The Embodiment of God
He will send from heaven and save me; He reproaches him who tramples upon me. Selah. God will send forth His lovingkindness and His truth. Psalm 57:3 NASB
Lovingkindness – By now we certainly recognize that the NASB translates hesed by the English “lovingkindness.” And we also know that hesed can’t be captured by this translation, or for that matter, by any English translation (see the considerable literature on hesed). Hesed is probably the most important Hebrew word associated with God, His covenant and His people. Understanding it is critical. We could go back over the dozens of pages investigating this word, but in this instance, we need to add a subtly that even our past investigations may have missed. Hesed has a bodily form!
According to the psalmist, Elohim will send forth (verbal root: shalah) His hesed. Actually, God will send forth His hesed and ‘emet (this combination is also critically important). The verb here helps us see just how crucial this idea really is. The verb (shalah) can mean “to send away, to send, to let go,” but its derivatives include “weapon,” “shoot or branch,” “undertaking” and “deputation.” It is often used of God discharging a representative (prophet) or a duty. God sends signs and wonders and He releases plagues, all described with shalah. The interesting connection is that most if not all of these “sending forth” actions are visible in the world. What God sends can be seen. It isn’t a comforting inner feeling or an ecstatic spiritual state. It is tangible. Do you suppose that David had something tangible in mind when he proclaimed that God would send forth His hesed? I can hardly imagine otherwise. David didn’t need to feel better. He needed actual rescue, real reinforcements, physical deliverance. He needed to see God’s outstretched arm.
Centuries later God sends forth His hesed again; this time in the form of a man. Yeshua is the hesed of Elohim. He is the visible embodiment of what it means to experience God’s covenant. That’s why when we look at Yeshua we see YHWH. We have been privileged to experience God among us in such a way that YHWH’s character is visibly displayed. There is no Yeshua without hesed just as there is no YHWH without hesed.
And this has enormous implications for us. If we claim to be followers of the Messiah Yeshua, but we neither understand nor embrace the fullest import of hesed, we have not only robbed ourselves of the extent of God’s intended grace, we have also sullied His reputation by diminishing the visible character of His shalah. There is no Yeshua without hesed, and there are no disciples of Yeshua without hesed.
Oh, yes, just one more thing. Hesed cannot be bottled and contained. It isn’t mine to keep. If it is not sent forth, it doesn’t exist. That is just as true for us as it is for God. If you and I aren’t sending forth hesed, we aren’t His.
Topical Index: hesed, lovingkindness, Psalm 57:3, shalah, send forth
Wow – Thanks Skip! Having this bit of ‘extra’ to fill in the intent, the true meaning of the Hebrew or Greek really helps. I just want to thank you for the time you take to put these lessons out on a daily basis (thereabouts). Fleshing out His Word for us helps to know Him better.
“He is the visible embodiment of what it means to experience God’s covenant.”
I was just trying to find the original meaning of “fellowship”. It is a ‘sharing of mutual interests, experiences, and activities’. I think it would be very difficult to share experiences and activities without a body. Embodiment is necessary. So if we are to have fellowship with YHWH, I would think that we must take up the covenant as Yeshua did.
HalleluYAH, for chesed shalah in a bodily form- our Meshiach Yeshua! “He is the visible embodiment of what it means to experience” YHWH’s covenant! The very reason we follow His footsteps.
I did a study on this word, and gathered these-
Our relationship with YHWH is built on a foundation of His chesed, our existence is s gift, something from nothing;
It is a spiritual quality of obedience that holds the world together, that no one should ever be without food, shelter, nor emotional support;
It is giving and receiving, an expression of actualizing love allowing others into our lives;
It is proactive, visible social dynamics that initiates subsequent action;
Ps 89:3- YHWH build the world on chesed to bestow His chesed.
This is clearly seen in YHWH’s love for Yisrael, and His attitude towards mankind.
“If it is not sent forth, it doesn’t exist.” Amein! It begins with me!
Below is a link to a beautiful article on the topic, that you will enjoy as much as I did
Thank you for the inspiration and blessing for this short study, Skip, Shalom!
chesed is such a wonderful word. Todah, ABBA!
haha, apologies for typo, must proof read first!
Should read thus-
Our relationship with YHWH is built on a foundation of His chesed, our existence is a gift, something for nothing;
It is giving and receiving, an expression of actualizing love allowing others into our lives;
I fixed the original for you
Todah rabah, Skip! Appreciate that.
Shabbat Shalom!
Without His hesed shalah we are not and will not Be. For that speaks to our being. What a marvelous God in all His dealings with us.
Slalom to all.
Clearly, chesed is the same concept and outworking as agape… It is only covenantal only after the final judgement.
But it shows feeling…kindness, even if there is no relationship…
Chesed is not as much relationship…it is charitable to saved, enemies, friends, persecutors etc. It is phileo or ahavat, that show relationship…based on 1 Corinthians 16:22… Phileo is relational love…not agape…but agape should be present in all of our relationships as well as to strangers or enemies.
Shosho, Welcome. I say that because I don’t recall your name here prior, but I’m not always abreast of who’s who and when when. Anyway, you may want to listen to Skip’s radio broadcast with Hebrew Nation from Monday where he touches on hesed, as well as his scores of previous Daily Words on this very topic (use the search engine provided on this site). The first point of four that he makes is that hesed IS always relational. I’ll let Skip answer your other claims that hesed “is the same concept and outworking as agape”. If so, why doesn’t the LLX use agape when translating chesed. Also what in the world do you mean that hesed (or agape, not sure which you mean, or both) “is only covenantal only after the final judgement”. Sorry that makes no sense to me. Covenants ARE both active and enforceable now, otherwise why bother? That they may have eternal value is true, but you can’t relegate it off into the sweet bye and bye. Covenants between people, between nations and between YHWH and His people are expected to be kept, with penalties for breaking them, as we clearly see with Israel’s history and the wars which result in the breaking of man made treaties throughout time. Don’t allow me to discourage you from posting, but please realize there are people who do read your posts and will challenge you if they disagree or simply don’t understand the point you are attempting to make. Shalom, Michael
Ditto to welcome and the rest, Michael Stanley.
Shosho, Hi!
Agape love is unconditional, is from Greek, but Chesed from Hebraic perspective is a ‘give and take’, a love that has to be reciprocated in action.
If you love Me, keep/guard/obey My commandments.-John 14:15
Shalom, shalom!