When my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my insides, Psalm 73:21 Hebrew World translation
Grieved – When you were grieved, did you think of sourdough? If you read Hebrew, you would. Asaph uses the word hamets (chamets). You recognize this word, I hope. It is the word for leaven. In association with Passover, it is what we attempt to get rid of in the search before the celebration. Sourdough bread has been permeated with sour yeast. Just as the bread turns sour, so Asaph tells us that life turns sour over envy of the prosperity of the wicked. It’s not so much an emotional distress as it is a physical nausea. The arrogance and indifference of the wicked makes me ill. Not only do I discover envy is a cancer in my spirit, I also find that I wrestle with the justice of the Almighty. The wicked may be on death’s bed but they don’t know it. I, on the other hand, am quite aware of my own disease. What am I to do?
Asaph describes the effect of this sour stomach with another anatomical term – kidneys. The rest of this verse literally says, “I was stuck with a sharp sword in the kidneys.” Used metaphorically in the cultures of the ancient near-East, the word (kilyah) refers to the inner most regions of personality. We should notice that Asaph describes psychic and emotional states in physical terms. Just as there is no well-developed dream theology in the Tanakh, there is no attempt to split personality into mental, spiritual, emotional and physical parts. Grief is a sour stomach. Deep-seated distress is a blow to the kidneys. Hebrew does not parcel out Man or send him to specialists for cures. In Hebrew thought (as in the real world), we are all one big tied-together package, not the compartmentalized body-mind-soul of the Greeks. Envy and doubt have real, physical symptoms.
Are you as integrated as the Hebrew worldview? Do you recognize that actions or inactions have full-bodied consequences? Paul tells us there are some things we should not think about. Paul can say this because he is Hebraic, not because he is a therapist. Paul knows that the whole person digests every input. Paul could have turned to Asaph for his insight. All of those emotions that I battle cannot be contained in the box of my mind. I don’t have watertight compartments. I am made of sieves. Everything leaks. What I take in can’t be held apart from all the rest of me. The Hebrew view of being human is digestion. I am what I eat. Didn’t God tell one of the prophets to eat His words? Where do you suppose that metaphor came from? If you thought only food could be kosher, you didn’t understand the lesson.
Where is the hamets in your house?
Topical Index: hamets, personality, human being, emotions, Psalm 73:21
Medical science also points to physical ailments having emotional causes. (DEADLY EMOTIONS by Dr. Don Colbert)
TRAUMA-PROOFING YOUR KIDS by Dr. Peter Levine (developer of Somatic Experiencing–watch the 5 minute video at this website) is pretty interesting too.
Above all though, thank G-d, HE has and is the remedy!
“Psalm 51” by Sons of Korah
“envy of the prosperity of the wicked.”
Well I don’t envy the prosperity of the wicked, but I do know physical nausea pretty well
In fact I was suffering from it this morning with my dog Max in pain from his recent surgery
And being separated from my children as the probable causes (no nausea with them here now)
And sometimes suffering fools at work can increase the sickness in my stomach as well
Sometimes focusing on Yahweh helps, but sometimes it does not
When my heart was grieved, and I was pricked in my insides, Psalm 73:21 Hebrew World translation
Shabbat shalom!- Grace and peace to you from G-d our Father and from the LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ! (Galatians 1.3)
We cannot have the peace (shalom/wholeness)of G-d until we first receive the grace of G-d, and the grace of G-d is to be experienced, employed and enjoyed -every day!~ He always gives us what we need and when we need it! Providence occurs.
~ Rejoice in the LORD always and again I say- rejoice! and may the G-d of shalom/wholeness make you holy in every way, (wholly holy!) and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our LORD Jesus (who is the) Christ comes again ~ (1 Thessalonians 5.23)
More “Good news!” – Jesus saves! (again and again!) ~ He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things? (Romans 8.32) Does He save us spiritually? Yes. Financially? Yes. Emotionally? Yes. Physically? Yes. Every day, and in every way- “Jesus saves.. -completely. Christ (and He alone!) is the cure for the cancer (chamets) of sin.
Yes, through the presence of the Ruach HaKodesh, let Him search “the house” thoroughly for any sign of leaven. Amein. ~ Send forth Your light and Your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell ~ (Psalm 43.3)
~ For these commands are a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the corrections of discipline are the way to life ~ (Proverbs 6.23)
Light is that which reveals. – Been to the tooth-dentist lately? And he or she shines the focused intense light into our mouths for what purpose? To reveal decay and rot. And once this decay or rot is revealed – what shall we do about it? Nothing? – This would rather defeat the purpose of our visit- don’t you think?
