Thank You

I want to thank each of you who make At God’s Table possible. I know that the economic difficulties we all face are taking their toll. I can see the results of personal financial struggles as they affect this ministry. But you are faithful anyway and I am so humbled by your willingness to provide. I am especially aware of this after this last trip to South Africa. I came face-to-face with real tragedy among those who have been systematically abused by government policy and personal greed. I will be writing and showing you a lot more about this in the near future. It made me realize once more how privileged I am, not only to be used by God to witness this and do something about it, but to see how full my life in His hands really is.

And YOU enable this. I can’t thank you enough. I am honored that each of you trusts me to use your contributions to further His redemption of the earth. God will bless you because you have contributed to righteousness.

Thank you.


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Michael Hatch

It is our pleasure to support the work that you are doing!! God is using you in a mighty way. Just let him continue and finish what HE started in you.


Skip you know my circumstances and some times there just isn’t enough to go around but, I know that even the poor in American have it so much better than so many in the world, and I appreciate how much of yourself that you give to others that I am moved to send you something. It won’t be much, and it won’t be til next pay day, but I hope it helps a little. Keep up the good work that you are doing you have no idea how much it helps. Thank you