An Extra Beatitude
Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes. Matthew 24:46 NASB
So doing – While I was washing the car, I suddenly thought about asset management. I don’t know why, except that the Spirit was prompting me in moments of unaware routines. I thought about what really matters to God about our money. Then I came in the house and did some calculations.
A church I know has recently started another building campaign. Successfully growing from a congregation of 250 to 1500 in about 10 years, the leadership wants more. They have proposed a $28 million expansion. Let’s see. That’s probably about $144,000 a month toward the mortgage for the next 30 years. For the 1500 members, that’s $75 a month for every man, woman and child, every month, year in and year out until the child in the pre-school Sunday school class is married and has children. Thirty years of debt! If I converted this scheme into At God’s Table terms, and every registered reader of Today’s Word gave $75 a month, At God’s Table would be operating with a budget of $1,153,000 a year. Instead, At God’s Table operates on less than 10% of that number in its efforts to change people’s lives. No building. No staff. No programs. Just – hopefully – transformed relationships. And if Skip should die or quit, no debt on the community.
I don’t know about you, but I wonder if there isn’t something fundamentally misaligned about a $28 million facility called a church. I thought we lived in Babylon where God instructs His people to prosper those around us. I didn’t know we were in the substitute Temple building business.
When Yeshua speaks about the master’s return, he says the master expects to find his servants doing what they are equipped to do. In this short parable, what they are supposed to do is pretty clear. The servant was put in charge of giving the people “their food at the proper time.” Believe me when I tell you that no one who heard this parable was thinking about spiritual food. This is a parable about tangible asset management – real food you can eat! The task of the servant is compassionate distribution to those in need. And when the master comes back and finds this has not been done, “he shall cut that slave in pieces.” Serious business.
This church recently withdrew its small monthly support for an orphanage in Ukraine because it couldn’t justify “helping a charity that was not self-sufficient.” What is $28 million of debt? I’ll tell you what it is. It is OPM – Other People’s Money. And it is an insult to the name of God. Imagine trying to explain to God why you were responsible for foisting a $28 million debt on people who wanted to follow Him?
I know another church in the same vicinity that did something similar years ago. Then times changed. People moved on, and out of the church. Suddenly it had a $16 million debt and could not pay. Do you suppose the bank said, “Oh, that’s OK. We know you were doing the Lord’s work?” What do you think the business community of that pagan city thought about the name of God when the church went bankrupt?
“Prosper them,” says the Lord. Not “Prosper Me and My house.” God already has the only Temple He needs and it wasn’t built with human hands.
Topical Index: debt, so doing, compassion, assets, management, Matthew 24:46
What a dis-grace!
The problem is not the size of the budget or the size of the building. The problem is how they plan to pay for it. I know of three churches that set about to expand without debt, and they ALL witnessed the hand of God’s blessing in a remarkable way.
One of these churches was my own home church in rural Australia. Folk donated livestock off the land to be sold with the proceeds to the church. Some donated the use of acreage and the church folk planted the area with pumpkins, then went and harvested them and sold the proceeds for the new church building. It took them three years to build debt free, starting with almost nothing.
Another, in Bowling Green (OH), put in place a plan where each member would work an extra few hours each week, and the earnings in these hours went to the church. Within a couple of years, they had something like $250,000 MORE than they needed. And so they built debt free.
Church leaders rarely offer the congregation a debt free alternative. The problem, it appears, is that we prefer to do God’s work our way rather than his way – debt free – then we wonder why we’re an anemic people of God that are all talk with little power.
Thank you for taking a stand against the “megachurch” mindset, and returning our thoughts to what is true, lovely, just and praiseworthy.
I love your posts. They guide me daily in pursuit of my relationship with Abba: we must think as He thinks, and abandon this world’s lowly, materialistic standard of success. For surely, mega success is simply pleasing Him in obedience, not robbing His disciples and abandoning those in deepest need.
Continue to fight the good fight,
Hi Marlene,
I agree! a mega church I once knew had their congregation submit how much their income was so they could hold them to the compulsory tithes each month! Can you believe that? Shocking.
And they have memberships which are required.
Blessings and shalom.
that is an old beautiful church building too, so not debts to pay probably.
What the leaders do with the tithing will be judged by ABBA.
Could not agree more… we are too consumed growing upwards instead of reaching out…
“Prosper them” not “me and my house” where is this in scripture and what translation?
well said, should be appended to the Sagrada Familia picture.
Skip, I know this is probably hard for you to believe, but God is not exclusively on your side.
He has other sheep and He loves and prospers them, too. He does not call everyone to have a church building, some are itinerant like you.
