Lincoln’s dream was a united America without racial boundaries and hatred. That dream is now under serious attack by an administration that does its best to foment racial tensions and class distinctions. As with all empires in the past, internal conflict and lack of tight fiscal policy leads to disintegration. One of the elements of this collapse is the loss of assimilation. The Empires of the past became places where each group (ethnicity) held its own beliefs and way of life and never became part of the general consciousness. That’s what’s happening today, in my opinion.
Kees Brakshoofden
I know he Lincoln was killed by the Illuminati, as was Kennedy. But what do you mean “The Dream Fades”?
Kees, it’s always good to read your comments, to hear from someone in another country. Curiosity being what it is, just how do you know that Lincoln and Kennedy were “killed by the Illuminati”?
Research. Kennedy was killed because he deared print money under the authority of the government in stead of by the Federal Reserve (which is a private enterprise of the Illuminati bankers) to stop their economic power. This ment Kennedy’s deathwarrant. He is killed on Dealey Plaza (place of a former Massonic Lodge) on 11 – 22 in Dallas on the 33rd degree latitude (they really love numbers, especially 11, 22, 33, etc and 3, 6, 9, etc. They believe in the occult power of numbers, that’s why it was 9-11! And Madrid was 3-11).
David F.
Trying to read the quote above his head per our conversation. Does it say:
“In this temple as in the hearts of the people, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever”.
I wanted to cry to see this picture with the caption “The Dream Fades”; BUT my hope is in our restorer God. When viewing this picture, thought of Jeremiah “How dark the gold has become how the pure gold has changed! I say as Jeremiah “Restore us to You, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old,” What is eternal and planted in this nation cannot die – awaken us Lord and convict us so we can agree with You to be restored.
Dawn McL
What dream? At the risk of much ire from folks who have accepted what the government run schools teach of history (I went to one if it matters), Lincoln was a fan of big government and a central bank. He was never in favor of equality between black and white folks. The Civil War was not about ending slavery.
Please do some research on the real history of Abraham Lincoln. You can start with this book although there are many more….
The Real Lincoln by Thomas J DiLorenzo
Most here have done their own thinking regarding religion and God which is why you are here. Do your own thinking about history and realize that it gets rewritten all the time to further the agendas of those in power. Lincoln was not a good guy. Do the research!
Republicans denounced the Dred Scott decision and promised to overturn it; Abraham Lincoln warned that the next Dred Scott decision could threaten the Northern states with slavery. The Republican party platform called slavery “a national evil”, and Lincoln believed it would die a natural death if it were contained.[27]
According to the founders of the United States of America, all people are equal, by virtue of their humanity, in possession of certain rights (such as rights to liberty) that it is the responsibility of government to protect.
I agree with your statements. It was actually when I began to see what the founding fathers of our nation wrote that my understanding (of what has been happening in our nation) changed. Not what I was taught in History classes.
On the heels of that discovery, I realized that my “religious” teaching had been in the same manner. I began to search for myself, and it was not long before I happened across Skip’s website. Must have been about ten years ago. These two major readjustments in my orientation to life have been extremely liberating. I now have “fixed” points of truth to use as my standard. I have a number of friends who have made these same discoveries, and it is great how we seem to find each other.
carl roberts
I have never witnessed a more destructive, or twisted “individual” than the narcissistic Poser who now occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I believe (personally) he and this “administration” is part of God’s judgment upon this nation, – and (hopefully) a wake-up call to the remnant that remains. His comment (we are known by the words we speak) “America is no longer a Christian nation” have cast a long and dark shadow upon this once great nation. We have the leadership we deserve and what is now exists, is no one’s fault but our own. ~ Blessed is that nation whose God is the LORD ~ is not for Israel only. The current “leadership” of this nation is beyond embarrassing. Having a conscience seared with a hot iron- they refuse to blush, but the words of Isaiah (the word of the LORD) remains: ~Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter ~ (Isaiah 5.20)
One thing will remain:- “in God we trust” For He is our greatest threat and our only Hope.
We have the government that the people have chosen in their ignorance and desire for “someone else” to be responsible for their lives.
I hearken back to the words of Benjamin Franklin after the Constitutional Convention when someone from the crowd called out “Mr. Franklin, what kind of government have you given us?” Reportedly, Franklin responded, “A republic madam, if you can keep it.”
So why does that matter? In a republic, the rule of law prevails. Today, America is closer to a democracy. A democracy is majority rule of the people — what the majority wants is administered as the law of the land, or in our case, a majority rule in Congress is all that it takes to change the law of the land.
We used to have a republic in which the rule of law was the Constitution. THAT is what Lincoln was fighting to uphold — the sanctity of the Constitution as the rule of law. The unchanging Constitution was the measuring stick against which all legislation had to be measured — it wasn’t just a matter of opinion.
Lincoln fought to restore the Union because there was no Constitutional provision for states to secede from it. The Constitution was the rule of law, not public opinion or special interests or lobbyists with deep pockets. And THAT is what has been lost — we are operating without a standard. The current administration is no more than a reflection of that.
Could you please explain the title for all non-Americans?
Lincoln’s dream was a united America without racial boundaries and hatred. That dream is now under serious attack by an administration that does its best to foment racial tensions and class distinctions. As with all empires in the past, internal conflict and lack of tight fiscal policy leads to disintegration. One of the elements of this collapse is the loss of assimilation. The Empires of the past became places where each group (ethnicity) held its own beliefs and way of life and never became part of the general consciousness. That’s what’s happening today, in my opinion.
