith is our “right-response” to what G-d has said. G-d speaks (through His word) and we obey. We “shema” (wonderful word!) the Savior. We (the servants) do whatever He says unto us. (Mary was right in saying this..)
No, grace is no free ride. We are under blood-covenant “obligation” to our Elohim. But drops of tears could ne’er repay the debt of love I owe..- dear LORD I give myself away- ’tis all that I can do. Every day and every hour of every day- “here am I LORD- send me.” This is the prayer of presentation.
We offer ourselves a “living sacrifice”- holy, (wholly holy-body-soul-mind and strength) acceptable unto the LORD for this is our “reasonable service”. This is our worship and this is our delight- in serving (avad!) the Savior.
How do we show our love to our LORD? By loving others, loving our neighbors (yes, a word of proximity) and by loving each other- including our enemies? Yes. – Why? Because, my friends- G-d is love.
I cannot provide to anyone that which I have not been given. ~That which I have received of the LORD I give unto you~ We are conduits- not containers. G-d gives unto us- we give unto others. (have you noticed there are other people in this world?- lol!) So many who do not know Him- our compassionate- merciful- beautiful Sovereign Savior.
There is work to be done. ~This is the day which the LORD has made- I will rejoice and be glad in it.~ Why? because (lol!)- ~this is the day which the LORD has made~
Oh yes.. let us ask the question Pharaoh (big dummy) asked of Moses- “Who is the LORD that I should obey Him?” Oh Pharaoh- if you only knew what the future held for you..
We (now) know. For we are witnesses of these things. So- let us then ask the same question of ourselves (- the question remains for all of us-) “Who is the LORD that I should obey Him?
Trust and obey. Is He trustworthy? Listen and obey. ~ Whatever He says unto you, do it ~ Selah.

John Lightfoot

As I knelt in prayer this morning I was prompted by the Spirit to respond to Skip’s message. Then I read brother Carl’s reply, which made the point much better than I ever could. So I have not much else to add except, my question was one of measuring and comparison. How do we avoid the mindset that says, so-and-so obviously has found favor with God because look how weel his life is going; he must be very obedient. Or, poor Job, what sin has he commited that God has punished him like this.

I cannot go there, or else I will forever be wondering, what have I done wrong to bring this upon myself, or what law did I not do. It is all I can handle to follow the frist two commandments, and that, only by His grace and the power of His spirit.

carl roberts

— As I knelt in prayer this morning I was prompted by the Spirit to respond to Skip’s message. Then I read brother Carl’s reply, which made the point much better than I ever could. So I have not much else to add except, my question was one of measuring and comparison. How do we avoid the mindset that says, so-and-so obviously has found favor with God because look how weel his life is going; he must be very obedient. Or, poor Job, what sin has he commited that God has punished him like this.

I cannot go there, or else I will forever be wondering, what have I done wrong to bring this upon myself, or what law did I not do. It is all I can handle to follow the frist two commandments, and that, only by His grace and the power of His spirit. —

Ah, brother John.. – may I offer this to you? There is ONE (and only ONE) any of us need compare himself (or herself) to and that is our (only) standard of righteousness- the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ. Also, (very freeing to myself) is this: “there is ONE (and only ONE) perfect person ever to have lived!” (and guess what?- it isn’t me!) No, no and again.. =- no. Never have been- never will be (in the eyes of men) “perfect.” No, I am (as are many others like me) not perfect,- only forgiven. Remember again the exhortation of Rabbi Sha’ul- “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation” – “Christ Jesus has come into this world to save sinners- of whom I am chief”.
He will forever be my Savior, and I will forever be His redeemed and ransomed- now forgiven, fully-restored son. True Christianity, all friends, is a restoration of relationship.
~ Once you were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. We also were employed in those works from the first in the desires of our flesh, and we were doing the will of our flesh and of our minds, and we were entirely children of rage, as the rest. (Ready for some “good news?”) Me too..

But because of His great love for us, G-d, who is rich in mercy,
But because of His great love for us, G-d, who is rich in mercy,
But because of His great love for us, G-d, who is rich in mercy..


-even when we were dead in our transgressions, has made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and He has raised us up with Him and seated us with Himself in Heaven in Yeshua The Messiah, so that in the ages to come He might reveal unto us the exceeding riches of His grace in His (loving)-kindness toward us through Christ Jesus. ~

no wonder it has been said “Ephesians is the Switzerland of the N.T.”

Dear brother John (whose very name is “beloved!”) -what an inheritance we have “in Christ!” and where does all this “blessing” begin? “Bow the knee..” What is the Hebrew word for this, brother Skip? LOL! -Amein!

