The Re-election of Obama
While I don’t usually talk about politics because my non-profit status prohibits it, it seems to me that the re-election of Obama marks a watershed in the American culture. I can’t help but notice the historical precedent. Alexander Tyler wrote about the Athenian Empire nearly 2500 years ago,
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse (generous gifts) from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship” “The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.”
No civilization has ever escaped from or reversed this trend once the tipping point is reached. I believe that we have reached the tipping point. The re-election of Obama is the acknowledgement that the culture of the West will collapse. I do not believe this is opposed to Obama’s ideology. Romney ran on a stronger economy (which means you have to work), a stronger defense (which means you have to fight), a return to traditional values and concern about the financial well-being of the next generation. America just voted to reject these.
This is the evidence of what I have often termed the Greek cake. The semblance of Judeo-Christian values was the icing on the Greek cake. That icing is now gone. What we have left is the Greek cake where I am the only one who really matters. If the government promises to give me what I want, then I really don’t care about anyone else. Every fabricated division in this race is based on this premise. My needs come first! This, of course, is dramatically opposed to Hebriac-biblical values. But as we now know, just in case we didn’t already know, America no longer lives by these values.
It will be quite a ride to the end.
Hi Skip I shared what you said with my son and he made this comment “I’m not sure what type of government WOULD be better…(other than The Lord himself sitting on the throne which will eventually happen)” I would like to ask you what other government you think is better. Good point
This conversation, with all it’s perspectives is so helpful this morning. Last night I read Psalm 2.
I just read this in a commentary on Psalm2.
God will go steadily forward in the accomplishment of His purposes.
These are serious times. We can still work with God and each other and find refuge in Him. I am so sad for the lost who are being swept away.
While driving into work this morning, I considered the implication of the election results for the future of this once great nation. Many claim America’s greatness was due to it’s foundation on Christian principles. Some have included Judeo-Christian principles to be the foundation. Others claim the escape from tyranny and religious persecution were the cornerstones of American nation building. As the pundits scrutinize the strategies, flaws, and personalities, once again most will rejoice because their favored man won, while others will moan over their preferred pick lost. And once again, most will settle back into their own lives, looking for ways to suit themselves and just make do.
I agree with many of the comments and am saddened by the thought that this nation that bragged on being blessed by God because it was Christian, has chosen to give it’s blessing to a man who stands on the platform of removal of God and Israel. 80 percent of the country claims to be Christian…what an indictment to have voted in this man…but he too claims to be a christian. Does this represent like mindedness? It would appear so and so those who adhere to Biblical(!) principles are the ones to suffer the most.
But this did not just occur, it has been along time in the making…since the beginning when mankind pronounced it can skirt the way of YHWH and live according to it’s own rules. My prayer is for those who identify with Yeshua and choose to humble themselves as He did. He has been and always will be our only true hope for man, woman, boy or girl. Father help us to reflect your love to those willing to answer your call.
Interesting. If part of what it means to be truly Christian — is to have unity. Then what does it mean that I have more in common with the Mormon, than the “Christian”? Also, both Biden and Ryan were Catholics — what does it mean that they would disagree on so much? Does this mean their politics are bigger than their religion?
Hello Gabe,
Of course, unity is a priority…first with YHWH through Christ and THEN with one another through obedience to Him. There is a huge difference! The questions to me are this:
Does principle A line up with Scripture?
Does principle B NOT line up with Scripture?
If the principles are all about religion, this nation has been in trouble since it’s beginning. One may not be religious but still live Biblically.
Added into the mix is what appears to be the underlying motivations. Not judging the heart but taking into account the overall goals stated or implied by the individual through their stances on major issues, such as life, family, and justice.
To take on the name of a political party is to identify with the platform, if you will. Comparing the stated platforms of either party should make one take a good soul searching look into the goals of said party and think whether it is God honoring or self serving. That being said, I think both are whacked!! BUT there is the question of motive on either side that plays a huge role in doing the hard work for the good of all if that is the motivation.
I fail to see how the current policies that promote abortion today can support the Biblical concept of life.
I fail to see how changing the definition of marriage supports YHWH’s definition.
The policies in place proposing and promoting redistribution of wealth do not appear to be supported by Scripture. Able minded, able bodied people are to work and be rewarded accordingly. Jewish Law did not ever promote welfare for the able. In fact, laziness and gluttony are sin and it appears we are promoting that. Yes!!! we are to help the needy that have fallen on hard times, but not to enable those who just choose to be lazy. I will stop now by adding:
Historically, Godliness through Scripture kept even unbelievers in line publicly. It was a shame to commit sin and be caught. However, as grace without repentance was abused, it eventually led to an acceptability. The evolution of that is lawlessness. And here we are.