Once sin is revealed, (for all have sinned and are full of “chamets”)- what would be the cure? Or is there a cure, -an answer for sin? Praise the G-d who now is, – He has Himself provided for “whosoever will”- the Lamb. The Lamb of G-d who takes away the sins of the world, through the atoning, propitiating sacrifice of His blood and breath on Calvary’s cross.
~ and they sang in a mighty chorus: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slaughtered–to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing” ~ (Revelation 5.12)
~ Purge out the old leaven from you that you would be a new lump, just as you are unleavened bread. Our Passover is The Messiah, who was slain for our sake ~ (1 Corinthians 5.7)
Thank you LORD
for saving my soul.
Thank you LORD
for making me whole.
Thank you LORD
for giving to me
Thy great salvation
so rich and free!
Who was Asaph?
Click on the link below and learn more.
Hi Judi,
Thanks for sharing. That is a great article!
I always get confused about the history and narrative of that time
And those are some of my favorite parts of the Bible
Yes, I too thought it was very informative. I wish I had discovered it a week ago.
“JESUS SAVES” are such precious words that never stop working because His salvation never stop working.
Just recently I told a woman, (redeemed now) who tearfully expressed to me, that if ever her grown children come looking for her (that she placed for adoption) she will be so ashamed she may not be able to talk to them. I affirmed to her she would because “Jesus saves” is not just for that day she came to know Him. Its all the time in every department of life. I worte it on a rock for her to keep.
“JESUS SAVES”, O glory to God, how glad I am!
Is the last question asking what I think it is? “Where is the hamets in your house?”
What are the NON-pork fat that we allow in our houses? Junk TV? Junk on the computer? Junk conversations?
I have always been frightening by “Puritanical” Christianity — but more than ever I have been faced with the likely possibility that if it isn’t okay for my kids,… why is it okay for me?
The following verse has been a great clarifier regarding what my inputs should be:
“Were they ashamed because of the abomination they have done ? They were not even ashamed at all ; They did not even know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall ; At the time that I punish them, They shall be cast down,” says the LORD. ”
Have the raunchy comedies I watched removed my ability to blush? I want to be able to blush. I want some things to be too disgusting to laugh at. I pray that God will help me to regain my ability to blush.
The second sentence should read, ..”What are the NON-kosher inputs” or “the pork fats”,… not the combination I wrote – sorry. 3rd sentence should say “frightened”.
I need a proof-reader.
Asaph, amen- “who can stand before envy?” Even our good Bible word “blessing” contains within it the description: “to be envied..” But who, Asaph, are we envying?- and why?
G-d’s love is not zero-sum! (Amen?) “Mommy, mommy- Johnny got a bigger slice of pie than I did!” lol!- Oh Carl!- Who are you envying and why? Are you envying the “wicked?” (things that cause me to say, “er.. uh..”) Why would anyone (in their “right mind”) envy the wicked? Asaph, are you possibly questioning the “goodness of G-d?” Possibly a little more focused on the things that are seen, vs the things that are not seen? Your perspective Asaph, seems to be a bit “skewed.” Is it not the “goodness of G-d” (who btw is always good) that leads us (all) into repentance? Don’t you realize, Asaph, G-d loves that person every bit as much as he loves your sorry self? Missed any meals lately, Asaph? Don’t have sufficient supplies? Are you worried someone else has “more” than you? – and what about all those who have less? Asaph, – where has gratefulness gone? Have you ever perceived and received the good news, ~ For the LORD is good, -His unfailing love continues forever? ~ (Psalm 100.5) And this “unfailing love of G-d, – isn’t this “chesed?”- a covenant word?
Asaph, I have to admit.. I’ve been where you are. I too, have had my bouts with the “green monster”- worried about others having more than me. But Asaph, I have to ask again..- more “what?” More “stuff and things”? And I also have to admit, Asaph,- I have more than I already know what to do with. What would I do with more? Asaph, – could “less” possibly be “more”? Could I, -should I, learn to live with less? It has been said, (is this true?)- “don’t let your possessions possess you..” Asaph, shouldn’t we instead of valuing things and using people, (as many of us do) – shouldn’t we instead, value people and use things? -Asaph,- just sayin’..
I am so grateful, Asaph, you have come to the place of perceiving.. to see and to know- “for the LORD is good!” (all the time, and to everyone..) Hallelujah for tHis gift of repentance!
When my heart became embittered
and I was pierced to the quick,
I was but foolish and ignorant;
I was like a brute beast in Your presence.
Yet I AM always with you;
You hold me by my right hand.
You will guide me with your counsel
and afterwards receive me with glory.
Whom have I in heaven but You?
And there is nothing upon earth that I desire
in comparison with You.
(from Psalm 73)
-for nothing I desire compares with You..
~ Return, O my soul, to your rest; for the LORD has dealt bountifully with you ~ (Psalm 116.7)