The Re-election of Obama
While I don’t usually talk about politics because my non-profit status prohibits it, it seems to me that the re-election of Obama marks a watershed in the American culture. I can’t help but notice the historical precedent. Alexander Tyler wrote about the Athenian Empire nearly 2500 years ago,
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (generous gifts) from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship” “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.”
No civilization has ever escaped from or reversed this trend once the tipping point is reached. I believe that we have reached the tipping point. The re-election of Obama is the acknowledgement that the culture of the West will collapse. I do not believe this is opposed to Obama’s ideology. Romney ran on a stronger economy (which means you have to work), a stronger defense (which means you have to fight), a return to traditional values and concern about the financial well-being of the next generation. America just voted to reject these.
This is the evidence of what I have often termed the Greek cake. The semblance of Judeo-Christian values was the icing on the Greek cake. That icing is now gone. What we have left is the Greek cake where I am the only one who really matters. If the government promises to give me what I want, then I really don’t care about anyone else. Every fabricated division in this race is based on this premise. My needs come first! This, of course, is dramatically opposed to Hebriac-biblical values. But as we now know, just in case we didn’t already know, America no longer lives by these values.
It will be quite a ride to the end.
So true. In any case, welcome to the South African (where I am) ideology. This is the exact mindset that has governed this beautiful country. South Africa’s constitution is a farce. But then, you have to function and live within it. All the best further on
Now I know how Samuel felt when he grieved for Saul.
Well, is there really so much difference between democracy and dictatorship? In the USSR you could vote for one candidate, in the US for two…. Both promise very different policies, but DO exactly the same!
We in Europe have a very splintered political field. In september we in Holland had our elections; there were more than 15 parties running for seats in parliament. The biggest party got less than 30% of the votes, exactly as you (Skip) painted the picture: every party running for the best economic policy for their own. No vision for the country, only for the wallet, exept for one tiny Christian party, which holds up the banner for God. They got 5 of 150 seats.
Indeed: democracy ends in egoism. Two parties combined to form a new government, together good for 79 seats. But the program they came up with was so dissepointing for both, that support for this government in the polls fell to only 57 seats in only 2 month… Egoism is the strongest drive indeed.
But: the answer comes from our Lord an God: He will rule this world! May His kingdom come soon!
And the outcome you outlined are same outcomes outlined to Samuel by YHVH in 1 Sam. 8:1ff.
As a teacher, it’s disturbing to see this legacy of entitlement passed on to the next generation. They don’t know what the parties want, but it is all about what they can get from the government. I take some comfort in knowing that God is in control, having two small children, I pray that God will grant a little time for them to grow up… And perhaps His people will grow up, too. And rise up for righteousness.
Is this the END? It seems to me that the darkest is just before the Light.
If My people will turn the heart to Me and repent I will rescue them?
God is Food all the time.
Yes, I agree, if only “my people” actually described American Christianity. But, of course, the promise wasn’t made to America. God can still rescue, but if I recall correctly, He most often allows the populace to take its own path for a long time before He intercedes.
“the promise wasn’t made to America”
So it would be a bad idea to suggest a Torah lifestyle to my red blooded patriotic american traditional Christian friends who like 2 Chronicles 7:14, and are trying many different things to see our land healed? Just trying to sort things out before I speak… thanks!
44 Kings, 44 presidents. Is there a connection?
I never heard this before… Is this a fact?
According to this web site, there were 44 kings over Israel and Judah; however, David reighned twice, and Rehoboam was king over the kingdom when it split so was then king of both Israel and Judah. I supposed it could depend on how you count them. I was just driving and thinking about things the other day and wondered what king of Israel was in the same number slot at President Obama. I was quite surprised to find that he is the 44th president and there were 44 kings of Judah and Israel together. Not sure if it has any significance. Just wondered if anyone else had any thoughts on it.
NEVER thought about this. Seems too esoteric for me, but who am I to know?
The people got the King they asked for, here comes Saul!! It’s a terrible day indeed!!!
Yes, I agree a terrible day for all of us. May G-d have mercy on us and come quickly.
I think comparing O with King Shaul is a bit unfair.
Shaul was the man YHWH told Shemuel to anoint as king over Israel.
He was actually as good a king as most for several years. It was only
Later that he went off as a nutter.
O is evil period. Little redeeming value apart from a direct intervention from Daddy on his heart.