If Romney would have won, the evidence of the “Greek Cake” would be just as obvious SKIP!!!! I’m hopeful that you realize that. I was convinced that if Obama won, you would post regardless of your non-profit status. I know that you are very busy teaching and writing about an authentic biblical worldview (i have all of your downloadable classes, and several of your books). However, it’s alarming to see a post surface only after Obama’s victory. After all of the degrading, delusional, stupid things that the counterpart candidate continued to display toward people that he would consider beggars, or the “47%” I waited for one of “todays word” to even show a glimmer recognition as he continued to make degrading remarks. Not even a faint shine was to be found. It’s disturbing to say the least. “Romney ran on a stronger economy (which means you have to work), a stronger defense (which means you have to fight), a return to traditional values and concern about the financial well-being of the next generation.” I’d like to know how you were able to discern this. Romney changed his position on each element of the above quote several times. I’m curious to know how your conclusion was drawn. I don’t hold fast to Obama’s policy as if it’s the TORAH (chuckle) either, but to assume that the reelection of Obama is acknowledgement that the culture of the West will collapse is laughable. The collapse of the West is not acknowledged in the reelection of Obama. The West collapse acknowledgement was here WELL before Obama came along.
Dear Fred,
Sorry to have caused you such distress. Yes, the Greek cake has been here since Origen. It’s just that the icing is now unmistakably gone. And it’s not just Obama. It’s an electorate that seems blind to the unbiblical accumulation of debt, the continual sacrifice of unborn children for “lifestyle” reasons and the withdrawal of active and vigorous support for Israel. Yes, even if Romney would have been elected, the tide was turning. But this election shows us that those who made the difference (the demographics that everyone is now analyzing) have changed American’s political scene. Here’s what I know. American politics is a “lesser of two evils” affair. Greek ideas permeate both parties and both candidates. I just would like to delay the race to the cliff as long as possible.
Oh, yes, one more thing. I am sorry you apparently felt political comments were inappropriate. But as far as I can tell, Yeshua and the prophets were about as politically involved as they could be, calling – demanding that men turn around. I just didn’t see that happen.
Well said Skip.
I couch the meaning of the results in “worldview” thinking, and the Greek worldview resonates better with more people in America today, including Church people, than the Hebrew worldview.
As you may recall, our worldview assessment is called the PEERS test, standing for:
Social Issues
I have been saying for years, the single biggest problem in America is the failure of the pulpit to teach on all five spheres. The pulpit has been stuck on the “R” category for decades, allowing the world, the Humanists and Socialists, to shape the worldview on the other four spheres.
It is precisely this reductionist view of the gospel from the pulpit that is paving the way for the disappearance of our Republic and perhaps Western Civ.
I agree we have reached a tipping point, with much pain soon to follow. Rebuilding the pulpits will take another Protestant Reformation.
Ps- I am preparing a more thorough report on this matter and would be happy to send it to you if you care to ask- send to
Respectfully, As a Christian do you really believe that a Mormon in the White House would have promoted Christian beliefs in this nation? It is very sad to me the deception that has captivated the Chirstian Right concerning the Mormon faith and its dangers. It is interesting that we would say as Christians that a Mormon who follows the teaching of a false prophet (Joseph Smith) would turn America around. The demise of our country seems to me more likely when Christians give way to a spirit of deception.
Humm, let’s see now. Did I say ANYTHING about the religious views of EITHER candidate? As far as I am concerned, no President since Jefferson (with perhaps one exception) has brought religious values to the White House. This election was not about religion. For me, it was about DEBT (which I consider a false god) and ABORTION (which I consider homage to a false god) and ISREAL (which I consider duty-bound to support. On these issues, the two candidates had very different ideas. One was tolerable. The other was scary.
But now we will see, won’t we? The king of Babylon wasn’t a believer, but God used him anyway. I don’t suppose anyone ever asked about his personal “faith” before putting him in office.
BTW, I am NOT a part of the Christian Right. I don’t even understand much of what they say. I am interested in YHWH, the Elohim of Israel and what He demands of me, no matter where I live or who gets elected. It’s just that some are much harder to deal with than others.
Thank you for this post. I am sorry some of the readers had a problem with it. The written record of Scripture seems to show that The Creator does not have a problem with people asking “Why?” or other difficult, or confrontational questions. How will we ever understand one another if we cannot discuss ANYTHING, even subjects considered ‘taboo’?
