Picturing the End
It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be lifted up above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come, and say: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths.” For out of Zion shall go the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide disputes for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord. For you have rejected your people, the house of Jacob, because they are full of things from the east and of fortune-tellers like the Philistines, and they strike hands with the children of foreigners. Isaiah 2:2-6 ESV
All the nations – I realize that this is a rather long passage for Today’s Word. Usually we concentrate on a singe verse, even a single word. But there is an implication in these verses, an implication repeated in other prophets, that we simply cannot overlook. Bluntly put, the prophets paint a picture of the end of the age when all the other nations (peoples) come to Zion (the house of the Lord) to learn His ways. In other words, the overwhelming assumption is that all the other nations seek God’s way of doing things and no prophet would have imagined that this could mean anything other than Torah. Without serious re-interpretation of the text, this implies that the Millennial Kingdom will be governed by the instructions God gave Moses. Israel, God’s chosen nation, will be the pinnacle of His display of the Kingdom on earth. And Israel, by any account of biblical material, is to be a Torah-observant people.
Implication: The reign of the Messiah will be under Torah instruction. Implication: all nations of the earth will become Torah compliant. Implication: The current posture of the Christian church that advocates discipleship without Torah does not fit the picture of the Millennial Kingdom of the prophets.
Question: Which picture is more likely to be true, the one presented by the replacement theology of the Church or the one presented by the prophets of the God of Israel?
Question: Are you willing to claim that the prophets were confused, ignorant or mistaken when they said that Israel, and Israel’s understanding of God, would be the foundation of the Millennial Kingdom? If the Millennial Kingdom is going to reflect the character of God as the prophets understood Him, are you willing to choose not to follow the way of life that the prophets demanded because you are under “grace”? Where did you get that idea?
Finally, what is the point of the prophets telling us that all nations will come to Zion if Israel is no longer at the center of God’s plan? Just wondering.
Topical Index: Millennium, Torah, Zion, nations, Isaiah 2:2-6
“For out of Zion shall go the law” – “law” is definitely the Hebrew word ‘torah,’ so what other meaning could it have? And the following “and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” is a reiteration, a tautology, of the previous statement defining ‘torah’ and ‘word of the Lord’ as equal and the same. It ties in with vs 5 aligning to “let us walk in the light of YHWH.” Torah, word of YHWH and walking in His light point to Torah as the guiding instructions of life, the only viable path to walk. I can’t see how Isaiah would’t have Torah in mind here as that which will guide ‘all the nations.’
And, if not a Torah observant rule, what other possible guide lines can qualify as reflecting His ways? None that I can find anywhere. Yeshua came to fulfill the Torah, certainly not eradicate it in any way. Zion and Jerusalem as the locations from which emanate YHWH’s instructions for life pointing to the eternal covenant He has with Israel. Zion and Jerusalem are forever linked to Israel. Indeed, I think the Church has effectively replaced Israel with another entity defined as separate from the commonwealth of Israel rather than that which is grafted in to them and part of them.
From gleaning Heschel’s rendition of the prophets, it is hard to swallow that any of the prophets might have mistaken their transmission of YHWH’s decrees. They may not have liked it, but it seems there was little room for error in their representations. YHWH impressed, guided and infiltrated their lives so fully that they lived compelled to reveal and reflect accurately and surely the volume of the specific communications YHWH injected in to their minds, hearts and lives. Apparently, YHWH’s mind coming upon them was very heavy and quite the unavoidable task of communicating. The truths of YHWH that filled them were inevitably to come out. They could not stay contained in them by silence. These prophets were at the very foot of the source of Torah, YHWH! What else would they be broadcasting save those thoughts and intentions of Torahs author?
I have come to see the arrogance we’ve allowed the modern church to propagate believing it has been allocated a higher and superior place in YHWH’s plan than Israel, His chosen and loved peoples. Paul wasn’t a Christian who turned his back on his people but a slave/servant who realized, as a Jew, who Yeshua was and did, all in the context, culture and world of the people of Israel. Paul certainly didn’t push out Israel and then fill the empty spot with ecclesia. Ecclesia was given opportunity to become part of, to be grafted in to the people He is committed to forever, that being how long it takes to walk to and arrive at the horizon or in our thinking, forever, as the horizon is ever moving out in front of us.