I think you nailed it but it doesn’t give me any joy. Oh America
Couldn’t agree more. You can see one example of this looking at my country (Brazil)… 10 years ago a considerable part of the population discovered that they could vote for someone who will offer them free ”gifts” and control most of the aspects of their lives so they don’t have to worry about education, food, health, and the ruling party also discovered that they could win, election after election, if they give to these people not a developed country, but the control and things for free that people want it. Result: we now have the same party in the power for more than 10 years, and them will win the next election too and will stay in power for more 4 years (16 years in total).
But look at this: the Brazilian GDP has increased enormously in the last years. But we have more people on our (bigger) version of food stamps then we had it 10 years ago and these same people keep electing the same group of politicians. Why? Well, 10 years after we also have now gas stamps, education stamps, health stamps, and so forth. People’s lives are not getting better through better jobs, education, higher income, they are not taking care of themselves. Unfortunately it became very clear that they do not want to have control of their own lives. They are happy with the government (small) free gifts. Oh and let’s not forget what those in the power are getting (in which is probably one of the most corrupt governments in the last century)
”He will take the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his attendants.”
1 Samuel 8:14
Although sad, the election does not change the effectiveness of the Gospel. In fact, it is even more critical that the Gospel be shared for the lost to be saved. I even wonder if this is the result of not sharing the Gospel! Jesus entered this earthly world when one of it’s most oppressive governments had control and yet look at what was accomplished!
The expansion of the Kingdom historically occurs during times of persecution, I am not wanting persecution; but will trust my God is in control and knows best for His Kingdom.
A good point. Thanks, John. When I lecture in South Africa, I see HUNGER in the lives of people for God. Perhaps it’s because the reality of life in South Africa is far worse and much more dangerous than the media portrays. People in trouble turn to Him – if they realize they are in trouble.
Unfortunately we tend to be like the frog placed into a pot of cold water, and then the heat is slowly turned up to boiling point…
Absolutely true but sad. Whether it can be averted or minimised will depend on those “”Truly Committed To THE KINGDOM OF GOD and not the Kingdom of This World standing in the GAP for the USA on OUR KNEES AND INTERCEDING AND NOT JUST SITTING BY AND “”OBSERVING””.
I must say that I am moved by the news of Obama’s reelection. Not that am politically active or my candidate of choice didn’t win, but rather your post is a poignant reminder of a prophesy given to me as younger man 23 years ago. Working a corporate job with a young family of two small children, I had been offering up prayers concerning our future.
While sitting in the waiting room of a large international corporation, the Ruach brought these prayers to remembrance immediately followed by the voice of another man on the courtesy phone in the same area…“This country is going to hell in a hand-basket!” Within a short amount of time…days, I had opportunity to become acquainted with the Hebrew Roots of my faith. My life has dramatically changed ever since.
I must admit that I have struggled considerably to accept the “truth once delivered to the saints.” Recognizing that HaSatan deceives the entire world and that I was deeply influenced by our Hellenised culture, I have endured a personal struggle accepting the inevitable. My vision of the American dream has changed considerably.
The heritage of faith I would leave for my children and their children has taken precedence. I find myself offering up prayers for their future.
Skip: I agree totally with the Tyler quote…now the tipping point has been reached!
Can we copy your comments and share with friends?
You can copy them, of course, but you should know that privately I had several people write saying that they found my “political” views disturbing and felt that I was inappropriately sharing them. Of course, they are my opinion and observation, but you should expect some push back. I would only note that I did not say anything about Obama personally. I only notice that this pattern is repetition and the historical record is pretty clear. Whether I am right about the result remains to be seen, but I do know that the historical record is pretty bleak.
God is in control not us. We might not like God’s plans, but who is going to stand up in front of Him and say, “what were you thinking?”… Not me!
GOd is in control certainly. But then He was in control when Babylon fell, when Israel went into captivity, when the Romans rules, when Hitler cam to power. Being in control does not mean that He prevents men from making choices.
Well said. Let it echoe loud.
A Former Patriot’s Lament:
“O say can you see…”
No, I cannot. I cannot see what no longer waves; only the flap of a rag that once was a flag. I cannot hear what no longer is sung; not even a hero’s psalm that once was his alm.
(The closing stanza of Francis Scott Key’s, Star Spangled Banner”)
“…Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!”
But is the “I’ve got mine – you’re on your own’ attitude of so many in the Republican party any closer to the sense of Micah 6:8? I think not!
Right! One party is not better on this issue than another. I am looking at the CULTURE, not the parties.
Colorado and Washington voted to legalize marijuana for all purposes. They voted for Obama. Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington voted for same-sex marriages. They voted for Obama.