I am a very political person. I try to make political choices that line up with Scripture, and that is not always popular. In fact, it is often grossly misunderstood. I have attempted to distance myself, only to be drawn back into it, because people cannot make the connection from Scripture (and history) to our present day culture, and I want to help us all choose wisely. Where are the Sons of Issachar when we need them?
Our Bible study group has been studying Abraham. He is historically considered to be the Father of three major world religions, all of whom claim to embrace his beliefs. These are things I realized about Abraham:
1) He was adamant that he would only accept what wealth the Almighty gave him. Gen 14:23
2) He pleaded for the LORD to forgive the sins of the guilty. Gen 18:32
3) He chose peace, over fighting for his own land. Gen 13:8-9
These three attributes seem to be glaring contradictions to the teachings of the three major religions that claim him. I can expand these issues a great deal, as to how our nation, especially, is completely out of line with Scripture. But, I have grown up in a Western/Greek culture, and I am constantly second-guessing whether or not I should speak on these things.
I agree with most of the posts today. These days, it is painful to see the words, “Peace, peace, and then sudden destruction.” I think I have begun to understand it.
Peace to all.
Let me make another attempt at this – because it appears that my last post was not allowed because it presented a few contary to most Christians. I have cut and paste an e mail exchange between a dear friend of mine – that was a response to him saying he felt he should wear a black armband today.
Dearest PaPa, I want you to know that I was not making sport of your E mail – it is this simple for me – when I see E mail after E mail talking about weeping in Churches across the land and wearing black arm bands to me it is very troubling for two reasons. 1). Many years ago there was a Priest that encouraged me in spite of my fears to go back to College – I chose Rollins with my Pastors encouragement. One of the first courses I took was called “Religion of the Republic.” The thrust of the course was that in America we mix the beliefs of the republic with Christianity thinking that both are equal and the danger of doing so. I fully agree that this country was established on Christian fathers as Peter Marshal wrote. However, it is a false hope to think that America is a key to Jesus establishing His kingdom here on earth. (Honestly I saw more of the Kingdom on the mission field which I miss dearly) 2). In Matthew 24 – if indeed we are in the last days Jesus said that when we see such things we should look up and rejoice because His coming is soon. So why is the Church in America moping around today like we crucified Jesus by mistake?
On a personal side – where I teach at now is in the “hood” of East Cleveland in Cuyahoga County. The Cuyahoga county that votes put Ohio in Blue – to see the look on my students faces today was one I will take to my grave. A look that radiated with “Hey my vote does count and I can make a difference!” Many of them born again – spirit filled Christians. It is hard for me to grasp that some how the devil got out of control yesterday and this is the end of America.
My response pray for those who are in authority not be critical or judgemental.
Dear Scott,
FIRST – I NEVER block people from this web site blog because they write something contrary to most Christians. If I did that, I wouldn’t be able to post MY OWN work. So, let’s put that out of the way. I don’t know why your first blog wasn’t posted, but it had nothing to do with your view.
Now, for a comment. I am so glad that your students felt their vote counted. Would they have felt the same way if Romney won? Do they only feel their vote counted because the man they voted for won? If so (And I am guessing this is so), then what are you teaching them about democracy – that it only works when they win?
I agree with you that the churches in America are wringing their hands, but they shouldn’t. If they knew anything about history or even biblical history, they would not be surprised. They would only be shocked that it TOOK THIS LONG for the choices of this culture to eventually rise to the level of a rejection of biblical morals (And I AM NOT speaking about Obama as a person). Consider the other ballot measures that passed. Consider America’s now officially endorsed stance on abortion. Forget the jobs issue. Consider the debt issue. None of these are biblical and “God will not be mocked.” So, I am not surprised. I am ashamed and concerned. And this presses me to be even more controversial calling us back to the Hebraic model and away from all the Greek syncretism.
Skip, thank you for your position. Let me make another update about the last 2 days here in Brazil and the repercussion of the American election. The American people should realize the effects of this last week. You wrote about the other measures passed. There was also the referendum for the legalization of the marijuana as a ”recreational” drug in Colorado and California. The Americans haven’t noticed yet but the waves of this last week are propagating through the world. Here in Brazil the media, feminist movements and big institutions for ”civil rights” are using the result of the election and the referendums to support that we should take the same pathway that the USA and have soon (probably next year) referendums to ”let the people choose” about abortion, drug legalization and the gay marriage. And unfortunately almost 49% of our population is currently whiling to embrace these causes in the same way that they saw the ”developed” societies doing. By the conversations I’m hearing this number (49%) will increase in the next year as a result of this last days. This is much bigger than Obama vs Romney, it is not just about ”political” views. I really pray that the people of God realize this.