My brother had no ‘church’ either, he was the Chaplin at a prison, — until his wife became so ill he needed to be with her all the time. He won’t ‘put her away’, as some do because she is ‘inconvenient’, my brother understands that He is serving his Lord and Saviour as he worships His Lord thru his duty as home.
Plenty of churches are debt free. Plenty build WITH A PLAN of how to pay-off the debt. There is a little Methodist church I used to pass all the time that built and paid off their facilities with pan-cake breakfasts.
Others I have seen God do a marvelous thing to pay them off. One such instance was a church that bought property to build on, and within a year the city’s electric company was in much need/want of that very piece of land, and so paid them enough for the plain dirt for them to build at another location–and open their doors debt-free!
Blogging and teaching on cruises is fine if that is what God has for you. But I think you would have to admit that you don’t get to do a lot of marriage/family/abortion/alcoholic/drug counseling thru your venue. And it would be pretty hard to send a bus out under a bridge or to a hobo camp and load up a bunch to take and feed and give a message to. Some churches have dental services, local dentists, or members there, give their time to serve the Lord with what they have been given.
Believe it or not, lives get changed! Not all, every time, but who knows when God will kick in living, caring, hands-on demonstration of a message they have felt– not just heard. Its God’s work!
We support a mission in Honduras. With mega bucks! No, its not too much. Nothing is. That mission is the life-blood of the country. I personally support ___. I love the lives laid down to sweat and grow weary paddling up a snake invested river to deliver Bibles to guerillas. Sometimes they lose their lives. Sometimes evil men get born again and walk out of the devils cage. It never matters to the one going. When they arrive in the designated country, the home church has shipped their few belongs in a small plain wooden coffin to remind them of what the cost may be. It is not an expensive one time trip. Years or entire lives are lived in that mission. They deny themselves more than you ever will. You have a home, a very nice one probably. I don’t mind if you don’t mine. I know Christians who could afford a nice home and nice furniture, but chose rather to give to those in need and make do with MUCH simpler everything.
His Truth is marching on. So many folks are never going to see a computer, much less meet their God on a blog!
***What a clear-thinking, un-blaming, mind Ian Hodges has sitting up there behind his eyes! Beautiful!
Were those the kind of churches being talked about in the original post? If the post had said, “I’m tired of all the liars in the church.”, would you have countered with as many examples of truthful people as you could think of? You didn’t even REALLY disagree with the post. He talked about one thing (massively indebted churches), and you bring up examples of churches that are debt free – and another ministry that doesn’t need a church (prison Chaplain). Doesn’t that just help make the point?
But you start it all off by saying: “Skip, I know this is probably hard for you to believe, but God is not exclusively on your side.” Ouch!! Then, “So many folks are never going to see a computer, much less meet their God on a blog!” Wow!! Is that what you think we are all trying to do here – “meet [our] God on a blog”?
Now, I would love to join a discussion about how Christians allocate their time, money, and effort. IS Christianity ‘sacrificing on every high hill’ now? Do we need 31 flavors of church in one town – each in it’s own multimillion dollar facility, each one trying to be THE ‘shining light’ of the community? These are questions worth discussing.
Gabe, If you are the one appointed to tell all the ’31 flavors’ which ones to close their doors and get with it some other way, do it, don’t waste time on me.
God lets the wheat and tare grow together until HE separates. Hopefully you can find a way to be content with His decision.
“You didn’t even REALLY disagree with the post.” (Must I disagree all the time?)
btw, I don’t really care about that comment, I only picked it out to show you how you do to me.
My real question is: How come you can say what’s on your heart but I can’t? THAT is the thing I’d be bothered about IF I was bothered at all, which I’m not. period.
Ian Hodges is fair. I’m standing by that comment until I witness different. I’ve read a lot of his stuff. My opinion, nobody else has to like it or agree with me.
Sometimes I need to stand up for “churches” in general because they are generally slandered in a clump. Both sides are NOT given here, — until I post anyway. (smiles)
I really appreciate Ian, too. I especially like the way he engages in the conversation.
Dorothy…you seem to be in attack mode?? Not sure why??
I have a feeling Skip would be in TOTAL agreement with Ian’s post.
Skip’s talking about the irresponsibility of putting others in debt in order to have something NOW.
Why would you assume he has no appreciation for the many Godly things that occur within the walls of churches?? You’re putting words in his mouth that I’m betting he won’t be happy about when he reads your post.
Judi . . . . . . perhaps you have to be the purple one in the crowd to see how often Skip attacks the purple ones and everything they believe in.
He has made people ashamed to be called by the name Christian. (Not me.)
Will you please show me a TW Skip has written that shows he has any appreciation for Godly things that happen in churches?