Isaiah 5:20 – “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness.”
Pray for your children and your grand children. Pray for God’s mercy. Pray for America.
In my view, the only thing that could be worse than Obama would be Bush
Who virtually bankrupted the country fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
That America could not “win”
And creating an unprecedented waste of economic capital and human life
Bush handed over to Obama the worst economy in American history
And then the right-wing of the Republican party stone-walled Obama
The fear of the Republican right-wing is what cost Romney the presidency
In my view, as men, Obama, Romney, and Bush are three “peas in a pod”
“Ivy League rs” who work very hard, go to church, love their families
And serve their country
Their politics are fairly middle of the road, but they are beholden to constituencies
In my view, we probably have more to fear from the signs of Sandy
Than the “new order” of Obama
My 2 cents
A good summary, Michael; I couldn’t agree more.
same here
You are right about most of this. Remember, the Illuminati has an agenda. Votes don’t count. They put their man in to destroy this nation. The Father sets up wicked kings for wicked nations, sad to say. Romney is in the same club. It wouldn’t matter if he was put in. We are still going down the same road. The banksters rule.
YHWH bless you.
I always find it interesting that the religious right (often synonymous with the religious white) deem social welfare as anti-work, support of the lazy, etc. Though I reside outside the US, I lived in New York for four years during which I worked with advantaged, middle class chidren as well as in community mental health with the most disadvantaged children and their families. Whilw there were those who tried to milk the system and avoid work, most who were on benefits–whether Caucasian, or of African or Hispanic descent–were working poor, whose children would continue to be left behind their peers if not for the social assistance.
When I read the Torah and the Tanakh, I see over, and over again Hashem’s concern for the poor, the powerless and those who did not have ownership of land to support themselves. Sodom and ‘Amorah were judged for their lack of concern and justice for the poor.
I don’t believe either Pres Obama or many of the unemployed would opt for benefits over work. Having been a worker who lost three teeth because she could not afford necessary dental care despite having master’s degree level job and company health plan, and could not afford primary health care because of the co pay, and who everyday witnessed the inequity of and barriers for some on the road toward the “American Dream,” the right’s perception of many US American”s reality is anything but real.
Yeshua told us that in that day we will be judged on whether or not we helped the poor–the naked, the hungry, the bound. These exist not only on the mission fields outside the US but all across that great continent itself. The question is: will the democracy fall because people voted on “What can I milk from the treasury?” or because for so long and still the dominant philosophy is “What’s mine is mine” and “Survival of the fittest.”. If anything is a Greek mindset, then that certainly is.
Well said Miryam! And can somone please explain to me what entitlements are? We pay into Medicare and Social Security. Is it corporate welfare, ridiculous out of control defense spending? I remember a few years ago when gas prices spiked and congress discussed pulling back corp welfare for gas companies as their profits were exploding. These corporate execs had the gall to sit in front of congress and state that they wanted their fair share of the welfare even though they didn’t need it! I mean, really!!!
And if the “Christian Right” would actually learn from Obama’s campaign team and go out two by two and interact with their neighbor and provide for their needs then perhaps their neighbor would be more likely to come on the “right” side and vote accordingly. But if you are telling these people who are stuggling that they need to vote against the one who is for abortion or gay marriage but appears to be fighting for their right to survive – feed and clothe and provide shelter for their families – do you actually think they care about gay marriage or abortion – no, they care about providing for their families and meeting basic needs. It’s ALWAYS about meeting basic needs. My mom told me when I was young that it’s hard for people to stir up trouble if they are fed and clothed and have a home to live in! And what a testimony for “Christians” if they actually closed the church building one Sunday a month and went out into the community door to door offering to meet any needs that are present. WOW!! That is true religion undefiled before God and the Father!
The greatest devastation to the poor is the reduction in the buying power of the money that they have. This is accomplished by the government spending more that it has, and borrowing the difference. Each time the government incurs debt, the value of the dollar declines. And the poor suffer without even realizing why it happened. For Obama to say that he is working on behalf of the poor but is unwilling to significantly reduce the government’s spending spree is not only ludicrous, it is a lie. Everything that the poor attempt to buy is more expensive because our government (both sides) refuse to put fiscal responsibility ahead of the desire for power. This is a sledgehammer blow to the poor. It just doesn’t get much press. But it certainly does harm – and the Bible recognizes this.
Thanks so much for making my opinion so clear
Thank you for putting into words what I am feeling in my heart.