Oh and by the way the religion that is growing faster here is the Protestantism (61% in the last 10 years) and the majority of them are former Catholics that now feel ”free” to support this causes. Weird…
Your last line isn’t “weird” at all. Catholicism embraces a theological tradition where authority is invested in the Church. Protestantism endorsed the view that authority is invested in men (although they say God is the authority, it is “God in you” that determines action). Since neither embraces Torah as the final authority, when people move away from the authority of the Church, they are left with the “leading of the Spirit” and this, of course, becomes “my understanding.” Essentially, this is the Greek influence in Christianity. It was inevitable that this influence would result in cultures that proclaim human “rights” over Scriptural demands.
Mr. Moen, Thanks so much for your response it is greatly appreciated. Your comment on winning is one that is very thought provoking and one I will consider. My intention is to encourage students who don’t think that they matter and most to not even have a concept of what it is to win. How would you deal with such a situation?
The second part of your comments I have a couple questions. Did America really vote on issues and was the election won or loss on issues – or did it have more to do about political strategy? I am not sure many Americans considered the issues – which is not an excuse for avoiding the jundgement of God. Why as a man of God would you have a shame if you do understand the scriptures and biblical truth concerning our nation and the course we have set?
What grieves me more than the election is the hatred and reactions that I see from my fellow Christian instead of one of being humble and praying for our leaders and nations.
I share your grief, but I am also disheartened by the reality that this country continues to move AWAY from God’s instructions about life. Not that it happened all at once. It has been sliding that way for a long time, but this recent election clearly demonstrates to the WORLD that America is a nation of “what’s in it for me.” Please read Carlos’ comments about the response in BRAZIL!
In the USA, the majority now believes that their individual “rights” are more important than any other factor. The right to do what I wish with unborn children. The right to inhale whenever I feel the need. The right to “free” health care. The right to spend at the national level without consequence. The shame of it all is that it will end – and very badly. No government has survived this kind of abuse of God’s design and if history teaches us anything, it teaches that the righteous fall with the wicked.
“…it seems to me that the re-election of Obama marks a watershed in the American culture.” This excerpt seems to carry the weight of your write up more than anything else. I don’t know what comments we would have if Romney was elected with the hue and cry of his religious beleifs. Regrettably, the American society continues to drift into a terrible state :-(. I refelct on the past when Christians would go to church and return to mistreat their slaves and servants and then quote the Bible. Other situations were Christians requesting only certain racial groups into certain areas. Similarly, there were Christians throughout the campaign making unbelievable statements and in one instance a prayer. As Christians, we must continue to strive for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be preached wherever and whenever. Until He returns…let’s continue in prayers.
Skip, you’re still one of my top teachers through your writings.
Thanks for the vote of confidence. As you can tell from other comments, some were notably upset that I should express my concerns and observations. Just one point of explanation. I think that ultimately all of this can be traced to the CHRISTIAN church removing itself from the demands of Torah obedience. If the Christian Church just followed Torah on the issue of debt, we would not be where we are. If it followed Torah on the issue of life, of dealing with enemies, or compassion or any number of other clear instructions, we would not be where we are. When Christianity separated itself from first century Judaism, it dealt itself a fatal blow. 20 centuries later we see more of the results.
Thank you for this absolutely true summaryof the “good old USA” and the new one coming fast.
Psalm 34:1 tells what my response is to be………….”I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
Two unpopular thoughts:
1. Yesterday was a great day for Liberation Theology. It’s now the ruling theology.
2. Because of our “Jesus ‘n me” pre-occupation, we have no sense of government even though every Christian conceived from above is a citizen in the Kingdom of God, seated in the heavenlies, and empowered by the Holy Spirit. Because we’re conceived from above, we have been transferred out of the kingdom of darkness ruled by the archon of the authority of the air into the Kingdom of God where Yeshua has been given all authority. Thus we have dual citizenship – one in heaven and one in the host country where God has caused us to be (see Acts 17:26).
Having said that, I wrote the following on my own blog and sent it around to my Facebook friends and asked them to e-mail it around as they saw fit.
I think Obama has not subscribed to TW yet.. =))
I just received the following text in my email. I think it adds to the discussion.