Maybe you should just ask Skip when he returns from his lecture series…since he’s not here to defend himself right now. I’m not that interested in bantering with you, but, I think you stoop to insults when you suggest he would be opposed to the drug, alcohol, abortion, marriage, family counseling that many churches provide.
And, what a naive thing to imply that the only people he reaches are those who have access to a computer. Talk to the folks in South Africa that hear the nightly lectures he gives on a relentless two week schedule. Talk the young Irene, who’s world has been changed by his efforts (and others.) Talk to the folks in Haiti who enjoy the road he helped raise funds for and build, or the folks in Honduras he has helped for years.
What about the bible studies he’s led in Orlando area churches, helping people to better understand biblical truths.
Oh, and the people in Paradise Community Church in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico couldn’t get enough of him. Some said it was one of the best sermons they had ever heard. There were even secular Jews asking if they could come to the church to hear him speak again.
Truth be told Dorothy, most of what he says about the church is spot on. Maybe that’s the rub for you.
But, since you’re so offended by so much of what Skip teaches…I would suggest you put on your purple dress and go spend more time with your purple church of choice. And, perhaps you would be a happier person if you just stopped reading Today’s Word.
I’m done with this dialogue.
I do not read Skip the way you do. I don’t think that he is talking about the people who do consider what God wants when they finance projects. I believe he is speaking about the people who don’t. Ian just accentuates what Skip said.
It is the ‘doing it our way’ instead of G-d’s way that is the problem, not the number of dollars spent. It’s great that you support mission, so maybe you don’t have that problem. The issue here is being obedient to Torah and not caving to idolatry through public opinion or to what dollar bills buy.
BTW, Skip is not the type of person who believes that God is exclusively on his side…you build a straw man for that comment. And what was that blogging and teaching on cruises comment? I am a biblical counselor and I don’t necessarily think that what I do is better….teaching people, no matter where that is, is just as important as counseling. It is the attitude that matters, not the venue.
Big families have more fun! – (How many children are enuf?) 2.5? No, I don’t “dismiss” the megachurch and neither do I “overlook” the small- either. God has said in His word, “other sheep have I which are not of this fold.” To me, this is big..- really big. This means (to me) not every Christian is a Methodist or a Catholic or Church of Christ or Baptist or Epicopalean or Vegetarian. We are (each one) unique and yet all belong to the same family- the family of God. Yes, this does include Jews AND (much as it make some shudder!) the Gentiles, or Goy or even Greeks. Greeks are not our enemy – the enemies have been clearly defined in God’s own word as “the world, the flesh and the devil.” There they are- all three, spelled out for “whosoever will.”
The veil of the temple has been torn down. It wasn’t any man that did this, but God Himself. What we may ask is why? and in addition, does this now mean “any man, woman or child may boldly come to the throne of grace (this is God’s throne BTW..) and ask for grace to help in time of need?” And the answer is? Yes. Any man. Any where. And at any time- we (all) now have open access.
Is this different from first century Judaism? well… Hello. No more high priest- we have a High Priest. No more yearly sacrifices on the Day of Atonement – that matter was settled forever At Calvary.
Does diet matter? Absolutely. God says for us to ~ eat that which is good and let your soul delight itself in fatness ~ , but there is more to life than Ho-Ho’s or King Dons, or grits, grease and gravy. Again, Yeshua has said “I have meat to eat you know nothing about!” Is life more than physical food? For some.. apparently not. This little discourse could continue for a good while.. but I’ll stop here for the sake of brevity.
Also, we (who are His) have been commanded (yes, it is a command) to ~ forsake not the assembling of yourselves together ~ Where shall we meet? On a cruise ship in the somewhere in the Caribbean? at Starbucks? My house or yours? How many are “too many?” Tell me.. how many were seen praising God in Heaven? Thousands upon thousand and tens of thousands? Oohh.. that’s too many! No. If only there were millions more!- giving unto our LORD the glory due His Name!
No matter how much or how little we have is not important. What matters is what we do with it. My husband and I are on a small fixed income and supplement it with whatever PT work comes our way.
We pay our tithe to an elderly Indian couple who let us stay on their land.
They live on approximately $600.00 a month. They’ve been saving up for months for our big vacation together this year. A little Bluegrass festival 2 hrs away. What amazing people.
They don’t know much about their Hebrew roots but they know everything about hospitality and generosity and I am reminded daily because of them what the face of Yeshua looks like.
Pam , if I am correct ..and I could be wrong but giving to others the tithe that belongs to the LORD becomes an OFFERING.