I know he Lincoln was killed by the Illuminati, as was Kennedy. But what do you mean “The Dream Fades”?
Kees, it’s always good to read your comments, to hear from someone in another country. Curiosity being what it is, just how do you know that Lincoln and Kennedy were “killed by the Illuminati”?
Research. Kennedy was killed because he deared print money under the authority of the government in stead of by the Federal Reserve (which is a private enterprise of the Illuminati bankers) to stop their economic power. This ment Kennedy’s deathwarrant. He is killed on Dealey Plaza (place of a former Massonic Lodge) on 11 – 22 in Dallas on the 33rd degree latitude (they really love numbers, especially 11, 22, 33, etc and 3, 6, 9, etc. They believe in the occult power of numbers, that’s why it was 9-11! And Madrid was 3-11).
Trying to read the quote above his head per our conversation. Does it say:
“In this temple as in the hearts of the people, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever”.
I wanted to cry to see this picture with the caption “The Dream Fades”; BUT my hope is in our restorer God. When viewing this picture, thought of Jeremiah “How dark the gold has become how the pure gold has changed! I say as Jeremiah “Restore us to You, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old,” What is eternal and planted in this nation cannot die – awaken us Lord and convict us so we can agree with You to be restored.
What dream? At the risk of much ire from folks who have accepted what the government run schools teach of history (I went to one if it matters), Lincoln was a fan of big government and a central bank. He was never in favor of equality between black and white folks. The Civil War was not about ending slavery.
Please do some research on the real history of Abraham Lincoln. You can start with this book although there are many more….
The Real Lincoln by Thomas J DiLorenzo
Most here have done their own thinking regarding religion and God which is why you are here. Do your own thinking about history and realize that it gets rewritten all the time to further the agendas of those in power. Lincoln was not a good guy. Do the research!
Republicans denounced the Dred Scott decision and promised to overturn it; Abraham Lincoln warned that the next Dred Scott decision could threaten the Northern states with slavery. The Republican party platform called slavery “a national evil”, and Lincoln believed it would die a natural death if it were contained.[27]
According to the founders of the United States of America, all people are equal, by virtue of their humanity, in possession of certain rights (such as rights to liberty) that it is the responsibility of government to protect.
I agree with your statements. It was actually when I began to see what the founding fathers of our nation wrote that my understanding (of what has been happening in our nation) changed. Not what I was taught in History classes.
On the heels of that discovery, I realized that my “religious” teaching had been in the same manner. I began to search for myself, and it was not long before I happened across Skip’s website. Must have been about ten years ago. These two major readjustments in my orientation to life have been extremely liberating. I now have “fixed” points of truth to use as my standard. I have a number of friends who have made these same discoveries, and it is great how we seem to find each other.
I have never witnessed a more destructive, or twisted “individual” than the narcissistic Poser who now occupies 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I believe (personally) he and this “administration” is part of God’s judgment upon this nation, – and (hopefully) a wake-up call to the remnant that remains. His comment (we are known by the words we speak) “America is no longer a Christian nation” have cast a long and dark shadow upon this once great nation. We have the leadership we deserve and what is now exists, is no one’s fault but our own. ~ Blessed is that nation whose God is the LORD ~ is not for Israel only. The current “leadership” of this nation is beyond embarrassing. Having a conscience seared with a hot iron- they refuse to blush, but the words of Isaiah (the word of the LORD) remains: ~Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter ~ (Isaiah 5.20)
One thing will remain:- “in God we trust” For He is our greatest threat and our only Hope.
We have the government that the people have chosen in their ignorance and desire for “someone else” to be responsible for their lives.
I hearken back to the words of Benjamin Franklin after the Constitutional Convention when someone from the crowd called out “Mr. Franklin, what kind of government have you given us?” Reportedly, Franklin responded, “A republic madam, if you can keep it.”
So why does that matter? In a republic, the rule of law prevails. Today, America is closer to a democracy. A democracy is majority rule of the people — what the majority wants is administered as the law of the land, or in our case, a majority rule in Congress is all that it takes to change the law of the land.
We used to have a republic in which the rule of law was the Constitution. THAT is what Lincoln was fighting to uphold — the sanctity of the Constitution as the rule of law. The unchanging Constitution was the measuring stick against which all legislation had to be measured — it wasn’t just a matter of opinion.
Lincoln fought to restore the Union because there was no Constitutional provision for states to secede from it. The Constitution was the rule of law, not public opinion or special interests or lobbyists with deep pockets. And THAT is what has been lost — we are operating without a standard. The current administration is no more than a reflection of that.
I like to think of an ideal democracy in the following terms
Four couples of friends go out to dinner and a movie
After the dinner three couple want to see Divergent
One couple wants to see Man of God, but the majority rules
In a Republic we vote for parties of politicians to represent our interests
Most democrats were very unhappy with Bush’s Middle East policies
So they voted in Obama to change those policies and practices
But when Obama got to the Oval office the people in power told him
That those policies/practices would not change in the foreseeable future
The Dream Fades is a great title for a great picture
Of a great man who was a great leader (IMO)
My guess is that if you put any president in my lifetime (65)
In the place of Lincoln above
We would think we were reading Mad magazine
Just looking at the picture, it would not go well for anyone to be placed by men, in such a high place/pedestal. Makes one wonder!
And if you actually read the words inscribed above Lincoln’s head, you might be surprised as well. Maybe I will post that picture.