David Williams

I believe the point being made by Skip is important. Hen with out hesed, just isn’t going to happen, anymore then faith without works, which is empty. I once heard on a CD by John McArthur, where John stated that 70-75% of “Christians” sitting in church, were not saved, even though they believed they were, his point being that they were not “bearing fruit” that would give witness to their salvation. And what is this “fruit”? Hesed to others and unmoveable Trust in the Creator. Anything else is empty mental acknowledgement, i.e., “wet noodle theology.” God wants loving action from his creatures. So roll up your sleaves, we have work to do!!

carl roberts

~ For the grace of G-d that brings salvation has appeared to all men, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great G-d and Savior Jesus (who is the) Christ, who gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession who are zealous for good works ~ (Titus 2.11-14)

David Williams

Hen without Hesed, just is not going to happen!! I regretfully acknowledge we live in a world of “drive through” theology,” i.e., fast food fixes!! But that is not the Christian message, at least not to those who lived or were close to the Savior, who were most plugged in to his message. “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on EARTH as it is in Heaven!! This Earth is the new Heaven. Jeshua is the first fruits of the new creation. Renewal and restoration!! What God made was good!! We, his creatures, are his agents and our purpose is to come from love and be our best, as his creatures, which according to His revelation to humanity is contained in his instructions to humanity (Torah) on how to live a moral and salient existence, and hence, reflect his glory to all of creation. The reflection of His glory is our purpose. Come from (Hesed) and be your best (walk humbly before your Creator), and His grace will cover you!! Shalom.

carl roberts

it is as simple as 1,2,3. or in this case 8,9,10.. (let all things be done decently and in order..)

by grace

through faith

unto good works (Ephesians 2:8,9 and 10!)


He shows us favor (hanan) not only because He is God but also because He finds in us something pleasing to Him. We are His image however defaced and He responds with compassion when He sees how we have missed the mark He established. This expression of favor is most associated with parental care and concern for children.

I think y’all missed this part of what he wrote. The Most High is our Abba. In relating to us as children His Torah is not LAW but His loving instructions for us. He is the head of the house, Abba, and He has instructions for how to live and get along in His family. If you persist in viewing the Torah as LAW then you miss this. (When we have a negative attitude toward “law”, it just shows us to have a spirit of lawlessness, so maybe we need to examine our own hearts there.)

If the first two commandments are meant to be “You shall love the L-RD your G-d with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength” and “you shall love you your neighbor as yourself”, all of the Torah and the Prophets are embodied in them. Abba said “this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, neither is it far off.” He said that in Deuteronomy 30 and please read the whole chapter to get the full impact. It sounds a lot like what Skip just wrote to me.

Antimonianism is strong today and sadly even those who say they are His promote it. Our Father loves us because we are His children. We stray, we return like the prodigal child, but when we come back to His house we have to live by what He has set down. It is the life of shalom to live according to His instructions. When we don’t, we have the situation of “each man did what was right in his own eyes.” That is what we see today in full force and it is a mess!


I tried to put the first part in italics but just messed up and the whole thing is in italics. The first paragraph is a quote from Skip’s article. The rest is what I wrote.


The fact that Noah found favor does not mean that God arbitrarily chose Noah. God’s favor toward Noah is a demonstration of Noah’s prior condition of being pleasing to the Lord. In fact, the statement that Noah found favor without any indication of supplication or confession is the only statement of its kind in the entire Tanakh. A prior pleasing relationship must be assumed.

I agree with this Skip. We must assume a prior pleasing relationship in the case of Noah. When God came to Noah with instructions Noah set right to work. (Why is that such a nasty word?) And after 120 years of warning the world and pointing to their salvation, Only eight souls actually believed in the verb tense and were saved.

As with Carl, my journey has been a long slow process and seems more arduous at times as it continues. Why does He teach us hiking when we’re young and strong and rock climbing when we’re old and tired? The breakthroughs that have occurred have so often caused me to wonder if I would have truly been saved had I died in that prior condition.

It’s now my opinion that like Noah, all I can do is prepare and point, learn and PATIENTLY teach.

The chicken vs. the egg question is no longer my concern. All the ingredients must be present in a cake for the cake to be a cake. I’ve added forgotten ingredients at the last minute and the result is still a cake.

And I know whom I have believed and am persuaded the He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against that day.

Ron and I can do nothing more these days without getting horribly sidetracked. But this we do day after day.

Jan Carver

Pam, one of my favorite old Baptist hymns that i sang as a child & young woman – i still love..