I believe we have missed the mark being led astray by politicized and effective forgetters of Torah for many, many, many years. I’ve wondered off the trail for too long. I must get back on his instructive path of Torah living, that which truly and practically and visibly reflects His character and essence and stay there invoking all the energy I have in doing so. I believe only by doing the Torah YHWH has led us by since the beginning will we be that which He calls us to be. When we walk in Torah, we walk in His light. It will be visible and evident. Our faith will be seen clearly.
P.S. – Another sleepless night. But, it is Shabbat. Still a blessing even without sleep!
It’s amazing how restful struggling to understand and decipher Torah can be. Can’t explain it. Starting out and then chasing so many rabbit trails turns minutes in to hours that end up seeming like only seconds.
How time flies when deeply engaged in HaShem’s Torah.
Amen to all you said. I wish I could attend your weekly study group.
Shabbat Shalom
From time to time, I wonder how long one must study the Tanakh before this becomes obvious. It seems to be a consistent pattern in Scripture. The reference that most often comes to my mind is the passage from the last chapter of Zechariah.
“And the LORD will be king over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one.” Zech. 14:9 . . . If this is not a reference to the Millennial reign, I don’t know what it can be, but that is what I have understood it to mean.
“Then it will come about that any who are left of all the nations that went against Jerusalem will go up from year to year to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, and to celebrate the Feast of Booths. And it will be that whichever of the families of the earth does not go up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the LORD of hosts, there will be no rain on them. If the family of Egypt does not go up or enter, then no rain will fall on them; it will be the plague with which the LORD smites the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths. This will be the punishment of Egypt, and the punishment of all the nations who do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Booths.” Zech. 14:16-19
I live in a part of the country where the primary industry is agriculture, and we regularly experience severe drought. When I point out this verse, it is not considered to be relevant. Each year as the extreme weather patterns worsen, I wonder why it is simply too difficult to obey NOW. And yet, because of my own shortcomings, I sometimes wonder if doing such a thing would be “testing God,” because of the hope (or expectation) of rain in its season. Nevertheless, we do celebrate this particular time, which I love to see referenced as The Season of Our Joy.
Regarding the local drought/rain situation – a few weeks ago, we began to have some unseasonal rains appear about once a week or so, in small amounts. Yesterday, the television weatherman said our State has had the second wettest July since they began keeping records. I could only praise God for His goodness to us. And so even as I rejoice, I laugh at myself a bit, wondering if God is laughing or shaking His head at my pragmatism.
Shabbat Shalom to all!
I like your post!
Let me assure you that you have to study no longer to understand that Zechariah chapter 14 is a Millennial Scripture. (Of course, there are lots of other things in Scripture to keep you busy figuring them out till HE comes!) I think most all scholars are in agreement that Zechariah 14 is a Millennium theme. Indeed, verse 1 “day of the LORD” is often used by the prophets to ID the return of Messiah in their proclamations.
Over the years, if I had the time, I sometimes used this chapter to have some fun with those sweet Jehovah’s Witnesses who came to my front door. I knew that JW”s are Millennialists so I would point out to them that Zech 14 showed that we will keep Feast of Sukkot (Tabernacles) in Millennium. So I asked: Why are you not keeping the Feast now? Is God not the same, yesterday, today and forever? Sadly, discussions with JW’s are mostly a waste because they do not think for themselves and usually only know how to parrot back corporate dogma. O well – maybe I planted some seeds in their brains!
Regarding rain, there is a strong symbolic connection between water (rain), the Holy Spirit and the seventh day of Sukkot. This day was the pinnacle of the Feast with a beautiful water ceremony. This was the day that Yahshua stood up in the Temple courtyard and uttered the wonderful words recorded for us in John 7:37-39: “If any one thirst, let him come to me and drink. He who believes in me, as the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.’ Now this He said about the Spirit, which those who believed in Him were to receive; for as yet the Spirit had not been given, because Jesus had not yet been glorified.”
Then, next day – the Eighth Day to wrap up the Sacred Festival season the Rabbis traditionally prayed for YHVH to bless Israel with rain in the coming year. They knew well how critical that blessing was for their daily food!
Today, most would rather count on evil petro chemical giants such as Monsanto to solve our drought and other agri challenges than honor their Creator by asking Him to intervene and bring rain in due season. Anyone who follows the news has to be aware of the alarming decrease in our water table around the world. We have not been good stewards of planet earth and we are about to pay price in famine and wars over water. This is one of many very sobering challenges facing us over the next several decades in trying to feed everyone.
