BEAUTIFUL smiles on many faces. “What a joy it is to be among people who are anxious to learn and willing to make it happen.” Oh how I wish we could have been there with you!
Did Irene and her parents attend any teachings/fellow-shipping? How is she?
Speaking of which, what’s going on At God’s Table? Surely we ALL have needs, whether it be physical or emotional or spiritual. I would LOVE to see a separate page (is there one?) where we could post our needs (and our testimonies as to how God met those needs!) on an ongoing basis without you having to be directly involved? The economy has, without a doubt, put many of God’s people under much stress. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but, if God wants His children to help His children, we need to know the needs so that we can reach out.
Skip, thank you for posting these joyous pictures!
These pictures bring us right into the room with you.
BEAUTIFUL smiles on many faces. “What a joy it is to be among people who are anxious to learn and willing to make it happen.” Oh how I wish we could have been there with you!
Did Irene and her parents attend any teachings/fellow-shipping? How is she?
Speaking of which, what’s going on At God’s Table? Surely we ALL have needs, whether it be physical or emotional or spiritual. I would LOVE to see a separate page (is there one?) where we could post our needs (and our testimonies as to how God met those needs!) on an ongoing basis without you having to be directly involved? The economy has, without a doubt, put many of God’s people under much stress. That’s not necessarily a bad thing but, if God wants His children to help His children, we need to know the needs so that we can reach out.
Skip, thank you for posting these joyous pictures!
These pictures bring us right into the room with you.