“And I know whom I have believed and am persuaded the He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against that day.” i can sing it over & over again…

I know whom I have believed


Rodney Baker

One of my favourites too (I also have a “Baptist background”). Here’s a slightly more modern arrangement (but still faithful to the original).


Jan Carver

Rodney, thanks for sharing your version – i like it just as well if not better than the one i shared… jan of course i like all the scripture in it because “IT IS WRITTEN” 4 sure… ♥


It’s one of my favorites as well Jan.
May I introduce you to my favorite Russian Jewish refugee composer of all time.
Shabbat Shalom


Jan Carver

Thank you Pam, i love the piano & especially the strings… someday all the music will be for HIS GLORY AGAIN… ♥ jan


We talk about the Entitlement Generation, well, I appreciate the today’s word and the connection to Entitlement Theology.

Jan Carver

wow Gabe, i have never heard of the Entitlement Generation or Entitlement Theology – guess it is a good thing i haven’t but i do certainly know what you mean… jan


I think it’s a term that is thrown around more in politically conservative circles. Generation X was the segue to the Entitlement Generation – I think of it as a critical mass of people who believe in getting benefits without assuming responsibility.

The natural downside of growing up in an affluent society – is the very loss of those characteristics which produced the affluence. IMHO, these people tend to view government/religion as the spoiling grandparent.

carl roberts

one of my favorite old Baptist hymns that i sang as a child & young woman – i still love..

“And I know whom I have believed and am persuaded the He is able to keep that which I’ve committed unto Him against that day.”

and I will also add to those who might be interested..- “it’s not what you know.. but Who you know!!” yes, dear sister- “He (El Gibbor) is able”

Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and pow’r.

I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
Oh, there are ten thousand charms.

Come, ye thirsty, come, and welcome,
God’s free bounty glorify;
True belief and true repentance,
Every grace that brings you nigh.

Come, ye weary, heavy-laden,
Lost and ruined by the fall;
If you tarry till you’re better,
You will never come at all.

View Him prostrate in the garden;
On the ground your Maker lies;
On the bloody tree behold Him;
Sinner, will this not suffice?

Lo! th’ incarnate God ascended,
Pleads the merit of His blood:
Venture on Him, venture wholly,
Let no other trust intrude.

Let not conscience make you linger,
Not of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requires
Is to feel your need of Him.


This is just another conformation that YHVH, to all His children, all over the world has the same topic on His mind!!!!!This week The Holy One had me pondering Noach’s covenant and how it came about !!! even while this torah portion already passed.I did a word study on the “key”words in Gen 6:8-9.To me they seem to be-grace,righteous’,perfect,walked. WAlked-(halak 1980)to think,talk, see,act& do in the footsteps ofyour father!!!!perfect(-tamiym 8549) without defect,blameless & complete.Lev4:3 &14:10.(tamiyd 8548)actions concerning religious rituals.Lev 24:8 Eks25:30.righteous-(Sadaq -6663)without defect &blameless & complete.grace-(hen= favor) {hannah= verb] to pitch a tent. My eyes opened,and I understand that YHVH made His dwellingplace inside Noach-The man was born again!!!!!!!! ……the wellknown saying…..we are not under the law,but under grace…. changed compleatly in my mind!!!!!Ephesians 2:8-9-For by grace are ye saved through faith…. Yes! we are saved into everlasting life! THen what about the law??? This is the Righteous perfect walk ( the relationship part)that we need to get to the covenant!!! I am saved by grace,the guiding walls of the law kept me on The Way, in the covenant!!! Thank you Skip for painting this picture in all the colours-you can’t get bornagain without repentance!!!!


I read this one & my first thought was, ‘Wow! That is some heavy stuff. I’m gonna be chewing on this for a good long while.’


“We noticed that hesed describes the expectation of an appropriate response, in particular, obedience toward God when He is the one who demonstrates hesed toward us. Torah is simply the articulation of this expectation. It is what God expects for His action on our behalf. To refuse obedience is to refuse the offer of covenant relationship.”

“Appropriate response”, “obedience” “Torah”, “covenant relationship” seems to me to be the questionable argument here. Carl declared his perception of Skip’s being at war with some, and I would agree that he may well be, and I admire Skip’s stamina in maintaining his position on that battleground.

We ARE in a war and it is the battle for purity of the eternal Word of our Father. The battle is raging on as modern theology continues evolving through means of (mis)interpretation and new revelation. Who cares as long as it tickles the ears of the listener? The extremes of cessationists, continuationsts, pre, post, and mid Trib proponents are only as solid as their conformity to Torah, in my opinion. In order to live out the new testament, the old covenant(s) must be as relative today as they were when originally given. It appears to me that this is the ONLY war truly worth fighting because the shalom of the Kingdom is at stake here.