We do not know but the Good News appears to be that indications are that King Yahshua will show up in that time period and save ourselves from ourselves. Lets pray it be so!
I, too, am just wondering. Today’s comments opened up two lingering questions.
1.) Should one assume the prophets were all beneficiaries of the truth found
in 1 COR. 2: 14-16? Was the mind of Christ fully operative in man BC?
2.) And if so, how do we consider Jesus’s words in JN 16: 7-15? Was the
Holy Spirit fully operative in man BC?
All help will be greatly appreciated!
Hi Rick,
I will try to help answer your questions with a few comments and scriptures.
First, I will say that questions about the Holy Spirit are often a little tricky because the Word does not tell us a lot about the nature of the Spirit. Perhaps, the Father figures that our fleshy minds are not ready for it or able to understand these deeper things of God. Hence, we see many differing opinions and heated discussions on the subject of the Holy Spirit, as well as the nature of God, Trinity, etc.,
The Scriptures seem to indicate that God’s prophets did indeed have the Holy Spirit. This makes sense considering that Paul includes spiritual knowledge, wisdom and prophecy as gifts of the spirit in 1Corinthins chapter 12.
Looking at the Tanakh, we find David praying in his psalm of repentance “take not thy holy spirit from me. ” (Psalm 51:11)
This would appear to indicate that David was aware that he had the Holy Spirit and that he feared God would strip him of it!
Going back to Exodus 31 we find YHVH telling Moses about a craftsman who He had filled with the Holy Spirit to do skilled work on the “Tent of Meeting”:
“See, I have called by name Bez’alel the son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah: and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship, to devise artistic designs, to work in gold, silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting, and in carving wood for work in every craft.” (Ex 31:2-5)
It seems that Isaiah 63 confirms the obvious that Moses had the Holy Spirit:
“Then he remembered the days of old, Moses and his people, saying, Where is he tht brought them up out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock.? Where is he that put his Holy Spirit in the midst of them?” (Isaiah 63:11)
In Daniel chapters 4 and 5 we find Nebuchadnezzer acknowledging 3 times that Daniel the prophet had “the spirit of the holy gods” within him. Daniel, of course, in his exemplary life certainly looks like a person in whom God’s Spirit dwelled!
The evidence appears to indicate that God distributed His Spirit selectively in history before the time of Yahshua. And Scripture indicates that people had different levels of the S
pirit And even since Yahshua’s first coming – for the last 2000 years, Scripture and human history God has given His spirit to those He is calling to be first fruit priest kings to rule with Messiah during the Millenium. Even those first fruits do not have the full compliment of the spirit that will be “poured out on all flesh” during the Millennium. With a double witness Paul revealed this in his second letter to the Corinthians:
“who also sealed us, and gave us the earnest of the Spirit in our hearts.” (2Cor. 1:22)
“And He who did work us to this self same thing (is) God, who also did give us the earnest of the Spirit; (2 Cor. 5:5)
This earnest of the Spirit is really just a “down payment” or partial giving if you will. During the Millennium, it would appear that God will give everyone a full compliment of His Holy Spirit and so that they will no longer sin, especially with the Tempter locked up This is why the rewards for being a “faithful and true” first fruit are so great. So it is impossible, even for a first fruit, to be sinless in this age but God knows that. And that is why He sent Yahshua to cover for all of us! – see Romans chapter 8
Just a minor addition. From a Hebraic perspective, one does not “have” the Holy Spirit as if He were a possession. The Holy Spirit is God manifest in action and execution in the cosmos, so we actually “participate” in His doing. We do not own Him independently of His interaction with us. Therefore, we find the presence of the Holy Spirit throughout Scripture, but we do not find the possession of the Spirit independently of this presence. A shift in paradigm answers a lot of questions, especially those questions that seem to involve possession of the Spirit.
Thanks for this clarification Skip
Such a clear
Clearly a different view as most understand it that way. It is really a working of YHWH’s Spirit through us.
Thanks Skip.
Very thoughtful response John. Appreciated.