At the “Call to Renewal” conference, Obama said:
”Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is ok and that eating shellfish is abomination? How about Deuteronomy, which suggests stoning your child if he strays from the faith? Or should we just stick to the Sermon on the Mount – a passage that is so radical that it’s doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application? So before we get carried away, let’s read our Bibles. Folks haven’t been reading their Bibles.”
Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart!
Psalms 32:11
This was the basis for the book I wrote a copy of which was delivered to the White House: Lessons In Governing – The Inseparable Relationship Between God, Man and Government. As I continued my research I discovered that there was really a deeper question underlying that which Obama asked, which is, “How did God intend for man to be governed and when given the opportunity, what did man do with it?” The answer to that question can be viewed on a timeline from 1446BC (date of the Exodus) until Saul was made made human king. What’s useful to note is that just 89 years after Saul became king, there was secession and civil war over – taxes! The nation was split and never became a united monarchy again.
Sobering reality. Isn’t it nice to know that in our high-tech age we will be able to accomplish this in just a few years. Why wait 89 when we can do it in 4?
LIke most pseudo-Christians, he doesn’t understand the context or the principles. But that doesn’t stop him from mocking God’s word, does it?
Whatsamatta brothers/sisters?- it is not any politician but our Sovereign Savior only Who can make all the people happy all the time! It is the gospel of Christ (only) that produces life,liberty and laughter! lol! Speak the truth (in love) dear ones! And while we’re here, let’s all throw in a heaping helping of Hallelujahs for the cross of our Messiah and ~ thanks be unto God, Who always leads us in triumphal procession in The Anointed and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him ~ (2 Corinthians 2.14)
What mopey mourning people around here today.. ~ Be sober, be vigilant..~ is sober- “somber?” What a somber bunch we are.. We (our guy) lost. – And (supposed) evil won. A lot of bad news indeed, but guess what? Good things happened today.. many good things, but they just weren’t given enough “press!” What? You didn’t know Mrs. Smith baked a pie for little Johnny today? Didn’t make the “headlines” did it? Did anyone here, do anything good for anyone today? Or all we just so infested with the “poor pitiful me” syndrome we cannot lift our hearts to Heaven and sing forth the praises of Him who has called us (all) out of darkness into His marvelous light?
Methinks we are too (too) wrapped up in this world. Ha! Too “earthly-minded” to be any “heavenly” good? Hmm.. Carrying a dual-citizenship is not an easy thing to do, but let me tell you friends, we belong to Him! Who (he asked) is this very day on Heaven’s throne, ever interceding for us but the resurrected Living Christ who is LORD (that means “Boss,” kids!) of all, LORD of “both” Heaven and Earth.~ Of David. A psalm. The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; ~ (Psalm 24.1)
Oh, how wonderful, how marvelous it is to belong to our Shepherd/King! Is this true? ~ The LORD is my Shepherd, I shall not (ever be in) want ~ But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus ~ (Philippians 4.19)
This is Laura’s story,..-but is this true in our lives as well?
I appreciate your post, Skip, and all the comments; there was a lot less hostility than on another blog I read. I read my husband the devotional I was reading for yesterday after he came to tell my, heavyhearted, that it looked like Obama would win. He asked me if it had been specifically written for this day – actually, it was from a Spurgeon devotional that I get on my phone, and I’m not even in sync with the actual days, since I started it in the middle of the year. However, God knew it was what I needed to hear last night, as was this morning’s – that we are to be lights in the darkness around us. The darkness is going to exponentially grow now, I agree, and thus we need to shine even brighter.
I read articles by both a Catholic priest and Pastor Tony Evans before the election. Both encouraged Christians to use the litmus test of the sanctity of life first in evaluating the actions of the candidates.
Both made the point that, without a right to life and the assumption of the dignity of human life,
rights to food, shelter, clothing, work, etc etc are meaningless.
This, to me, is the biggest sadness of this election, that our country actively embraced abortion
and immorality as civil rights, protected by the government. This leaves my right to act on my own religious beliefs no longer protected. Christians can expect increasing persecution in the future,
and I believe, as hard as it is to envision this future for my children and grandchildren, this persecution
will revitalize our faith.
Of equal importance to me is the withdrawal of support for Israel, which Obama has already started and will, no doubt, continue and increase as he need no longer concern himself with re-election.