My thoughts go to a personal relationship issue that I have with a family member: this person continually tries to show their love for me by doing peripheral good deeds to that makes THEM happy. I have expressed a couple of things directly to them that I treasure as important in our relationship and was to have been vital components of our “togetherness” from the very beginning. After a decade plus, these simple, basic non-negotioble requirements exist as a wedge between us and the other party cannot understand my viewpoint, although originally they were agreed to. Now I am the one who is hard to get along with, who does not appreciate what is done for me when they are expressing their “love”.

I see my personal little story as a possible correlation of how our Creator may view us. He gave us His Word, the instruction of how we are to worship and serve Him, with many examples and details. He told us what we would do to show our love for Him, what is important to Him and how our “love” could be actually measured. We could virtually “count” the ways of showing love for our Father…meaning “613” standards through Torah. And yet, we have taken it upon ourselves to spin these ways/directions/instructions and modified them to reflect what makes US feel good rather than doing what He says is appropriate between Him and His covenanted loved ones.

I am, by no stretch, comparing myself to G-d. I am just sharing something very personal that takes this topic and word study to heart. Just doing something because we deem it to be “loving” according to thus saith ME, is NOT always loving, versus actual obedience according to the heart and pleasure of YHWH. Sort of makes one wonder what doing unto others as you would have them do unto you means to the author. Is it left up to the private interpretation of what the doer does; is it “loving” simply because the doer is doing what THEY prefer or like? Seems to me as though this is where many “followers” are today.

Jan Carver

Mary, i think you will enjoy this sermon below – it will speak to you about your feelings & dilemma for sure – validating them:


Spiritualized Selfishness
Sunday, January 1, 2012


Delivered by: Eric Ludy
Is it true that even Christianity can be utilized as a creative cover for our self-centeredness? American-ized, post-modern, pop-culture Christianity seems to be one gigantic excuse for allowing Self to remain enthroned in the souls of men. However, if Self is not dethroned by the incoming rule of Jesus Christ, then where exactly is Jesus Christ being placed? After all, what’s a King without His throne? This message is a strong call to give Jesus Christ that which is rightfully His, and as a result, this message scores rather high on the ‘ol convict-o-meter.


Hi Jan,
Thanks for the link. I viewed some of the sermon and this somewhat touches on the nerve that is being exposed in the body and hopefully, the believers will perk up their ears and hear. I am praying for the Ruach to prompt the questions that will lead them to search the Scriptures with a willingness to “test everything”.
Hope springs eternal…

carl roberts

Very well articulated Mary and let me also add to my “position”- “every word of YHVH is pure”. I do not discount Torah not one jot nor one tittle, for nothing in the word(s) of G-d shall ever pass away. The word(s) of G-d are eternal and from everlasting to everlasting.
From Genesis 1.1 through maps the word of G-d is His Book. Our Bible is the Lamb’s Book of Life. ~ The prophecy came not by the will of man in the ancient times, but when holy men of G-d spoke, being compelled by the Holy Breath~
The CenterPiece of the Scripture is Christ. The Torah is our schoomaster to continously, consciously, conspicuously lead us to Christ. As the scriptures simply state: “without Me you can do nothing”- and this includes Torah obedience.
The ten commandments are not the ten suggestions. ~ The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul. The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy, making wise the simple.~ How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to Your word.~ Whose word? the word of YHVHj, the Lamb’s Book of Life.


Hi Carl,
Agreed “every word of YHVH is pure”, it’s our understanding that is oftentimes tainted. Too much churchology and too little Torah.

No Torah…no Christ, no Paul, no James, etc…too bad that won’t preach in many pulpits without sidestepping certain major doctrines.

Thanks for your response.

carl roberts

Our Bible does reveal a master theme. The central them of His Book (His story) is “Behold the Lamb.”

It slays me (so to speak) that blindness in part has happened unto Israel. Yes, they have the Torah and yes they are the chosen ones of YHVH. Not a problem. Not one bit. Wonderful. and praise G-d for the people of Israel.

Our focus, (anyones’s focus) is Messiah. Is or is not Yeshua, the Christ? Is He (or is He not) Christ the LORD? Is He (as someone has said..) – Liar, Lunatic or LORD?

If this is G-d Incarnate (in human flesh)- is He worthy of our worship?

Mary, (and whosoever will) the word of G-d clearly states: “every knee shall bow- and every tongue shall confess”– does this include the pair of knees belonging to this man? Yes. It does. I gladly, freely, fully confess with my mouth and believe in my heart Jesus (who is the) Christ IS (not was!) LORD.