Thanks Skip for your post… You and all of the posts have helped me to be at peace with this election because its all about clarity…and I see that like Carlos said we have taken the road of Brazil and all other Socialist countries. A sad day for the patriots…sad indeed.
Isaiah 39:6-8…. all your treasure will be looted, your sons will be taken to Babylon and serve as castrated helpers there…then the king replied The word of the Lord is good, for he thought there will be peace in my time. Amazing!! no interest like self interest… explains a lot
Chamberlain quoted this (perhaps without knowing what he was doing) when he returned from meeting Herr Hitler in Munich in 1939. “Peace” lasted a few months.
The brokeness, emptiness, and heaviness that I carry today has nothing to do with political affiliations. It is the self-indulgent, narcissistic, arrogant culture that I live in. My people, like sheep, are being led astray. Each is going his/her own way, and our inquity is so heavy. LORD, look down upon us and show us Your mercy; HaShem prepare us for the calamity that will bring Your salvation. Remember us, as You remembered Noah.
When our leaders abandon God, the nation falls into ruin.
There are universal laws created by God for our good, and when we separate ourselves from HIS Leadership, and look to man as our only hope, our limited knowledge and experience is our downfall. Our ego and pride always come before a fall, and sadly, our beautiful nation, founded on Godly principles, has been overrun by the ungodly.
Yet, even now, Deuteronomy 4;30,31…..
“When thou art in tribulation, and all thee things are come upon thee,even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy GOD, and shalt be obedient to His Voice;( For the LORD thy GOD is a merciful GOD;) He will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which He sware unto them.”
Our answer is to look only to the LORD our GOD. He IS our hope.
I am sitting in a local coffee shop awaiting the hour for my dental appointment and an afternoon filled with back-to-back appointments. My attention is drawn to the sad faces, tearful eyes, and conversations of regret that surround me; an eery feel of lonlieness.
A moment later…
Now I know what the tears are all about. A man sitting near me just said he lost $300 on a bet that Romney would win. His friend commented that if Romney had won it would have been business as usual; and although there will be loss of freedom under Obama, he believes this is better. It seems everyone – both parties – are asking the same question, “What’s in it for me?” God is crying now…
I am not an American but watching Obamba’s speech on TV two things happened. Firstly when the line …….’the best is yet to come’. The Ruach whispered ……the ‘worst’ is yet to come. Secondly when he mentioned they would be ALL working together for peace…..the Rucach whispered..’ when they cry peace, peace sudden destruction will come upon them’. I suddenly found tears come as I turned it off and began to cry out to Yah for mercy for what is to come both in the US and in the world. Living here in Ethiopia with corruption becoming more rampant every day and the ever present vastly divided society with ‘heavy’ ‘religious’ undertones and poverty beyond comprehension, makes me aware just how far removed the world is from Yah and his ways; like the three monkeys…they see no evil , hear no evil and think they speak no evil!! We must warn anyone who will listen and pray that eyes and ears will be opened as our mouths speak his word of life.
Thanks Skip, I was very pleased to read your comments today….you said it -‘its going to be quite a ride to the end’…….for the US, Europe and beyond!
Long have I been absent from this forum, but Skip’s post demands a response.
To all who have referenced scripture in your posts, thank you, for it adds clarity to your posting – most excellent!
Skip, your insight into history and applying its lessons to our own day and time is much appreciated. Even without citing biblical references and bringing up the lesions and admonishments contained in the book of Ecclesiastes, you have provided a framework within which to view our current events.
One of the lessons to be gained from this election process is that way too many professing Christians look to the government for what they personally can get from of it – and view God in much the same way. It is all about me and mine. I still remember hearing Kennedy’s famous line, “Ask not what my country can do for me ….” And Regain’s statement, “The government is not the solution to our problems, the government is the problem”. It is now time to be once again about our Father’s business which is to labor in the kingdom that now requires our attention – without ignoring our biblical responsibilities within the world system.
May our God continue to show His mercy and grace towards those who seek His face, for in the coming days and years, we shall all stand in great need of them.
Thanks once again, Skip. BTW, a plug: Your three volume Spiritual Restoration series is can be summed up in a single word, outstanding.
I’m was working my way through these comments a second time, and I just want to say — you should comment more. You reminded me that I can make many decisions every day to establish God’s kingdom on earth,…. much more potently than my vote did on Tuesday.
Our Leader has already given us marching orders, and as citizen of His kingdom we can implement His policies immediately.