More Baroque twisted thinking. When I hear Baroque, I think Cuban Charanga style music (Distinctives: violin & flute, no brass and lighter on the percussion). It was played using Baroque era flutes.
My son, Joel put on this presentation for a BIOLA music cultures class of his.
Beautiful! Love the drums, played with the hands, especially in Israeli music.
Brian Gerards
When seeing this beautiful pic I really do want to hear a Brandenburg Concerto with it.
Skip Moen, Ph.D.
Can you imagine the human effort needed to paint all of this on a ceiling 45 feet from the ground? The years it took to do it? The dedication? What would the world be like if the true followers of YHVH had that kind of commitment?
Funny, when I hear “Baroque” I think music, not art.
What’s the difference?
More Baroque twisted thinking. When I hear Baroque, I think Cuban Charanga style music (Distinctives: violin & flute, no brass and lighter on the percussion). It was played using Baroque era flutes.
My son, Joel put on this presentation for a BIOLA music cultures class of his.
Beautiful! Love the drums, played with the hands, especially in Israeli music.
When seeing this beautiful pic I really do want to hear a Brandenburg Concerto with it.
Can you imagine the human effort needed to paint all of this on a ceiling 45 feet from the ground? The years it took to do it? The dedication? What would the world be like if the true followers of YHVH had that kind of commitment?