Tithes and offerings are not the same. Tithes is what we give to the LORD for the up keep of the Pastor and staff and building and all concerning the KINGDOM OF GOD.
Offerings are another thing that when the LORD brings someone in need to help financially , we are there to help in such a way.
THE TITHES they are agricultural. They are to feed the orphans, widows, and Levites. The rest are offerings . (short story)
Tithe simply means tenth.
When the people brought their offerings to the temple, a part was for the LORD, and depending on the kind of offering a part for the priest, and a part for the worshiper. The temple had large jars where people put in offerings to keep up the Temple etc.
If we give to the church to the neglect of the needs of the poor what do you think Avinu will say to us when we must give an account?
The tithes were only required of the people that had lad and could grow crops.
Have you ever read De.14:22-27?
Oops typo. The tithes were only required of the people that had “land” and could grow crops.
Deuteronomy 14:29 so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.
James 1: 27 A religion that is pure and stainless according to God the Father is this: to take care of orphans and widows who are suffering, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
Since a church is not a Temple and the Temple is gone, I see no reason for not giving my tithe to the community( you -plural) that is now the Temple, with pillars, made with living stones.
Today I heard a comment by Rabbi Daniel Lapin: God is the only employer you’ll ever find that pays a 90% commission!
Thank you for adding vs 29 Luzette I thought that I had gone that far. I think you’re correct. Since we are a loosely connected collection of home fellowships we have no overhead. We tend to support each other and those that we know are in need. When statistic tell us that Church pastors make well over the average income of their congregants I have a hard time with that. My step mother struggles to put food on her table but pays tithe to the church who’s pastor is constantly flying off to S. America or Africa to help people like her. I just can’t stomach it anymore.
Thanks Skip for this post. This shows that a quick response to inner prompting especially when walking in the Way goes a long way in giving spiritual insight to what The Father requires of us in our communal relationship(s). This is an eye opener, I had never seen it the way you succinctly put it because my family has always given towards church building projects. But now, I know better and will forward this to all connected to me letting each judge as to what to do from now on. But for me I get it. My family is on one income, however we are generous givers. We support missions and ministries to orphans, persecuted people and We do try to met needs of others whenever presented to us. In regards to the church building projects, there is no wisdom in incurring dept for the next generation, in actuality it is foolishness and deadly. From now on we do need to understand the why of a project, if it is in the line of doing and being as the Father designed it or not.
Thanks and blesses to all.
A-mein brother Skip. I just wanted to comment on this, this building of buildings ” bothers me deeply, both the current and especially the predecessors, the examples of days past, the enormous castle/church building contests of dark days long ago.. I am thinking of the cathedrals and gothic creep-houses adorned with all sorts of pagan festoonery, hand carved and polished..”for God”. Right! (architectural marvels or not…) And at what cost? At what cost to those people in those times? At what cost to these people in our times? Disobedience at most levels has become so “sanitized” we don’t even GET it!! The blood of all these “sanitary” sins cries out to Him, be it casting off orphans to have a new sound system, or having a clean and tidy murder procedure done in a clean and tidy hospital room. I only recently started to realize the vast spiritual darkness this erecting of monuments “for God” is. Yes, I understand how people got on that track, just like I see how they got on the track of hating all things Jewish. Both situations bear out how little heed is paid to the Words of our Great and Almighty Creator.
thanks, Skip for keeping us thinking, and sorry if you have recently made this point, only had a few moments for reading today. God Bless
I think there is a broad problem with living beyond our means. Not only is money poured into large church buildings, but most of us do not own our homes and are in debt. Most cars are not paid for and many of the things in our homes. Government debt, personal debt, school debt, and church
add to the above-
Church debt.
how did this happen? I wonder why we switched from a nation that believed in saving and staying out of debt to one that is over extended in so many ways.
Truly with so much poverty around us these days, especially in US, our conscience ought to be stirred up, should we be having extra in the bank accounts or assets; and to incur debts to be unable to help those in need of bare necessities.
I know of a good brother in US at 65, with a wife who needs medical care, having to seek a job, to pay for a roof over their heads, and behind rental for 2/3 months now, and the landlords threatening to cut off their water supply!
Please contact him if you could help out in any way-
Rico Cortes has kindly given him a free website-
Many sound online ministries are seeking support from their subscribers to bring forth the Word to many around the world. They are declaring-we do not drive big cars, nor wear shoes costing more than $20!
Truly, why can’t we gather in homes, in a more intimate relationship, being aware of the needs of each other?
Thanks Skip!
Preach it, brother. It’s refreshing to me when you speak your mind from time to time. Keep it up. This opinion may not be a popular one but I believe it’s true and very important that it be known.