American support for Israel, I believe, has stayed God’s hand of judgment, even though our morality
has continued to decline. With all the talk about racism, few mention the endemic anti-Semitism that exists in this country as well as all over the world. I wonder what kind of response would have met a Jew running for POTUS, were he even able to be nominated……
The issue of the economy, while important, was not a driving one for me as were the others. I am not affiliated with a political party, nor did I feel that the Republicans and Mitt Romney would save our country. What I’d hoped, as so many have expressed, was that there were more of us out there to whom abortion, immorality, and abandonment of Israel were so abhorrent that there was no way
a majority would accept them as our averred status quo. We were heading down the rollercoaster,
and I’d hoped for a pause, but now the brakes are off; you’re right, Skip, we’re in for a ride.
And I keep thinking of the verse, “But woe to those who are pregnant and those with nursing babies in those days!”
Hope this isn’t incoherent; it’s late – for me – and I’m tired. I’m thankful for all of you, and especially thankful that God is always in control, and that He is always good.
Totally coherent!
My feelings exactly. Thank you. It is always sad to see a culture turn away from God’s directions about living and life. Yes, I know that a lot of people voted against this direction. And it isn’t about a particular man. But it is the embodiment of ideas found within the group that voted for an agenda opposed to Torah. That actually scares me, because my historical understanding tells me that no civilization has ever survived once it actively embraces this direction. And it is NOT about race. I don’t care about Black, White or something else. I care about what happens when power becomes more important than serving God. And BOTH parties are guilty here – along with the Church which long ago abandoned its directive to be salt and light IN the culture. Where is the preserving activity of the Church? Where has it stood up in unison and resisted, denounced and condemned? As I have said many times, once the Church abandoned Torah as the active guidance for living, everything became simply a matter of the majority.
No matter who we voted for… Tomorrow, there will still be orphans to adopt, homeless to feed, imprisoned to visit, elderly to care for, injustices to fight, and a worldwide sex-slavery epidemic to end. As followers of Christ we must stop looking and expecting DC to develop solutions and, well, start looking in the mirror.
“Enough elephants and donkeys, long live the lamb.” Shane Claiborne.
Isaiah 61:1 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives and freedom to prisoners.”
May God help us to be bold in our witness and to become more consistent in our commitment to those that Jesus called “the least of these” in our country and our world.
Yes, absolutely. But we may still weep over a country that began with high expectations of religious freedom and a hope in biblical living and has now become (in the majority) a country self-possessed with “rights.”
To all the ships at sea
The nation may not be salvageable. Democracy requires constant vigilance. It also requires a free press. The mainstream media’s complicity with a single point of view has done the deed. It, being lock-step with the indoctrination taught in public schools since the O’Hara decision before the Supreme Court (50 years ago this year), toward secular-humanism, and away from traditional American values, has so destabilized the ship of state, that like the Titanic, we may rest, forgotten, on the floor of history.
“The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools, such as those who made him their president.” Czech Republic Observer
Perhaps this is the time (albeit a little late) to ask why it is that this year the IRS got its own SWAT Team. Taken together with the fact that the Chief Justice said he would uphold Obama Care as a tax, this seems ominous. You might recall that Wesley Snipes was arrested and got three years for tax evasion? So I ask, do you really think you can afford the tax imposed to fund Obama Care? Does jail sound good to you? Is this the Hope and Change you voted for?
Tomorrow will tell! If we see a horror show unfold in the next four years, then we will know the truth of all of the above statement.
November 6, 2012
Wow. I never thought I’d think of subscribing to the Czech Republic Observer.
Me neither, Gabe. Mt grandfather did come from that area, seeking a “great new life in Amerika.” (Yeah, I know the spelling is wrong. I can’t write Czech language, either.)
I have a confession. After posting this, I got a note from the editor of a local newspaper, informing me that he can’t identify the source of that quote. (I liked the quote so much, I included it in a piece I submitted there.) So, being the hound I am, I set about to uncover the truth of the matter. Yesterday, I wrote to one newspaper in Prague, and got a reply indicating they “knew nothing.” At that answer, I laughed, thinking of Schultz on Hogan’s Heroes: “I know nuzzing, Absolutely nuzzing!” (nothing) In that part of the world, keeping a low profile is a survival tool. I am still working on tracking the source. If I meet the author, I’ll share it with you. Whoever it is deserves credit. Their statement is profound!
In the meantime, truth is truth. Now the real issue is whether truth (your truth) will be accepted by a people who have been indoctrinated out of truthfulness. Such is sadly the case, as Secular-Humanism’s religion: The Theory of Evolution – replaced the Bible teaching of Creation. Remember, this happened 45 years ago, this year.
Conclusions? The Biblical prophecy of the end times is playing at a neighborhood near you. We must face the facts that what we see was predicted long ago. None of this has escaped He who neither slumbers nor sleeps! AMEN.