Hi Rich,
Shalom. Here are my thoughts on your questions (please pardon my lengthy response):
First of all, I believe I hear you thinking in compartments. Also, I believe I hear you thinking that ‘the mind of Messiah’ is some unique ‘mind’ or ’thinking’ APART from the Father’s. (For what is the ‘mind of Christ’ except that He is the One whose mind was fully yielded to the Holy Spirit who proceeded from the Father?) If I am right, I would ask you to consider that some kind of ‘Christian/Greek’ way of thinking could be influencing how you think. That thinking makes ‘the mind of Christ’ into some ‘entity’ and suggests that the effective working of the Spirit in men’s hearts was not a reality until Yeshua came. Perhaps you could ask yourself the questions: Did Moses have the mind of Messiah? Did David have the mind of Messiah? What do you think such questions would mean in reality, seeing that Messiah really means the Anointed One? Besides we know that one way in which Messiah was different was that He ALONE was anointed above His brethren – the Spirit was in/upon Him without measure. But does that mean the Spirit was not operating in/through men and women whom Yah would choose to use? How else could Israel have received the Scriptures, especially the Torah? Were not those writers all vessels of the Spirit?
Secondly, it seems to me that Messiah’s coming, in the fullness of Yah’s time, was with the intention that by that event IN HISTORY (just like the Exodus, it was not done in a corner), Yah could kill innumerable ‘birds’ with one stone! One such birds, the Scriptures made clear, was to remove the wall of partition between Jew and Gentiles, so Gentiles could now be grafted into the Israel of God without prior covenantal requirements such as circumcision; and both could become one in Spirit and fellowship (Torah of course setting the boundaries for both). Evidently, such a big bird was this (and it is!!) that the Gentile and Christian world ran away with the notion Israel was now rejected! Another ‘bird’ was slaying death, the consequence of sin. We have seen this clarified in Skip’s teachings as a counter balance, perhaps correction? to the Christian focus on forgiveness. And the list goes on. It is evident that we non-Jewish Believers have inherited a narrow Law-Spirit contrast approach from Christian teaching and Christian handling of the Scriptures. This ‘Christian paradigm’ affects how we see everything until we begin to be confronted with Hebraic paradigms.
Thirdly, the Christian focus on Jesus and the Spirit APART from Torah naturally causes one to think that the Hebrew Scriptures had no or little Spirit involvement. This attitude dismisses the powerful influence of the Spirit at work through the reading of the Scriptures, especially the Torah! What do we suppose was happening in Deuteronomy as Moses addressed all of Israel just prior to handing over to Joshua?! Do we suppose His words were not anointed and with powerful convicting effect? Still, one cannot argue the awesome reality of the indwelling Spirit signally associated with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit subsequent to Yeshua’s ascension and reign at His Father’s right hand.
But to answer your question (and I believe it is to Skip’s and the community’s credit that you can freely ask whatever is on your mind), Yeshua told His people that if they believed Moses they would believe Him; one implication being that the same Spirit proceeding from the Father and by whom Moses was able to receive the Torah from Yah, and was also able to speak and do as he did, was also at work in and through Him Yeshua as well, and even more so! So then,
1.) “Should one assume the prophets were all beneficiaries of the truth found in 1 COR. 2: 14-16?”
I would say that since the natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit, they must have had some kind of encounter with Yah by way of the Spirit that enabled them to receive the things of the Spirit. They often gave their own testimony.
“Was the mind of Christ fully operative in man BC?”
I would say you may want to re-think the idea of ‘the mind of Christ’ being ‘fully operative’. That the Spirit was at work? I would say, most certainly! But poured upon all flesh (meaning Jews as well as Gentiles) before Messiah came? I would say no; Gentiles had no covenantal status to make this possible before. Why do I say ‘meaning Jews and Gentiles’? Because of the prophetic presence, evidenced through Anna and Simeon, at the time when Yeshua was being presented to Yah in the Temple in Jerusalem. What would we make of John the Immerser – nothing short of the Spirit at work in Him!
2.) And if so, how do we consider Jesus’s words in JN 16: 7-15? Was the Holy Spirit fully operative in man BC?”
I would say that Israel was the convicting presence among the nations when the nation walked in Torah (which allows Yah to show up!) – David’s reign is the best example. Yeshua Himself was the convicting presence, in Israel, when He walked among His people. However, all of what has been accomplished with Yeshua’s life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension now allows the Holy Spirit to be the convicting presence. As Yeshua was the Teacher who also lived/walked in Torah so now the Holy Spirit becomes the Teacher who also enables one to live/walk in Torah.
Thanks for asking. I hope my answer has helped. Please feel free to reply and even offer correction if needs be. We are all students here. Blessings on you and shavua tov – have a good week.