Oh, there is so much more! Praise G-d for the TORAH. Praise G-d for His unchanging, unfailing- never ending word(s) of Life! But praise the Father for the gift of the Son of Righteousness. Praise G-d for Calvary. Praise G-d for the birth, life, death and resurrection of the Chosen ONE.

Not only the TORAH- but also the TSLAV, – the execution stake. Oh please Israel,.. I beg of you,-consider His cross.

How deep the Father’s love for us,
How vast beyond all measure
That He should give His only Son
To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss,
The Father turns His face away
As wounds which mar the chosen One,
Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross,
My sin upon His shoulders
Ashamed I hear my mocking voice,
Call out among the scoffers

It was my sin that left Him there
Until it was accomplished
His dying breath has brought me life
I know that it is finished

I will not boast in anything
No gifts, no power, no wisdom
But I will boast in Jesus Christ
His death and resurrection

Why should I gain from His reward?
I cannot give an answer
But this I know with all my heart
His wounds have paid my ransom

carl roberts

No, I do not say Skip is “at war” with Greek thinking, but I do believe He comes close to defining “who” are enemies are..

The world, the flesh and the devil are our enemies. Skip is very much suited to defining for us in HD (high-definition) who these enemies are.

The devil (or hasatan) was throroughly “rendered powerless” by the death, burial and resurrection of the Christ. Christ was (and is) victorious. tHis victory is also ours when we thoroughly understand what “not I, but Christ” is referring to. Colossians 3.3 (from the word of G-d which lives and remains forever) “for you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in G-d.”
Hey- dead man- how would you like a cigarette? – “no thanks, – I’m dead. Dead people don’t smoke, or drink, or argue, or fuss. Dead folks are dead. And how, dear ones, does anyone “tempt” a dead man? “For I have been crucified with Christ..” Yes. We have. We are (now) dead.
~ Even so consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to G-d in Christ Jesus ~ (Romans 6.11)
Now try hard to “get a rise” out of a dead man. Cut me off in traffic. Hey dead man.. doesn’t that just make you so angry? No..- I am dead. Hurt feelings? Dead men have no feelings.
But, of course- we are not left in the dead zone. We are men (and women) of deep feelings and emotions- so now, what do we do?
This, (Hallelujah) is where the resurrection comes into play. For the same Breath that raised Christ from the dead- now dwells in you (and you and you and you!) He is the Spirit of Truth and of error- constantly, continously, consciously pointed us to Christ- our Standard of perfection.
Of this, I hope we all agree.. There is only ONE perfect Man ever to have lived. (and His Name?) Baruch Hashem ADONAI. Blessed be the Name of the LORD. Oh yes!- Very Jewish. He was (and still remains) very Jewish. I have a friend who states- “It wouldn’t surprise me if we all are going to be speaking Hebrew in Heaven!”
The Jews are (and forever will be) the chosen people of YHVH. G-d never “re-nigs” on any of His covenants. “I AM the LORD, I change not.” What does this mean to us? It means- “He is the LORD- He does not change.” When G-d speaks, He never- ever says, “oops” or “uh-oh” or “sorry about that.” “Every word of G-d is pure”.
This is where this ministry comes into play. We must, we must, we must- know the clear instructions of our Elohim. “What He says, we must do.. where He sends we must go..- Yes!- Shema! O Israel.
“Shema” if I was stranded on a desert island and had only one word to keep me company- it would be “shema”. Shema (in HD) is both “listen AND obey.” And dear friends, Who was the most Torah obedient man ever to have lived? It is again.. (and forever will be)- the Christ.
He is the Master. We are the servants. And by His grace, and through the N.T. (new covenant) in His blood, the blood of the Passover Lamb- we are now the sons and daughters of G-d.
Now, let us speak of “relationship.” Righteousness. The state of being rightly-related. Everything running smoothly and without a hitch. A rightly-related, finely tuned, engine- working, doing what it is supposed to do. A radio, tuned to the right frequency- with all electronic parts functioning as they should and doing what they were designed to do- “righteous”- rightly-related.
How are sinners (such as we are) “rightly-related” to our Creator? Through faith in the shed blood of our Messiah- who gave tHis blood for us on Calvary’s cross- the tslav- the execution stake.
And now, being rightly-related- we are more than ready and more than willing to do what is pleasing to Him- to live according to His will, clearly revealed to us- in His words- the word(s) of G-d.
~If you love me, keep my commandments ~ This do, and you will live. ~ You shall love the LORD your G-d with all your heart-soul-mind-and strength and love your neighbor as yourself ~