The fact that you are approved as a 501(c)(3) has no bearing as to your freedom to express your opinion. IRS made a statement clarifying that recently.
Thought you may be interested. Don’t believe me, google it!
Berean Bob
Thanks. Glad to know that dissenting opinion is not yet a “hate” crime.
Ezk. For today.
Does not all “this” do nothing but prove beyond the shadow of doubting, God’s Book, our Bible is true and trustworthy? Let us then (all the more) cleave unto the LORD. It is time to “double-down” and live according to the instructions God has given unto us. The words of Christ surface in my mind- “you (Carl) do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God.” (Matthew 22.29) Yes, I have “personalized” the scriptures for the word of the LORD, God’s Book, reveals the Source, the Spring, the Savior from Whom all blessings flow. The ways of God, the wisdom of God, the witness of God, are all fully revealed within the inspired (God-breathed) holy Word of God, our Bible.
America (apparently) for whatever reason is ignorant. There are two types of ignorance and one of them has me bumfuddled. There are those who just do not know, those who have never heard the gospel/good news about Jesus who is the Christ, and then there are those who the scriptures state are “willingly ignorant.” ~ For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water.. ~ (2 Peter 3.5) These two words have bothered me for some time now.. “willingly ignorant.” How can anyone possibly be “willingly ignorant?” Simple. Just ignore the Truth or be apathetic towards it. Ignore it, bury it, and it will fade away like yesterday’s newspaper.. Ignorance and apathy still -even today are the same problems we the sheeple have had for centuries now, but I bet you didn’t know that and I wonder if you care. (at all). And another delightful thing about ignorant people, (even those who are “willingly ignorant”) is they are easily manipulated and controlled. What percentage of our populace is now “medicated” (read sedated) through alcohol or now legalized marijuana? Before I go to vote in the next election, I’ll be sure to be good and stoned or drunk or even better yet, “both.” Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups and in the case of any election in history, 51% of the vote is all it takes to win.
I cannot honestly say I am thrilled with the results, but this I do know.. “He does all things well,” up to and including the current leadership of this nation. We asked for it and we got it. And sadly, as we have learned from history, God can and does use a wicked leader to punish wicked people. Please remember (if you can) you America, (amazingly) did this to yourself! And remember friends, no names have been given. No one is naming names, but God is still watching over His future Bride and looking out for His children with His intentional, intimate, fervently passionate, merciful watchcare. “He ever loves and cares for His own..” (just the facts ma’am) Have we forgotten His loving words- ~ Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! ~ (Isaiah 49.15) or these words: ~ He tends His flock like a Shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young ~ Amazingly assiduous grace. – The very hairs of our heads are numbered and not a sparrow falls to the ground without His notice. There is no panic in Heaven, why do we then tend to be “in a panic” on earth? Don’t panic! – Pray!
God’s game plan? (it hasn’t changed nor will it change- the word of God abides/remains forever!) ~ Do not be anxious about anything, (not even the future of America?- or the next four years?) but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God ~ (Philippians 4.6) This is just the “warm-up,”- now comes the “payoff!” Verse 7 (Do you know this –experientially?) Are you “experienced?” ~ Then you (also) will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live *in Christ Jesus* This is the “key to the kingdom”- *in Christ Jesus.* Are you *in?* Location,location,location..- in Christ Jesus.
Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;
In celestial-like strains it unceasingly falls
O’er my soul like an infinite calm.
Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace,
Buried deep in the heart of my soul,
So secure that no power can mine it away,
While the years of eternity roll!
Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace,
Resting sweetly in Jesus’ control;
For I’m kept from all danger by night and by day,
And His glory is flooding my soul!
Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
And I think when I rise to that city of peace,
Where the anchor of peace I shall see,
That one strain of the song which the ransomed will sing
In that heavenly kingdom will be:
Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
Ah, soul! are you here without comfort and rest,
Marching down the rough pathway of time?
Make Jesus your friend ere the shadows grow dark;
O accept tHis sweet peace so sublime!
Peace, peace, wonderful peace,
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray
In fathomless billows of love!
It is naive to believe that a Romney election would’ve yielded a much different result. In my view the system is broken – both Democrats & Republicans. If McCain had won in 2008 he would’ve been forced to do many of the same things Obama’s been forced to do to pull this economy out of its sinkhole. Lack of major government intervention was not an option.