Michael and Arnella,
Liked what you had to say!
Todays Word painted a picture for me of Egypt during the time of the famine. The people’s of the world came to Egypt for bread from the Breadgiver/Joseph. This will be interesting to behold if we are the people who walk into the city. Will this be a lifestyle change for all of us?
Could this be what prompted this verse: “When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)
And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’ Matthew 7:23
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. Matthew 7:14
wondering aloud
Implication: The reign of the Messiah will be under Torah instruction. Implication: all nations of the earth will become Torah compliant. Implication: The current posture of the Christian church that advocates discipleship without Torah does not fit the picture of the Millennial Kingdom of the prophets.
Question: Which picture is more likely to be true, the one presented by the replacement theology of the Church or the one presented by the prophets of the God of Israel?
I think that’s the wrong question above
“The reign of the Messiah will be under Torah instruction” is a theological fact in the Hebrew Bible IMO
So it is by definition “true” now IMO
But it is unlikely ever to be a historical fact IMO
However back in the 60’s – 70’s it struck me that Simon and Garfunkel
Were allegorically speaking of exactly that spiritual reality in the following song:
At the Zoo
Someone told me
It’s all happening at the zoo.
I do believe it,
I do believe it’s true.
Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Whoooa. Mmmmm.
It’s a light and tumble journey
From the East Side to the park;
Just a fine and fancy ramble
To the zoo.
But you can take the crosstown bus
If it’s raining or it’s cold,
And the animals will love it
If you do.
If you do.
Something tells me
It’s all happening at the zoo.
I do believe it,
I do believe it’s true.
Mmmmm. Mmmmm. Whoooa. Mmmmm.
The monkeys stand for honesty,
Giraffes are insincere,
And the elephants are kindly but
They’re dumb.
Orangutans are skeptical
Of changes in their cages,
And the zookeeper is very fond of rum.
Zebras are reactionaries,
Antelopes are missionaries,
Pigeons plot in secrecy,
And hamsters turn on frequently.
What a gas! You gotta come and see
At the zoo.
At the zoo.
At the zoo.
At the zoo.
At the zoo.
At the zoo.
At the zoo.
At the zoo.
Unfortunately, the replacement theology bunch uses this scripture frequently to show just the OPPOSITE of what it obviously says to us. Until the veil is lifted, or the paradigm, they still see Israel as the church in these scriptures — especially when they come to:
“For you have rejected your people, the house of Jacob, because they are full of things from the east and of fortune-tellers like the Philistines, and they strike hands with the children of foreigners.”
They interpret this is as Yahweh’s permanent rejection of Israel, and replacement of that people with the nations (church); and they do not see, or maybe have never been told of the pagan practices incorporated into Christianity, while the Judaism called ‘the Way’ was being obliterated. Neither do they understand that they are the “lawless ones” or the “Torah-less” ones, until they return to be grafted in.
‘No, you don’t understand, this is all for Israel in the kingdom on earth. We will be in heaven by than, doing our thing there – whatever that may be – among the celestials!’
This would be the typical reaction in my congregation.
Now I must be honoust, this is what I taught myself in this congregation for 25 years, untill God thought it was time to reveal the truth to me. HalleluYah!
Some were very offended about my response when they said the Law was not for us, that they declared themselves to be lawless….
Others just concluded that I have rejected grace.
Familiar story for all you here, isn’t it?
Indeed it is, Kees. People want security more than anything else, I think. The questioning of long-held beliefs is definitely unsettling. The Deceiver tries to paint the truth as being a source of instability. All the nations going up to the mountain of the Lord to learn of His ways–what security! What confidence! The challenge is helping people not to be afraid of it.
That’s for sure. When I began to read and study a Hebraic background of faith, I had just moved to a new community. We started attending a local church and the pastor invited me over to get to know each other. I excitedly tried to explain a few things I was learning and how it brought up so many other questions. This was really at the beginning of the “renewing of my mind” and I probably didn’t explain things very well, but you might be able to guess how it turned out. The next two big sermon series were Gallatians (opening with Luthers quote about being set free and principally taught from Luthers commentary) and Leviticus.
No discussion. Just two sermon series that seemed to be directed at me. Honestly, it made me want to study and wrestle with these new questions I had even more.
Regarding TW, discussions I’ve had on the millennial application of Torah, I receive either an amillenialist response or straight up disbelief that it could actually mean “Torah”. Theological fancy footwork indeed.
