Speaking Nonsense

Let those be turned back because of their shame
who say, “Aha, aha!” Psalm 70:3 NASB

Aha, aha – What do you do about those who seek your destruction, about those who ridicule your faith and despise God’s name? They might not be as blatant in their opposition as the enemies of David, but they are just as intent. They throw insults at you and your beliefs. They dismiss your obedience as so much legalism. They undermine your commitment whenever possible. And they tell you that you are stupid to act as though some ancient God from long ago has any demand on you.

These are the “aha” people. The Hebrew word is ha’ah, from the root habal, a word that suggests vanity, emptiness and worthlessness. You will find it in the famous lines of Ecclesiastes. Here it is used to describe the insult of your opponent, the one who thinks you are wasting your time and your energy on following this out-of-date religion. Your opponent considers your efforts worthless or worse. He tosses his hand in the air while he says, “What’s the matter with you, anyway. Don’t you see that none of this applies to you anymore? Why do you think you still have to follow some stupid regulation for the Jews?”

It’s quite interesting that the same word is used to describe the false gods of pagan religion. They are empty. They are vanity. They are worthless. In this psalm, those who claim to speak common sense are really speaking nonsense. Their words are the empty ones. Products of their own inventions, they have concluded that God’s revelation is limited by human progress. They have forgotten who they are and who He is, and in the process, they rationalize their disobedience with spiritual rhetoric not even the Accuser could improve. They have no shame.

But they will. The “Aha” will become a cry of agony when they awaken to the condemnation they have brought upon themselves. They will see the constancy of the Lord and know that their self-justified rejection of His instructions has led them to destruction. Their persuasive tomes will be open tombs when the God of Israel holds His count of accounts. Shame will cover them like a tsunami covers the islands. And they will be required to explain every word of nonsense, every ha’ah uttered in the face of God.

Oh, unhappy day. Oh, unhappy day. The day my rationalization was washed away.

Topical Index: aha, ha’ah, habal, worthlessness, empty, vanity, Psalm 70:3

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In high school and college, I was often ridiculed for being “HTT” (Holier than thou). Other “Christians” would accuse me of being arrogant and comparing me to the Pharisees because I believed that holiness was still required of those who claim to follow Yeshua. I offended quite a few “Christians” for pointing out the blasphemy of wearing a “WWJD” bracelet on the same hand they used to commit blatant sins against a perfect God. It’s sad that the ant-semetic teachings of the Christian church has so infected us that you cannot even strive to please the Father without “Christians” accusing you. Thank you for the word of encouragement that the “aha” will be turned against them in the day of judgement.


Thank you, Brian, for standing for and living out truth in the midst of your ENEMIES… the “church” of today.


What do we do about those… we continue to love them as our Saviour does that perchance some will see the error of their way and turn and be converted. For, it is not we that they are insulting but our Elohim and one day these insults will come back upon them for we must all stand before the judgement seat alone. One day each one will see what they have forfeited by not accepting the Saviour as we do.

So Skip, turn your face like flint and keep walking towards the kingdom wearing the fruits of obedience and along the way there will be others who join walking with you. Not the majority mind you. But remember, Yahshua saw the travail of His soul and was satisfied. Halleluyah!!


Judi Baldwin

Praise God for the remnant!!
Father, please help us to keep our eyes focused on You as we travel through this pagan world we live in. May we hold on tight to You and your Word. May we NEVER let go!


Mt 12:36 But I say unto you that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the Day of Judgment.

Skip what is an Idle word in this context? I have my opinion but would appreciate yours.


“those who claim to speak common sense are really speaking nonsense. Their words are the empty ones. Products of their own inventions, they have concluded that God’s revelation is limited by human progress.”
Absolutely PERFECT timing in ministering to my heart and encouraging me to keep on walking out God’s will and ways. Recently, our granddaughter has come to stay with us while her mom has much travel to complete in her new post at work. Neither the mother nor the granddaughter serve YHVH and are very clear (and ? proud) about that.
My granddaughter has had a “mixed” education her entire growing up years; I have homeschooled her (Biblical materials/world view) on and off since her pre-school years. She’d get a little bit of God and a ton of secular humanism in her return to public (anti-God government) schools and home. Then, she’d start having behavior problems or huge learning deficits and come back to Grandma. We’d gain a lot of ground and bam… mom would put her back in govt school because she didn’t want the responsibility of carrying out homeschool assignments/projects. While our daughter is mindful to respect our ways and never ridicule us, they live very different lives from us.

Granddaughter has a significant learning disability and some very unusual behaviors/perspectives of the world around her (?maybe high level Asperger’s). Therefore, my teaching and Special Education skills have been put to CHALLENGING use. This teaching that Skip offers today is THE EXACT TOPIC I had with Granddaughter about the secular, public school, anti-Biblical texts that she uses in her high school learning. (I’m right in the midst of the reading with her because of her learning disability.)

Thanks so much for this post at this exact time, Skip. YHVH knows EXACTLY what we each need and He provides in the most interesting ways!

Praise Him!

carl roberts

Truth and/or Consequences

The “Aha” Moment

~ For the choir director: A meditation; a psalm of David. Only fools say in their hearts, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, and their actions are evil; not one of them does good! ~ (Psalm 53.1)

~ The fool? Do “fools” still exist in today’s society? Sadly, yes.. – and there is no shortage either! But what is a fool according to the Bible? Hear the words of the parable: “Thou fool! – You fool! Tonight, your soul shall be required of you – for you have a date with death. None of us will ever see a hearse pulling a u-haul trailer. We came into this world (yes, the one we are living in) naked, and we will go out the very same way.

But who is the “greater” fool? The athiest? – or the agnostic? One who “out and out” denies the very existence of the “Creator and Sustainer of all things,” or is it the one who says, “Yes, there is a God, but “so what?”- I don’t care!

According to Solomon (only the second wised man who ever lived!) ~wisdom excels folly as light excels darkness ~ (Ecclessiastes 2.13) Light, – that which reveals? Or darkness, – that which conceals? ~ And men (foolish men) loved the darkness rather than the Light.. (why?) because their (foolish) deeds were (are) evil! ~ This is the condemnation! This is the judgment! ~ This is the test by which men are judged–the Light (praise God!) has come into the world.. ~

Once I was blind
but now I can see!!

The LIght of the world is Jesus!!

Ah.. but don’t listen to me! – Listen to Him! Listen! Listen to what He says!
(Should we? – Will we welcome the Word?)

~ When Yeshua spoke again to the people, He said, – “I AM the Light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light of life.” ~ (John 8.12)

What then is the wisest choice we can ever make?
Would what be the most foolish decision ever made?

This is His invitation: ~ follow Me ~ Be imitators of the Messiah as dear children, and walk in love.. ~ “Do as I do. Live, as I live. Love, as I have loved you.” We are to apprentice ourselves to the Master. And when we “do” these things? When we practice these things? What, are the consequences of our obedience? – And the answer is…??