I agree wholeheartedly with what Michael said above – what the 8-year Bush administration did to this country was appalling. The rapacious greed and serving of large corporate special interests from 2000-2008 from Bush/Cheney is downright scandalous, and put this country into the horrible economic mess we’ve been struggling to recover from for 4 years. All this from a professing “Christian” President Bush – a mockery!
Government spending increased at the greatest rate in our history under the Bush 2 administration, and most of the debt (TARP & other programs) that we have today were set in motion during Bush 2 – something people today seem to conveniently forget. To lay it all at Obama’s feet is misplaced and wrong. The super-recession Bush left behind made massive government action a necessity. A laissez-faire economic approach would’ve left too much blood in the streets. Left alone to correct itself, our economy would now be in the depths of Great Depression 2.
I am neither democrat or republican, liberal or conservative, but an independent libertarian. If anything, we should be most concerned about the Fed’s QE1, 2 & 3! More so than any entitlement program this is what’s most likely to bring runaway inflation and a fiscal calamity this country may never recover from. This alone may spur dictatorship.
To your point Skip, I believe we are well past the tipping point. We are now just beginning to see the more obvious signs of decay, such as the advancement of Gay marriage agenda. But the tipping point was passed long ago. The great beginning of moral decay in this nation should be pinned on the time of Nixon in the early 70’s – that is when the tipping point was reached in my opinion. Moral, social and ethical decay has accelerated since then.
The Father lifts up kings and he deposes them. According to His will it be done. We must earnestly pray for our Heavenly Father for His mercy, and how to be part of the Solution, not the problem.
History is one thing, and it does sometimes repeat itself. For instance, before Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler was using God words and anti-communist rhetoric to put his dictatorship into power. There haven’t been too many democracies in the world. One problem is that most countries do not have the GNP and natural resources that America has. There was a democratic experiment in Poland hundreds of years ago that gave them so much prosperity that the RC church became threatened and so sought to undermine them. They infiltrated the education system and brought them back to a feudal, class society.
America is not a democracy any more and hasn’t been for a very long time. We are a republic with an electoral college.
I loved this article. I am a citizen of the U.S.A. by choice. The essential basic most fundamental difference between liberalism and conservatism is the willingness to acknowledge human socio-economic governmental history. Liberals and their adherents refuse to do so and Conservatives seem to be set on thinking that humans are capable of doing something different. Both are deceived. Both have the same result. The tide has turned and in the world of politics and national thinking, this tide began to turn decades ago. Reagan attempted to reverse the slipping away, but it was too late by the time Reagan took office. We had already begun the slippery slide towards socialism and ultimately to fascism. Saying those words you said took guts, but somebody needed to say it! Thank you.
Actually, as far as I can see, the slide began 2500 years ago when Hellenism became a dominant force in the West. If we as followers of YHWH had retained the biblical worldview in faith and practice, our world is certainly NOT be where it is. Insofar as the Church adopted a Hellenistic philosophy as the framework for its theological proclamation, it contributed to the decline. Since the very beginning, we sowed the seeds of our own destruction. It reminds me of Joshua innocent (but disobedient) pledge to the people of Canaan who disguised themselves as strangers. Joshua took it upon himself to re-interpret God’s explicit directions – and in the process sowed the seeds of idolatry back into Israel. IT took 1000 years for those seeds to mature and the result was the destruction of Israel.
Dear Skip, thanks for that stimulating view. I agree with the basic idea. But I would not highlight Obama. Under Bush the deficit grew increadibly as well, more with his milittary campaigns than the social programs. As a European, I see this in a larger context. So many European coutries are doing the thing you mentioned – overspending – take just Greece, spain, Iceland as examples. But even the so called “sound” economies such as that of Germany is bankrupt.I see the trend as world wide one, and we may well ave pased the pint of no return. If I was not a Christian, I would despair…
And Mitt Romney is a Mormon, correct?
Sorry, what does that have to do with this? We are hopefully talking about culture shifts and fiscal responsibility. Not about someone’s religion. This entire thread began because I noted that the last election is a symptom of just what you suggest – concern for myself and my welfare beyond all other things. While I understand that thinking because I have been there, I also know that it is dangerously myopic. And it isn’t biblical. Do I worry about Romney’s religious views. Sure. But does that mean I turn a blind eye to the much larger issues facing America – the continued decline in community sensibility, the lack of biblical standards, the preoccupation with “rights,” etc. Anyone who examines history, civilizations and cultural change will be scared to death. Of course, we can all ignore this by pretending that it is only about putting food on the table. It is about putting food on the table, but if that’s ALL it is about, then may the man with the biggest gun win.