This is prophetic, and exciting! It is the Way to go, UP to the TOP/ראש ro’sh/head of the mountain of YHWH, lots of climbing, that means work to do! No resting in a comfort zone, nor on past experiences, but training and learning Whom to draw strength from.
Up to the mountain top where the purest air and water is, no pollution of the Word.
It is where YHWH’s Word will be taught, and where YHWH will judge and reprove many nations, as in NON-Hebrews, those who have not crossed over, expressed thus:-
“Implication: The current posture of the Christian church that advocates discipleship without Torah does not fit the picture of the Millennial Kingdom of the prophets.
חרב chereb meaning sword, same word as cherubim/angels with sword guarding the Garden!
נשא nasa /lifted up above the hills, another interesting word here.
“Finally, what is the point of the prophets telling us that all nations will come to Zion if Israel is no longer at the center of God’s plan?”
What YHWH has blessed, no man can curse, as seen in Numbers 22-24 where Balaq offered reward to Bil’am to curse Israel, but could not.
As with Ham, the son of Noach, was blessed, could not be cursed but the curse went to Ham’s offspring, as a consequence of his dishonoring action against his father Noach, in not covering his father’s wrong.
And from Ham came the Egyptians/Mitsraim, Nimrod/Rebel and Babylon, and the Philistines. Gen 10:6-20
So, we are not to follow the ways of the cursed, that produce death, but to follow the ways of blessings, that lead to life!
As surely as the sun rises, the earth will be governed by Torah from Tsion, the wonderful Land of the/our Great King. Amein! Such exhilarating promises to look forward to.
Torah has been restored to Christians some 25 years+(?) when Hebraic roots began, through the Hebrew language. DON”T be “left behind”! You know what I mean,not the rapture fallacy.
a beautiful song with lyrics in Dutch! enjoy! It’s one of my favourites.
I know not everyone who reads TW is from the US, but for those of us who are, surely the word “nasa” caught our attention. When I read your comment, I looked it up in the blueletterbible, and sure enough, the definition says: “to lift.” If anyone here does not know, NASA is the acronym for “National Aeronautics and Space Administration” in the US, and its foremost objective was to “lift up” all types of aircraft for space exploration.
Thanks for including that. It started my day with a smile.
Thanks! I am one that did not think of the space agency! Nice to point attention to this!
In Holland / Europe we have ESA. Is there a word pun here too?
I found out that the USA brought nazi scientists to America after the WWII to implement the space program- what a base to lift up from!
Hi Gayle,
I think with so much going on, most folks would be aware what nasa is
Here’s the latest from ‘them’-
Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon …
1 day ago … Mysterious NASA video of Saturn reveals impossible hexagon-shaped cloud pattern larger than planet Earth.
http://www.naturalnews.com/041365_mysteries_of_the_universe_Saturn_hexagon _clouds.html
Thank you so much for this beautiful song! And the translation in Dutch. So true! Yehovah is with me – what can a man do to me? That’s true for all of us!
Hi Ester,
My wife is from Netherlands so I will show her this lovely song and perhaps have her say hello to Kees.
I somehow assumed that he was probably one of Skip’s South African friends.!
Hi John,
I hope I remember rightly.
That would be great to have the wives join in this blog too.
Yes, have your wife say hello to Kees! She will enjoy the song!
Most helpful, indeed. Thanks for your in-depth response!
A big hug and thanks for all your energy and zeal in answering my questions, much the same
as did John. ! appreciate you both taking the time and care that you did.
As time and space are variances that Yah lives outside of, I asked my questions not unaware
that Yah’s Spirit and Mind were always present, but curious as to “who” and “when” various
individuals enjoyed the awareness of participating with His Spirit and Mind. The manner in which
the Word was stated in both 1 COR. 2:14-16 and JN. 16:7-15 caused me to contemplate why
these truths were brought up at these specific times.
Apparently, Yah’s story has a beginning, middle and end. And He’s in it all the way.
But perhaps, for teaching purposes, not in the same degree from chapter to chapter.
“His ways are not our ways” I’ve heard told!
To me, the central “Christian” focus on this verse would be the section which reads “For you have rejected your people, the house of Jacob…” The concentration would be on the rejection of the “old covenant” people of GOD, with the conclusion that the “new covenant” Christians are the new people of GOD, completely missing the Torah-observant cultural and scriptural paradigm of the prophet.